Chapter 7 - hips

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Johnnie opened his eyes and closed them as fast as he opened them, he felt like someone hit him over the head with a brick. Or multiple.

He rolled over realizing he was in his own bed with no memory of the night before and his shoes on the floor and his pants on the other side of his room.(a/n get your head out of the gutter. No)

He must have been black out drunk because he does not even remember coming home. He just remembers going.

A knock. "Come- ya what" Johnnie said groggily not even being able to form a coherent sentence.

Jake peeked his head in the door " g'morning sleepy head" Jake said smiling, pointing at Johnnie's hair.

"Yep not good morning" Johnnie said squinting up at Jake who was now standing in front of his bed.

"Here, you want these." Jake said opening his palm to reveal some medicine to cure his horrible headache.

Johnnie took them popping them in his mouth and swallowing without any water, his Adams's apple moving along with the pills.

Jake was just staring at Johnnie smirking.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Jake asked confidently.

"Barely but I have an...idea of what- could have happened." Johnnie said looking up at Jake.

"How about I remind you." Jake said putting his finger under Johnnie's chin, lifting his head to look Jake in the eye.

"Yeah.. that's a good-" Johnnie almost got the last word out but Jake quickly learned in, in patient to have last nights events replayed, sober.

Johnnie kissed Jake slowly this time, grabbing up at his hips due to Johnnie still sitting-ish on his bed. Jake slightly pushed Johnnie back not taking his lips off Johnnie's, so he could crawl on the bed on top of Johnnie more comfortably.

Jake was straddling Johnnie's lap, one hand still on Johnnie's face, the other on his neck reaching for his hair.

Johnnie pulled away to breath, he turned them so Johnnie was now sitting in Jake's lap, his hands still on Jake's hips pushing him down as he reached back up to Jake's lips.

After a bit they pulled apart, Johnnie's hands now just in Jake's hair playing with it, running his finger through it, still sitting in Jake's lap like a toddler. They were just happy, smiling at each other.

"Why did this never happen sooner?" Jake asked Johnnie.

"I didn't know you felt the same Jake." Johnnie said shrugging with a down turned smile.

AN sorry for not posting a update and sorry this chapter is short, I was planning to end it at the last chapter butttt you guys are enjoying it a lot so I'll keep trying to post if I come up with ideas! I'm just bad at writing this type of relationship stuff! But tysm for all the support! 1K??? That's crazy ty

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