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It came to pass that Manuel saw Vashti and his heart was kindled with anger. He began to hate himself for ever getting closer to her. Vashti saw Manuel and went straight to hug him in the open. Manuel tried to act in a way not to disgrace her in the open. He refrained and quickly run. Vashti called him out and he pretended to tell her he is going somewhere.

Vashti scoffed and said to herself, "He knows I'm a prophetess sent from the kingdom of darkness. But it's not over.....your downfall is surely on the way." She went to the classroom and looking at people in a queer manner. People began to discuss about how Vashti looks at people with a strange look.

She wanted to unleash his witchcraft on the people in the classroom but Magdalena cautioned her to calm down until the time us right. Michelle began to wonder why all this was going on. She went on to ask Vashti but Vashti refused to tell her what was happening. Suddenly she left Michelle's presence and went to her room and stayed in till it was middle of the night.

She got up during the night to go for the meeting the witches have. Michelle began to wonder why Vashti went out so late at night. She followed her closely and saw her with Magdalena and others gathered and discussing about how they are going to destroy the lives of many. Michelle decided to eavesdrop to their discussion.

Magdalena began to speak saying, "Vashti! You're making yourself too obvious for people to see you're working for us. Don't you know you're to hide your identity?" Vashti replied in plea saying, "My Lady, not even the powerful prophet in the B class, the school's pastor or the others know." Magdalena fumed in anger and shouted, "Then how come Manuel and Gabriel have gotten to know? How come today due to the way people were looking at you you wanted to do something stupid."

"Now listen to me here...If our identity is revealed over here you're screwed. And who told you those prophets don't know? Some know but they aren't gonna reveal it for everyone to know. Sigh! You have to go back to the kindergarten witchcraft school. You're messing everything up for me."

Vashti began to plead to get another chance and this time she will make up for the loss. Magdalena held her neck and reminded her of how he almost got the chance to destroy Gabriel and totally messed up by not accepting his proposal to date her. And now his brother would come in and fight her. She continued to fume vigorously like a best and Vashti gave a suggestion to bring an epidemic to the whole school.

Magdalena angrily took a knife to silence her and one of the subordinates told Magdalena that was the perfect idea. She explained saying, "If we bring an epidemic of sickness which the hospitals would find it difficult to trace the source of the sickness."

One of them replied saying, "Won't that alert the Christians to pray more and destroy our works." Vashti said, "Christians? Who are the Christians? A bunch of them are hypocrites. Their prayers doesn't even touch the ceiling. Come on, this sickness will cause their zeal to come down and bring distractions to what they're to focus on."

Michelle heard this and her heart began to faint. She tried escaping but sadly she tripped and fell. She got up quickly and left leaving her slippers outside. Magdalena heard someone tripped and fell. She and her contemporaries went out to check who was spying on them. Vashti saw a pair of slipper and she saw that it was Michelle.

The others were worried she has caught them. Vashti made them to calm down and assured them that she is going to use her to destroy the lives of some people. They objected with what she said but she made them know she is pretending to be God fearing so she will get people to love and praise her.

Vashti said, "We can go in for her and use her." They were still wondering but she continued, "Jesus said that the prince of the world which is the devil coming but he cannot find anything in him. So we can have the chance to manipulate people against others only when they have something in them that belongs to us."

They clearly understood and after they gathered in their coven. They made some enchantments and incantations to attack and inflict sicknesses to others starting with the guys. Their laughter began to emerge so quickly as they began to fire sickness to the students.

Meanwhile, Michelle quickly went to her room panting with fear. She began to pray seriously out of fear and thus, she found it difficult to sleep. After a while Vashti entered and immediately Michelle got up and asked where she has been. Vashti said to her that she went to pray. Michelle was put back in shock. Vashti pretended to not know why she acted that way.

She then gave Michelle her slippers claiming she found it outside. Michelle quickly took the slippers from her and turned straight to sleep on her bed. Vashti said, "Becareful you don't get burnt with the fire you're playing with." Michelle's heart skipped with fear and sat on her bed wondering about their plans to hurt innocent people who have not wronged them.

The next morning which was on a Saturday Michelle quickly went out and saw Manuel entering the classroom. She then stopped Manuel and gave him a hug with strong panting. Manuel was wondering why she was panting like someone was after her. Manuel asked her, "Michy, what's the problem? Who's after you?"

Michelle and Manuel sat down to discuss what actually was going on. Michelle then began to tell Manuel what happened in the night when she sneaked out to see where Vashti was going late that night. Michelle also made it known to Manuel the plans they have to inflict diseases upon the student body. He also told Manuel about the warning Vashti gave her and at the moment she is scared. She begged Manuel to continually support her in prayers and also not to let anyone else in the school come to know about it.

Manuel could not say a word after what he heard. He was numb for a lot of minutes and could not believe about what he heard. He went outside still thinking about it. During the period where he was thinking about it Gabriel came to him and asked if everything is alright.

Manuel could not keep it to himself any longer and told Gabriel all that Michelle has said to him. Gabriel was surprised with what he heard and said, "This girls have made up their minds not to give up on destroying the lives of innocent people. We've got to do something." "What?" Manuel replied. Gabriel continued, "We have to build a strong capacity in God's word and prayer. We all have a duty to perform as Christians. If these people have gathered we too have to gather and pray."

Manuel replied saying, "Bro...I'll caught....Michelle will say I've betrayed her." Gabriel made it known to him that prayers must be lifted up for the safety and the lives of many.

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