Chapter 203 - The big fish eats the small fish.

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Fu Yan almost saw the figure catching the little devil at a glance - it was Fan Xiangyi!

To be precise, it is a miniature version of Fan Xiangyi, who looks exactly like that "little monster". But unlike the dull boy who had been following Fu Yan for a long time, this miniature version of Fan Xiangyi now had a cold look on his face and grabbed the little devil's neck with one hand. The little devil's face was full of pain, but he couldn't scream, so he could only struggle desperately.

The evil spirit and resentment in her body rolled towards the boy like water converging.

As for the Holy Mother, she still maintained her look of watching a good show. However, compared to her previous carelessness, her expression finally became a little more serious, or she was really a little more interested. However, this interest only lasted for a few seconds, and then it was fleeting - because the boy had already absorbed the little devil.

The evil ghost, who had a child's soul in his mouth, disappeared so easily, as if he had never existed. The boy who absorbed the Li Gui was also clean, without a trace of black smoke around him, and he did not have the tendency of "absorbing too much and causing energy instability" like the little Li Gui. The amount of energy that can make a little devil almost explode is just a drop in the ocean for this miniature version of Fan Xiangyi.

"Stealing my rations again, huh?"

The Virgin Mother finally stood up, came to the cold-faced boy, raised her hand and pinched his chin: "You are really unscrupulous. I worked so hard to get so much Baby, after finally getting a strong one, you can still wait until she becomes more delicious and then swallow it in one gulp. But in the blink of an eye, you chewed it all up. You just pretend that I like you the most, right?"

Her words seemed to be a joke at first, but she did not hide the coldness in them. She likes to eat children and also likes to watch children eat children. What kind of true saint can she be? But facing such a treacherous woman, the boy showed no fear, nor did he show the admiration in his eyes like other children. He stared at the Virgin Mother, not like he was looking at "mother", nor like he was looking at a beautiful woman, but like... staring at his prey.

He can swallow powerful ghosts, and he can also "covet" bigger and more delicious things.

"Hey, those little eyes are really interesting." The Virgin Mother said happily, "Eat, eat, little thing, I want to see how much you can eat and how far you can grow. However, don't grow up easily. It's so big..."

She paused, turned to look at the group of children huddled behind, and laughed softly: "After all, the juicy children are the most delicious."

After saying that, she didn't bother to talk to this seam. The ice sculpture with its moving mouth continued to speak, then turned and walked away. She returned to the children, took the little hand of one of them, and left with the children. Without even looking at the child who looked exactly like Fan Xiangyi, the children surrounded the Virgin Mother and left, smiling again beside her.

The boy was left alone, standing there alone.

But he didn't look lonely. He just stood still for two seconds, then turned and walked away. Fu Yan hesitated for a second and followed his footsteps.

The boy entered the house. There were many children running around in this place, but now there were no lively figures. The interior, which was still warmly furnished, lacked the laughter and laughter, and was actually eerily silent at the moment.

The boy walked towards the stairs, and a bear doll fell on the stairs. He didn't know who dropped it here. The boy stepped on the doll's head without hesitation. The next moment, the doll turned into black smoke and scattered, and then was absorbed completely by the boy.

Now Fu Yan understood. I was afraid that most of the things in this place were transformed from the resentment of evil ghosts. At least they would not be as warm and lovely as they looked. Everything he saw with his naked eyes was just some kind of deceptive illusion. Just like those children who suddenly become lively from stiffness, Fu Yan initially guessed that they were the Virgin Mother's "pets" and "snacks". Now it seems that they may be nothing more than false furnishings in this false scene.

But there is no one else here, who can the Virgin Mother show herself to? After all, this is most likely her bad taste.

She likes fake harmonious scenes so much that she even indulges in them when she is alone. This hobby of "deceiving oneself" is really the same as that of the believers in Holy Breath Village. Fu Yan thought harshly, if he took out Ke Xinya's pen here and made two strokes, would the whole scene collapse instantly?

And the miniature version of Fan Xiangyi who was going up the stairs in front of him had obviously seen through the essence of this place. He didn't bother to take another look at the furnishings here, and even looked coldly at the Virgin Mother herself. But Fu Yan suspected that he had this bad face towards everything in the world - if he was really Fan Xiangyi when he was a child.

