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It was the dawn of the day and it was time for devotion between the house masters and the students. Manuel was selected to preach his message to them all. Manuel touched on the message titled "Love" from the book of 1 Corinthians 13. He preached the message and almost everyone was touched with it. He was amazed at what he did and how he had the confidence to preach for lives to be touched. The house master came and laid hands on him and blessed him to be one of the great ministers of the country throughout the world.

During school time Manuel was excited to meet Michelle just to tell her how well his message during devotion went. She went through the message he preached and she said, "No wonder they're trying to make you an elder." Manuel sighed and shrugged that off. They changed the topic and began to discuss about knowing each other.

Out of nowhere Annette passed by them and gave a sarcastic cough and said, "Couple of the year." Manuel replied saying, "Annette we aren't dating okay!...we're just friends." Annette gave him a side eye and said, "I wasn't referring to you dear...I just said it in the air." And she went her way. Michelle made Manuel to understand that's how her classmates are and he should not be alarmed with such statements.

After a long day at school of class upon class the day finally ended and Manuel decided to speak to Annette to address on certain things. Annette saw Manuel and hugged him tightly. After they refrained he asked her why she started to talk to him all of a sudden. She paused for a while and said,"Well...I actually do miss you and I feltvwhat I did to you actually was not right so yeah...I apologise." Manuel told her to forget about what happened and to let by gones be by gones.

Annette said, "Hey! I heard Saturday is entertainment. Would you like to go?" Manuel replied no for answer. Annette said, "Oh come on Manuel, it's just one night. It's not like there'd be entertainment the whole day. This won't taunt your Christian faith. You've to release stress from your much studies." Manuel then said, "Well let's see if it'd be possible."


It was Friday after school and it was time for sports. Surprisingly the Mathematics teacher who was also called Sir Manuel closed the gate for no one to go out but to participate in sports. Manuel knew he was an average player in football thus, he decided to play football with girls to show just impress them he was a real footballer. He played and dribbled them, gave them a nutmeg and even scored a hat trick.

Manuel then decided to go and play with the boys and his nutmeg turned to a nightmare. He was injured and had to limp on and on. He was mocked by both teachers and students for being the worst player on the pitch and being injured on top of it. Manuel swore to himself he won't allow any of his foot to touch a ball for the rest of his life.

It was a Saturday morning and Manuel went to his classroom to go and study. The environment was serene and it was a conducive place to study. The serenity lasted until the thirtieth minute when Sir Jesse, Sir Comrade, Monsieur Daniel and Sir Sam came around to gather students for aerobics. Out of the blue they brought the spinners and speakers for music and Manuel was disturbed at the fact that he is going to be interrupted with studies.

Sir Jesse saw Manuel and mocked him for studying. Manuel looked confused with what Sir Jesse just did. For Sir Jesse would be same person who will come to the class and lash people for failing to answer a question he has posed to them. After a while Alima came with her colleagues and said, "Bro, what's all this?" In reply Manuel said, "What's all what?" She said, "What's all this studying? You wanna tell us we ain't serious or what? Look, no student is studying and the teachers are even having fun with us. Come on bro, you've gotta relax."

Manuel went out and Meshach(his study partner) called him out to have fun. Well Manuel agreed to play throw and catch since he promised for his foot not to touch the ball. He did quite well with the throw and the catch. At least that was far better than the ball he played with the boys.

Manuel got tired and decided to go get a chilled malt. Manuel bought the malt and just as he was about to drink Sir Sam called him. Sir Sam was with Alima and some other girls under a nim tree. Sir Sam took the malt and he drank it and also told Manuel to go in the midst of girls around. Sir Sam's intention was to use this situation to befriend Manuel, yet Manuel was not that type of person you could befriend easily.

Manuel went on to buy another drink and this time tried to escape him. Alima asked Sir Sam why he did that and in reply he said he sees Manuel to be too calm, he wants to aggravate the hard side of him.

Manuel looked really tired and was limping as well with the injury he had. He decided to take a nap for a while before the IT teacher Mr. George comes to teach them. Mr. George came and saw Manuel limping and he asked him if everything was okay. Manuel explained everything to him and Mr. George felt sorry for him and told him to go and rest. Yet Manuel insisted he will stay to be thought. Everyone was settled and the lesson went on till it was over.

The sun settled to go and rest and the moon gave its glorious beauty accompanied with the stars. People were excited for entertainment Jams. Manuel went to his room only to find his room mates putting on all kinds of perfume, and different kinds of clothes.

Manuel just got his normal clothes on for the entertainment they were going to have. On his way to the school compound Annette called out and run to give Manuel a letter and run back to her dormitory. Manuel opened the letter and it said," Hey baby boo. I hope you have a great night. The entertainment starts at 6:30 and ends at 9:00.(in case you don't know). I want you to meet me at the uncompleted building behind our dormitory at 7:30. I want us to discuss about something that's been troubling me for a while. And I know you're the perfect person to help me. Please come around🙏🏾"

Manuel took note of the letter and decided to go and meet her around that time. Michelle came around and was astonished to see Manuel around. Michelle first gave him a compliment for his outfit and he also reciprocated the same to her. Manuel realised Michelle came with her two other colleagues and Manuel asked Michelle who those girls are. Michelle called them and introduced them to him. One was named Vashti and the other was named Lydia. Lydia was actually the main entertainment prefect but she acted as the laissez-faire leader.

After a little conversation Manuel went for a stroll in the room which seemed like a club with all kinds of unholies of unholies. Manuel could not believe with his eyes what he saw and quickly went outside. His alarm rang on his watch and it was 7:30 and he went on his way to meet Annette.

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