Chapter 3 Tourist

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A ray of sunshine shone through the windows of the hotel room hitting Anya in the face, the sound of a bustling street where cars were driving and people walking and talking broke through the wall. Her room was on the first floor at the front side of the hotel, the room was a light blue color with a white bed and blue covers, on either side was nightstand with two lamps and a vase with a single rose. She opened her eyes slowly adjusting to the bright light with one hand she rubbed her eyes and blinked, she pushed the covers off of her and sat up on the bed. Her long dark blond hair fell over her shoulders and down her chest and back, she stood up and went up to one of the two big windows that was in the room. Last night she decided against pulling the curtains and slept with them open, as she stood in the window in her white t-shirt and powder pink shorts she looked out the window and down towards the street. Cars were driving by and people were out walking their dogs or strollers as others were heading to work, she kept looking as a light knock on the door drew her attention from the people outside.

"Come in" she turned around as the door opened and the older woman from yesterday stood in the doorway.

"Good morning Dear, I hope u slept well?" Mrs Johnson a woman in her mid 60s had greeted her with a warm smile and given her a room, she is also the one that went out of her way to go outside to give her this beautiful rose on the night stand. At first Anya was against it she didn't want the old lady to go outside in the cold because of her in the middle of the night, but she had been persistent and Anya had no other choice to let the lady do what she wanted.

"Yes I have" Anya said in a chirpy and happy voice. Mrs Johnson gave a heartly laugh one that reminds you of your grandma.

"That's good to hear, I'm about to serv breakfast if you want to join the others?" she looked at Anya with a warm smile.

"Yes, I'm just going to make myself a bit more presentable. I will be down in just a sec!" Anya looked down at herself as she stood there in her nightwear.

"Take your time, breakfast will be served in 20 min" Mrs Johnson nodded and closed the door, Anya heard her leave down the hallway as she reached for the covers of the bed.

She closed the door and turned around and headed towards the dining room, she walked towards the entrance and the reception. The double door on the left side of the entrance opened and a boy around 10 stood there, he looked up at her and then proceeded to walk past her. She went up to the doors and pushed one of them open, on the other side of the door was a fairly large room with a few tables and chairs. In the middle of the room was a table that was a bit bigger then the rest it looked like they had put tables together to create a bigger one, around that table sat 3 men 1 woman and a little girl. A door opened and Mrs Johnson walked out with a tray in her hands on that tray was milk, butter, jam, eggs and more. She walked up to the table and put it down and brushed her hands off on the apron that she was wearing, Mrs Johnson looked at Anya and gestured to her to take a seat.

"Dig in, here Anya" Mrs Johnson pulled out a chair next to her, Anya went over and sat down.

"This is Anya she arrived late last night" everyone greeted her with a hello and introduced them self, the door in to the dining room opened and the boy walked in. The boy sat down and as on que everyone started to dig in.

"What plans do u have to day Anya?" Mrs Johnson sipped on her tea as she talked to her, Anya swallowed the piece of egg in her mouth and answered.

"I was thinking about taking a look around see if I find anything interesting" she picked up her glass and took a sip.

"Well if you aren't coming back to the Hotel for lunch I suggest you go to Macie's she makes the best of everything you can eat, and you should also go to the park it is beautiful this time of the year, oh, and the library. It is the oldest building in this town and has every story from when this town was built." Mrs Johnson looked at her with a smile and continued to sip her tea.

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