Ch. 41: No Choice

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Ryne gave him a look that said he clearly didn't believe him. There was a thump. Grayson swore, then threw his weight against the door again. The door didn't budge. It was locked, Isaac realized; Eris had trapped them in the room.


"Grayson!" Penny cried.

She was still unspooling golden thread, her body trembling with the effort. Every vein in her neck stood out. Grayson whirled. "What?"

Penny kicked a soldier. "Use the thing!"

He hesitated. "Not like... the thing?"


Grayson shook his head. "It's too dangerous!"

"We have no other choice." Penny dodged a throwing knife. "Do it. Now."

Ryne cut through an attacking soldier. Blood peppered his face. "I have no idea what the hell you're talking about, Gray, but listen to Penny!"

Grayson groaned. "You're going to regret this."

He drew something out of his pocket. The object was small and round, wrapped with copper wires. Isaac's heartbeat picked up. He'd seen that object before. It belonged to Tristan, who'd described it as the "use-only-in-emergency-bomb."

Grayson's face tensed. "Everyone, down!"

He threw the explosive.

The world shattered. Isaac leapt, half-tackling Camille to the floor. Plaster rained down, dusting them in chalky snow. A strange ringing began in his ears. Isaac half-rose to his knees, his body trembling. He gripped her shoulders.

"Are you okay?" Isaac's voice sounded muffled. "Are you hurt?"

Camille shook her head. Her brown eyes were wide enough that he could make out the ring of gold that ran around the edges. She was saying something — well, her lips were moving, at any rate — but Isaac couldn't make out the words. Everything sounded strange, as if they were speaking underwater.

"Go!" Hands grabbed his shoulders. "Go, go, go!"

Isaac ran.

He pulled Camille through the castle, skirting around old pianos and potted plants. He'd been to Helos Castle only a handful of times, and his memory of the layout was fuzzy at best. There were a lot of sky bridges. And a lake. That was all he recalled.

"This way!" Ryne called.

He ushered them into a narrow tower. Anna went first, then Penny and Grayson, followed by Camille. Isaac brought up the rear. They plunged outside, traversing stone bridges. The cold air stung his cheeks. He could hear arrows whizzing at them from all sides, and Isaac ducked, years of training kicking in.

Head down.

Another bridge.

Zigzag to make it harder.


Change your pace. Don't let them anticipate what you're about to do.

Ryne led them to another staircase. Isaac shook his head.

"They're pushing us up," he called.

Ryne's face was grim. "We have no choice. Keep climbing."

"And then what?" Isaac bent over, gasping for air. "There's no way down from the roof. We're sitting ducks."

Ryne turned for the stairs. "Better than dead ones."

They took the steps two-at-a-time, hurtling towards the roof. A stitch grew in his side. A bloody annoying side effect, Isaac thought, pressing his hand to his ribcage, of being imprisoned for months on end.

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