Chapter 16

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"So, have you already thought of baby's names?", Mom asks Mya and I as we're all having desert at the big table. Mya next to me almost chokes on the pie while I freeze on spot.

"Mom, she's seventeen", I blurt out at the same time she replies: "Yeah, we've also started building the crib for our baby Vesper."

"Vesper? That's a wonderful name", Mom decides to listen to her and not me. "How did you come to it?"

"We didn't...", I try to correct but Mya's mood says otherwise: "We wanted to go for Lewis or Levi for a boy, since our baby will know all the F1 names by the age of one."

I don't know if I should believe that or not.

"Formula One?", Dad intervenes. Grandma is meanwhile laughing herself hoarse in a corner of a room, enjoying her apple pie with her favorite tea. Vanessa even gave Mya a copy of Grandma's favorite books for her to gift her. "That's a lovely sport, you must be very proud of your brother."

"I am", Mya replies, no sign of doubt. "I am very proud."

"However", Dad continues, "We can't have our grandson other granddaughter a formula one driver. Someone needs to continue the legacy."

"Trust me, they'll be reading the constitution by the age of two", my best friend continues teasing. "By the age of five they could lead court trials."

"We knew you were the right one, Mya", my Mom tells her.

I am so close to searching directions to the closest wall.

"Mother, I insist, leave my girlfriend alone."

"Lukas, but we were only talking", she counters.

I look at Mya, her eyes telling me she's fine and she mentally prepared herself for this evening. Nevertheless, I take the hand she was holding on her thigh in mine, and give it a squeeze, not letting her go, to tell her I'm with her. She smiles at me and continues looking at my parents.

"Do you see yourself staying at home as a mother?", Mom continues.

"Mom, that's enough", I hiss.

"No, I don't", Mya answers. "I will obviously be taking care of my children and offering them all the love I can. They will be the most important for me and I will raise them after the morals and principles my brother and I have been raised after. But I would also like to pursue my career, by studying Law at Harvard, then working along my Father at his company."

"This is wonderful", Dad lets out. "A partnership in the bloom."

Mya almost raises an eyebrow, making it clear her Father is more likely to ship my parents overseas than make a partnership with them. Especially after what they said about his wife. Truth to be told, Mya seems as happy as Adam about a partnership.

"Will you be staying in New York?", they continue interrogating her.

"After college, maybe. I don't know. Let's see where it will all take me."

Mom looks happier than ever as she adds. "Anyway, you two will make wonderful babies. Given your genes."

Alexa, I might really need that wall. Or the highway. Or a very high bridge.

Mya empties about a half of the glass of champagne in front of her, and I know she only drinks when feeling absolutely down and flashes a polite smile. "Can't wait to get started."

I regret taking a sip from my champagne for I spit it all out on the table. Grandma starts laughing harder, while my parents look shocked, and frankly, very angry. Mya's mouth is minimally twitched. "That's what happens when you talk sex with him. He gets really excited."

I'm sure that if she could choose between a comedy show and this, my Grandma would choose this.

My parents look at the two of us, not even knowing what to say. My best friend only stands up, takes my hand, and without having to ask me before, I follow her outside the room.

"Where are you going?", my parents ask.

"To get started on some offsprings", Mya answers. "Baby Vesper won't make itself."

My parents remain frozen, but not really pissed. As if the offspring would actually be a good idea.
"Please tell me we're not actually doing that", I whisper to her as she leads me to my room. I might love the shit out of her, but she's like my sister. We occasionally kiss on the mouth for the show, but I would never dare touch her. Not like that.

"Relax", she answers winking. "We have a date with cinnamon rolls and Suits"

"My favorite series?", I can't help but ask.

She nods. "Figured you could use it."

"You're amazing", I tell her.

"Save that for the bed, baby", she teases back.

I have to chuckle as we close the door and hop on the bed, but only to open Netflix and start bingeing.

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