Chapter 1 - Passenger princess

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Johnnie wasn't afraid of many things. One of the only things he feared came to him when he was sleeping, either in the form of nightmares or sleep demons that he couldn't shut out if he wanted to and the only person who ever seemed to calm Johnnie down was his roommate but it used to be his dad who could calm him down and after he passed night time only got worse. This is why Johnnie would do anything in his power to avoid having nightmares if it meant staying up all night playing video games or going live on his twitch to the point he would pass out from exhaustion or, sleeping in his best friends bed it always came down to one of them and most of the time he chose to stay up because he did not want to bother Jake with his problems.


4:00 PM
Jake had been up for a good 8 hours already and had a full day of editing and errands before Johnnie woke up to start his day at around 4 in the afternoon. Johnnie groggily opened his bedroom door and walked out to the kitchen.
On the way he noticed Jake sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand mindlessly scrolling.

Jake heard the soft foot prints and turned around "Hey man, good morning how'd you sleep?" Jake asked Johnnie the simple question he would ask him every time he would finally creep out of his room. "Ya it was fine, don't remember much actually... ya it was good." Johnnie shook his head and yawned opening their fridge which consisted of left over fast food and a few cans of soda.

"Good good. We can go get food if you're up to it? There's not a whole lot in there." Jake offered smiling from his cozy spot on the couch. Now looking at him, Jake noticed Johnnie's hair could use a brush it was sticking up in all places and he could use a new change of clothes instead of the ones he has been wearing for a few days now, that seemed to be a habit of Johnnie's.

"Ya sure, okay I'll go get ready." Johnnie turned around leaning on the counter with his palms looking at Jake with a half lidded look due to his exhaustion.

Johnnie jumped back from the counter pushing off with his palms and headed to the bathroom with his socked feet closing the door behind him.

Jake heard the sink start to run, assuming Johnnie was brushing his teeth. A few minutes later Johnnie walked out of the bathroom with his hair looking a little more tamed then when he walked out of his room earlier. He also had on his makeup and jewelry. Straight out of the bathroom Johnnie quickly walked into his room to change his clothes.

A few minutes later...
"Jake!" "JakeeEee" Johnnie half yelled half groaned from inside his bedroom. Jake confused, walked over to Johnnie's door. "What's up?" He said knocking gently.

Johnnie opened the door looking a little frustrated "do you know where those boots know the ones with the little buckle on the sides I can't find them anywhere." Johnnie exaggerating, said motioning around his room.

"Dude there in my room, calm down and hurry up I've been waiting. You don't need to pretty yourself up so much, we are just getting food man." Jake turned around to go to the door to put his Rick Owen's on before grabbing his keys " I'll be in the car!" He walked out and closed the door behind him.
"AND if you want to be in this lovelyyyyy chat box over here in the corner go to my twitch @/jakewebber69 .... Bye guys!" Jake did his outro for his YouTube video also saying bye to his twitch chat in the process. "That's crazy man, they have already found a new term for us! Can you believe it there calling us the Tina's now?!" Jake scoffed and laughed biting into a fry. Johnnie laughed looking over at Jake who was shoving French fries down his throat.

"You barely ate anything. You know they are going to attack you on twitter again for taking "tinsie winsie bites" Jake laughed at Johnnie, Johnnie giggled along with him slightly blushing from embarrassment.

"Well you never told me we were filming! You know how I am with food and cameras." Johnnie said narrowing his eyes dramatically at Jake-continuing to eat his chicken sandwich, slouching slightly in the passenger seat now that the camera was off.

Jake gave Johnnie a side eye and smirked "Hey man how about you sleep in my bed tonight... we have that... thing tomorrow and you would be so tired if you stayed up all night." Jake nicely suggested kinda frantically looking over at his best friend to see what his reaction to his suggestion was. He had never actually suggested nor acknowledged that he helped Johnnie. It was just usually he would hear Johnnie in the middle of the night and go in to his room until he calmed down and fell asleep.

If possible Johnnie slouched down even more in his seat to try and hide from the truth. "Ya I guess...thanks." Johnnie was able to mumble-stutter out. Throwing his chicken sandwich rap in the take out bag.

"Okay buckle up passenger princess let's go home before it gets too dark" Jake said giving Johnnie a mocking wink. Johnnie was a little taken aback by the nickname but rolled his eyes and sat in his seat properly to buckle his seat belt.


Hello lovely's (if anyone is even reading this story.) I will try to post new chapters daily! And I will only post chapters with more than 800 words. Anyway I hope you guys will enjoy this I would love feedback and comments! Also disclaimer this story is only for fun!! I do not seriously ship these two I just have no one else to write about atm. ❤️

Word count: 1012!

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