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Attraction. A word used when one person is physically attracted to another person. They can be attracted to the other because of good looks, or that the things that they do are really attractive. Basically when one person is horny for another person. Some mistake attraction for emotion. While some mistake emotions for attraction.


If all I do is sleep, eat and go to school. How come I'm always tired, hungry and and failing?
And how come my mind is messed up after overthinking the events of yesterday? This is so annoying.

I slowly get out of bed, hoping today will be normal, cuz yesterday was definitely not one.
I brush my teeth and put on a

(Don't really have the energy to describe what the outfit is so here ya go, btw the shoes are included)

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(Don't really have the energy to describe what the outfit is so here ya go, btw the shoes are included)

I put my hair in a pony tail and go down stairs to see Austin and mom eating at the breakfast table. Dad must have left for work already. I sit down with them, "morning honey" "morning mom, morning loser." "Austin slowly looks up from his plate "Do I seem like a mirror?" "You and your 3rd grade comebacks dude, cracks me up." He rolls his eyes and goes back to eating again.

"Austin can you give her a ride to school today?" Mom asks him. "What no. Why can't you do it?" "I'm already running late for work" "well the spoiled brat can walk". "Dude we go to the same school why can't you just give me a ride it's not that hard jeez" "shut up" "Austin why are you being mean to your sister? Your brother used to give you rides to school when he was here, so try to be more like him and be a good brother." "Well he can come back from college and give her a ride I ain't doin nothing for this little brat". I was gonna say something but mom already throws a death glare "...fine dude whatever". I smile at him "ayy nice."

"HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO GET A DAMN BACKPACK". Austin yells from downstairs. "2 MINUTES GIMME 2 DAMN MINUTES I CAN'T FIND MY PHONE- oh, here it is". I run downstairs with my backpack and my phone.

"Finally dude" "shut up you didn't wait THAT long". "Ungrateful brat" I get in the passenger seat and he starts the car. "Sooooo" "spit it out" "How's your friend". "The fuck, which friend?" "I mean the one that came over yesterday... I forgot his name". Great, pretending you forgot his name but knowing damn well you already stalked his social media till 3 am last night.

"Oh you mean Skye? What about him?" "Just asking how he is". "Why do you wanna know how he is, plus he just came over yesterday how do you expect him to be dingus?" "Damn you need to take a chill pill it ain't that big of a deal". "Whatever" After about 4 minutes we arrive at school.

Sprinting through the hallways, running to class. The bell rang 5 minutes ago. And the fact that it's Mrs.Assmans class does not make it better. I just know she's gonna chew me out. I enter the classroom while she was teaching, she looks at me and shoots a death glare. Fucking hell. "Ms.Rivera, mind telling me whh you got here 5 minutes after thr bell rang" "sorry the traffic was bad today" "your house is 5 minutes away, at what timr exactly did you leave your house?" "Im truly sorry ma'am it won't happen again". "It better not, take a seat". I swear to god the amount of self control I need not to strangle this bitch. After class everyone sprints out of the classroom and the hallways are filled with people. I was walking to my locker as I see Zariah talking to a new guy. I jump on her as soon as I see her and hug her "OMGG WHEN DID YOU GET BACK??"

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