Chapter Twelve

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I print the document and check the time. The wall clock screams 10:25 am. It is still early and I am in no rush to see Ledger. I have enough time to go for a walk.

I have to submit the report today. I still can't believe I am listening to that asshole's orders. Today my plan activates though.

I put my white blazer on again and locked my office on my way out. It is time for my plan to take action. It is not that big of a plan really nor is it that dangerous. But it is a direct violation of the rules.

I guess Greyson's threats didn't do enough damage. I reach the ground floor and exit The Pentagon through The River Terrace.

As I was opening my car door a sense of awareness hit me. Is someone watching me? I take a look around. At the entrance of The Pentagon stands the military's tiger. Matheo.

He is not even hiding himself. He is openly staring. I didn't realize how tall and muscular he was last time.

While Greyson represents elegance and royalty, Matheo represents wildness and rebellion. While Greyson polishes his shoes, Matheo wears boots. Greyson wears suits, and Matheo wears leather jackets.

Matheo's entire personality represents a soldier. Why am I comparing them?

Focus! You fool.

Matheo doesn't move but I am not waiting for him to. I get in the car and drive away. There is no way he knows where I am going and even if he somehow magically did, he doesn't try to stop me.

After a while, I pull into the parking lot of TalkTV headquarters. I didn't agree on an interview time with the employer but she said I could come whenever I wanted. I walk in and speak to the receptionist.

She directed me to the employer's office. When I reached there, the employer shook my hand and took me to be interviewed by Norman Fisherman.

I sit in the same seat Rachel sat in a few days ago.

"Today's interview is special, ladies and gentlemen. Extremely special," he says to the camera.

"Our guest is no other than the lead investigator in Joe Windsor's murder, Adeline West." He tabs rapidly on the glass desk to make up for the silence in the studio.

"It is one long-awaited episode now isn't it." He laughs his signature smile and turns to me. I don't know which camera of the dozens here is recording me but I know they switched to me.

I smile at Norman. "First of all, how are you? Adeline." I bite my tongue to resist correcting him. "I am very well, thank you Norman."

"Tell us, what is it like to be the lead investigator in such a widely known case." He is referring to my young age, but I don't think I am young. I think I am too old to be called by my first name.

"It is a tough job when everyone is trying to do your work for you." I laugh and he falls in sync.

"We can't help but add our input on such mysteries. We apologize if our love for crime has made your job harder." He shuffles his papers and then fully turns to me. Question time.

"So tell us, with the government's unlimited resources and your incredible skill, you have the upper hand in this case. you might as well know my shoe size!" he laughs like the entertainer that he is.

I chuckle along "I sure do! but to answer your question. Of course, having the government's help is a big plus. Sometimes though, these big pluses can not be granted."

The Pentagon ParadoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora