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Manuel was a rapper and he wrote songs too. Yet he decided to hide himself so he would not be known. He wrote a rap lyrics and showed it to his colleague friend Nick. Nick too was also a rapper too. Nick actually was surprised to know that Manuel was also a rapper. They ended up collaborating together to write a song.

Unknowingly the school prefect Arnold stopped by when he heard them rap. He began to enjoy the rap and he took his phone to record them. After they were done he sent it to every student in the school. Everyone was eager to know which people were performing the track.

Manuel heard some students playing the track and he realised it was the track he and Nick collaborated on. Manuel in tension went to Nick and asked if he was the one who recorded and sent it to the student body. Nick told him he is not responsible for what is going on and ge is even shocked such a thing has happened. In the moment of wondering Arnold came around and told them he is responsible for this.

Manuel and Nick got furious with him because he did not consult them before he posted their track online. Manuel went straight at Arnold and said, "You know what? I have suffered enough and more or less to let my name be known in the school. I'm not ready for fame and....." Arnold replied, "Bro hold on. I never knew you wouldn't want your name to go far....I was just trying to help." Nick said, "Thanks bro for the damage caused." And they left Arnold.

They went out only for them to be met by a few guys who requested to give them a freestyle. They tried escaping but to no avail. Manuel gave his freestyle likewise Nick. Everyone began to praise them for their freestyle act. Yet it was a frustration to Manuel and Nick.

They went out and Michelle met Manuel and said, "Manny, I heard you're a rapper and you're trending all over the school." Manuel replied saying, "Yes, thanks to Arnold." Michelle said, "But it's not anything bad. It's a positive sign. At least you'll get someone to support you in diverse ways." Manuel replied, "You know what? You guys should stop it. I'm tired of all this hullabaloo. I'm not ready to be famous or popular. I failed my exams that's why I came here. I have to recover everything through studies and studies only to only. You guys should let me be."

Manuel and Nick left her presence and Michelle was astonished with what he said. Nick said to Manuel, "'ve put the girl in shock. You actually don't act towards her like that, do you?" And he watched Manuel with a side eye. Manuel replied saying, "Well yeah I haven't. I just don't want to get into trouble often with students and teachers."

Nick went on to say that he has been seeing him with Michelle often. And thus he went on to ask if he is interested in her. Manuel went on to deny of he being interested in her but Nick refused to believe him because everything about him showed he was interested. Manuel later admitted that he has a keen interest in her but he is not ready to go into a relationship with her.

Nick said, "But she looks like a good and a responsible woman. At least you can try your luck on her. It would be that bad." Manuel replied, "Yeah bro, but I still need time to investigate her to make the right decision. I don't want to do something I'll regret later." Nick agreed with what Manuel said and decided to help him on this.

After a while Manuel went to Sir Jeremy and asked if he will get anyone to help him with his music. Sir Jeremy directed him to a teacher named Eben. Eben was a teacher who was involved in arts and drama in school. Manuel felt that was the perfect person to help him in his rap. Sir Eben was excited to see Manuel also into rap. The discrepancies were that Sir Eben was a guy who was hard whiles Manuel was a calm guy who did not want trouble for himself.

Manuel still went in and Sir Eben made him to start rapping. Manuel started and the girls around began to take a good long gaze at him. All of a sudden Manuel felt shy because he felt they were brooding over him. All the girls chorused, "Awww..." Manuel quickly got up and left to the classroom. Nick saw him enter the class quickly and asked why he entered so quickly. Manuel narrated everything to him and he burst into laughter.

THAT'S MY REGRET Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora