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Service was over for the day. The pastor decided to share some drinks and pastries for everyone because they were weary and hungry. After everyone has gone Manuel went to Sir Eben to apologise for what happened on stage. Sir Eben looked at him in disgust and said, "I'm so ashamed of you. You told me you're a rapper, and this is what you did? Tarnishing my image in front of everyone."

He continued, "I'm known for training people who today they're in the gospel industry taking gospel rap to the next level. And here you are, unstable as an ocean wave. Having a tender and a weak heart to prove yourself. You're never going to be a superstar. Now, get out of my sight! I've had enough of you."

Nick and Gabriel saw what happened and went straight to him to help him. Gabriel said to Manuel, "Forget about all what he said. He's just frustrated. He doesn't mean a thing he said." Manuel replied, "He meant it bro. He meant every single word. Didn't you tell me I shouldn't go and mess up on stage or else that'd be the end of me? This is it! This is the end of me guys. I'm not going to be the next lecrae, the next Hulvey, or even Dax. I've ended my music career. I've given up." Nick tried convincing him not to give up because of a one day show he messed up.

Manuel replied, "I've been through enough already before facing this issue currently. I've got an exam I failed and I'd have to pass that one and leave this school for good. Period!" He left their presence and went to get something to eat. He got to the cafeteria and people began to imitate his fear on stage. He turned a blind eye and Michelle even came laughing and asking what happened. He turned a blind eye and did left them hanging.

Someone else came calling him 'The next Lecrae.' Manuel could not hold it any longer and gave the person a heavy punch and had a tooth broken. He held him by the shirt and pushed him to the wall, warned him never to call him that or he will regret ever crossing his path. Quickly people came around and separated them to prevent any further damage. Now everyone was steady and careful not to cross the path of Manuel any longer.

It was time for class even though that day was not pronounced for class. The Information Technology teacher wanted to meet his students to their last meeting. He was surprised his best student Manuel was not in class. He asked of him and Nick told the teacher Manuel was not feeling well. Michelle turned and asked, "Of what? Stage fright!" And everyone including her burst into laughter. The teacher wondered what was happening but Nick told the teacher he will tell him after class.

Nick said to himself, "I wish Manuel was here to see for himself. Michelle does not even feel bad for what happened to Manuel. She is joining in the mockers in the mockery of Manuel." After class was over Nick explained everything to the teacher and they decided to pay Manuel a visit. For a moment Manuel thought the teacher was going to scold him but rather he came to encourage him to push further. The teacher promised he and Nick that he is going to link him up with some of the known gospel artiste in the industry after he heard their audio of their rap.


Annette got out of her dormitory early in the morning reminiscing what happened to Manuel yesterday. She felt so sad and felt like having a talk with him. She came out and spotted Manuel around the classroom block. He called out his name and he turned to see who was calling only to realise it was Annette. She quickly run to him and hugged him tightly. Manuel was wondering what on earth was going on. Annette refrained and turned away her face in shyness.

Manuel said to her, "It's okay don't worry. I needed one of those to calm me down. Anyways, what brings you here?"
Annette answered, "You know...I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I understand it's not easy to be on the stage in front of the whole student body with teachers and big dignitaries. I'm here to say that even though it didn't go as expected I'm proud of you. No matter the mockery I'm still proud of you."

Manuel thanked her so much and told her he has already dealt with it. She reached out to her bag and gave him a box with a gift in it. She said, "This is the little I could do for such an amazing person like you. I hope you'll love it.....I guess I'd have to go. We'll talk later." Manuel went to the classroom to open the gift since no one was there. He opened it and it was a golden watch and a piece of a written letter.

It said, "Hey Manny, I'd like to apologise for whatever happened in the past. I never knew you were such an amazing person. The influence of made me to act that way until I went too far with you. I deeply regret this from the depth of my heart. I do have feelings for you still but I don't know of you since you're now moving on with Michelle. Even if this doesn't work out I'm gonna help you to be whatever you want to be. I wish you the best😊❤️." Manuel went speechless after reading the letter and did not know what to do. He had mixed emotions but at the same time happy Annette had a change of mind.

Meanwhile Annette got to the entrance of her room and coincidentally met Michelle. Michelle said to her, "I saw you go into the school. I guess you went to meet Manuel?" Annette replied, "Yeah. I went to give something to him." Michelle asked with a grimaced look, "What did you go to give him? Tell me!" Annette replied, "That's none of your business...it's not like you have anything to offer him." This stirred up a serious argument in the dormitory with one word after another.

Michelle said, "I've got my melons and  backside to offer. They're bigger than yours. What do you have to offer?" Annette was astonished with her statement and said, "You claim to be a Christian and all you have to offer to a man is that? Sigh! You're a hypocrite!, you're a whore...." Michelle in anger slapped Annette and said, "See who's calling me a whore. Weren't you part of those girls who used guys for their monies. Tell me!" Annette replied, "Yes I used to do those stuffs but everyone now can testify that I'm no more into such things. I'm now living a decent life unlike you."

Michelle began to mimic her with her words and making fun of her. Michelle said, "I offer my body to him and he pays for it. He's my Mr. Otua because women are not meant to suffer." Annette was heart broken and sad after she heard those words from her. She said, "I wish Manuel was here to listen to those words of yours. He'll regret ever meeting someone like you who portrayed the life of a Christian to him. You're such a whore." She left Michelle's sight and went to her room.

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