Chapter 5 - the sink counter

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"No dude! Seriously-" Jake trailed off walking through his front door telling Johnnie something funny obviously by the way they were laughing.

"Heyy guyss" Tara says in a sarcastic voice flapping her eyelashes.

Jake still at the door taking his shoes off "oh hey Tara! How long you been here?" Jake asks

"Oh not too long don't worry about it, where were you two" she says smiling.

"Target!" Johnnie's said one foot on the ground the other trying to tug his boot off his foot dramatically.

"Wow you did not come in the door with a bunch of useless shit, that's a miracle!" Tara said, joking.

"Nah we decided not to film a video just hang out." Jake said walking over to the couch were Tara was sitting, Johnnie right behind him.

"So lady, we filming this thrift video orrrr?" Jake asked Tara.

"Yes!" Tara and Jake both messed around with cameras and equipment for a bit then they were right back out the door leaving Johnnie on the couch alone with his thoughts.(not like he wanted to go, enough socializing for one day).


When Jake came back through the door of their house it was about 5 in the evening. Johnnie was now in his room doing god knows what.

"Honeyyy, I'm home" Jake jokingly in a song song voice, giggling

"Yep, in here!" Johnnie yelled back just letting Jake know where he was.

Jake took off both his shoes then walked over to his kitchen, to the fridge to grab a cold water bottle. Then he walked across the hall to Johnnie's door, knocking.

"Come in" Johnnie said

So Jake did just that. He opened Johnnie's door and saw Johnnie in his chair by his desk one of his knees up with his chin on it, focusing on his pc screen.

"Whatcha doing?" Jake asked on his way to lay on Johnnie's bed like it was his.

"Just editing a commentary video. What's up?" Johnnie said, turning his head to Jake while pulling his head phones down off his messy hair onto his neck. Making his hair more messy. Jake thought it was adorable.

"Yeah- um tara invited us to a party" Jake said looking at Johnnie with both shoulders up shrugging.

"What like..tonight?" Jonnie asked a little disappointed.

"Well yeah it's not a huge party or anything just a couple influencers and friends you know? She told me too text her after I asked ya." Jake informed Johnnie, praying for him to say yes. They need to get out and have fun once in a while.

Johnnie looked at Jake for a couple seconds thinking. Jake did not like the eye contact at all.
"Ok fine" Johnnie finally said. "What time?" He also asked

Jake's face lit up into an adorable smile, Johnnie looked away. "It's at 9!" Jake said obviously excited, pulling out his phone to text Tara.

Jake was still smiling. He looked away from his phone back to Johnnie curled up in his chair.
"I'm gonna order food, I doubt there will be food at the party, just loads of alcohol!"

"Okay sounds good Jake." Johnnie said, knowing the only way he can cope with party's is if there's alcohol involved.


It's been a few hours, Jake and Johnnie have ate their food and are just chilling in their living room watching crap tv.

"Dude we should probably start getting ready it's 7:30 already" Jake said looking over to Johnnie on the other side of the couch.

"Yup" Johnnie said popping the p, throwing the blanket he had on his lap over to the side and standing up. He stretched his arms up yawning, a tiny sliver of skin showing above his waist line due to his shirt rising up. He walked into his bathroom and turned the shower on.

Jake did the same going over to his own bathroom and hopping in the shower, starting to think about his outfit for tonight.


After Johnnie was done showering he walked out of the shower and wrapped a tower low around his waist.

Walking into his room shutting the door behind him, he walked over to his closet shaking his hair to dry. Looking through all his clothes he picked a pair of black skinny jeans and a beige t-shirt that has safety pins all over it. He picked up a chain for his jeans and a zip up hoodie as well.

Johnnie was half way dressed with his jeans on but nothing else, a knock at his bedroom door happened as he was looping a belt. He left it unbuckled momentarily.

Johnnie walked over twisting the door nob, opening his door "Hm?" Johnnie asked up at Jake through the crack in his door

Jake started "you know that one..a.. shirt you have you know with long sleeves, it's got rips?" Jake asked sort of eyeing Johnnie.

"Mm the black one?" Johnnie asked.

"Yeah that one, can I borrow it for the night?" Jake asked smirking.

"For sure but I wore it for a few hours the other day, is that fine?" Johnnie asked side eying Jake.

Jake just nodded

Johnnie reached over grabbing it and handing it to Jake out side his door.

"Thanks Johnnie." Jake said giving him a slight smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Ya of course" Johnnie said closing his door to get back to changing.

After a little bit they were both dressed, Jake was just sitting on the couch when Johnnie came out fully dressed now, makeup on as well.

Jake was wearing blue jeans that were slightly flared but still some what baggy with a sparkly belt and his black platforms.

"Johnnieeee do you think you could put some eyeshadow on me? I'm bad at it."
Jake asked Johnnie from the couch, starting to stand.

"Sure, c'mere" Johnnie said turning around to go into his bathroom. Jake followed behind

Now both of them were inside Johnnies bathroom. "Sit up here" Johnnie said patting the sink counter, pulling out an eye shadow pallet.

Jake put both hands on the counter and pulled him self up onto the counter, leaning against the mirror. Johnnie looked him up and down for a second while he wasn't looking. And damn he looked good in his shirt.

Johnnie walked over with a brush and pallet in one hand and stood in front of Jake examining his face, seeing what colour would suit him. Johnnie opened the pallet and put it beside Jake on the counter

Johnnie walked closer leaning over Jake and rubbing his makeup brush in some dark red eyeshadow. Then he put his hand on Jake's knee leaning in to reach Jake's face.

Johnnie was noticeably struggling so Jake did something with out thinking, he grabbed the brush out of Johnnie's hand and opened his legs up a little. Jake grabbed Johnnie's waist with one hand and pulled him in between his legs, handing the brush back to Johnnie while smirking.

Johnnie just shrugged, while momentarily screaming on the inside but brushed it off, now going back to doing Jake's eyeshadow easier.

Once Johnnie was done doing the simple eyeshadow he stepped backwards and motioned for Jake to look in the mirror.

Jake jumped down from the counter holding eye contact and gently moved Johnnie out of the way to look in the mirror. (What is this new obsession he has with my waist?) Johnnie thought to him self but he knew he did not mind one bit.

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