In the memories Fu Yan received, the adult Fanxiang appeared disdainful, arrogant and aloof, which is somewhat consistent with this miniature version.

——But, what is the origin of this child?

——Is it also the soul of a child who was "enshrined" to the Holy Mother?

But he is so different. Not only does he have a tense relationship with the Holy Mother, but his strength is many times greater than other brats, so much so that the children and furnishings here will be easily absorbed by him. Fu Yan knew that fierce ghosts would increase their power by devouring other ghosts. Just like the Virgin Mary "eating children", not only because of taste preferences, but also because she can continue to increase her strength by "receiving offerings" again and again.

——So, in essence, is he also a fierce ghost?

Fu Yan thought about it and raised his foot to follow him upstairs, but when he stepped on the stairs with his first foot... he missed the step.

Fu Yan was stunned.

But he quickly realized that he was only in a video, and there was a high probability that he would not be able to actually touch anything here. In addition, the Holy Mother may not have planned to reveal the second floor in this video, so Fu Yan couldn't go up.

Fu Yan sighed with regret - he also wanted to see if it was really Fan Xiangyi - and was about to leave. But at this moment, the boy suddenly came down again.

He stood on the stairs, staring at Fu Yan with cold eyes.

Fu Yan was stunned. Theoretically, the boy couldn't see him, so he should just be staring in the direction where he was? But what's so special about this direction? Fu Yan looked around and saw nothing of note.

The boy walked down the steps step by step and reached out to Fu Yan.

Then, he actually caught it!

"!!!" Fu Yan was shocked when he grabbed his wrist. But before Fu Yan could react, the guy who looked like Fan Xiangyi suddenly exerted force, and even Fu Yan could feel the force that surged around him!

——He is going to "eat" me!

——Do you regard me as an energy body that can be absorbed? ? ?

When Fu Yan had this idea, a wave of power suddenly erupted from the necklace around his neck, and it actually knocked the boy away!

The boy seemed a little surprised and confused, and looked down at his hands.

Fu Yan didn't dare to be stunned now, and kept backing away trying to stay away. But the boy seemed to have "positioned" him firmly. In the blink of an eye, he got close to Fu Yan and grabbed his wrist again!

This time, there was no strength ready to devour Fu Yan, and Fu Yan's necklace did not respond again, but the boy still held on tightly. A power spread out from his hand, using the power as a "chain" to firmly tie Fu Yan's hand. In this way, even if he didn't hold Fu Yan with his hands, Fu Yan couldn't leave.

Fu Yan was speechless. He felt that this little kid still couldn't "see" him, but just sensed the existence of something. In this way, it can be locked accurately, which can only be said to be more and more like Fan Xiangyi.

And when he tied up Fu Yan like this, it was definitely not out of curiosity or warmth. He should still regard this invisible energy body as a backup ration, but the previous "try" failed, and he was unwilling to let it go, so he captured it first.

Fu Yan actually couldn't see the power tied to his hands. He tried to struggle, but was quickly pulled back. It seemed that he would never be able to win over this tough guy on his own.

Fu Yan then took out his dagger and prepared to strike. But before the dagger could get close to the place where the "chain" theoretically existed, the black smoke from the dagger went in the direction of the boy and sank into his body!

"...Tsk." Fu Yan was convinced. This kid was like a black hole, trying his best to absorb energy whenever he got a chance!

If Fan Xiangyi really grew up like this, Fu Yan could understand why he could grow up to such a terrifying level. You can eat whoever you touch, and you won't riot or lose control if you eat too much. If you eat all the time, won't you just keep getting stronger?

When Fu Yan was thinking this, he was pulled by the boy, and he was able to step up the steps this time!

The boy just led him up to the second floor step by step.

There is a long corridor on the second floor with no end at first glance. It obviously does not fit the size of the house as seen from the outside. In addition, there are asymmetrical doors on both sides of the corridor, which means that there should be countless rooms in this corridor.

Although I don't know what the meaning of so many rooms is.

Fu Yan also guessed how far the boy would have to drag him to his room. Unexpectedly, the child just dragged him into the corridor and in the blink of an eye, the two "people" arrived in front of a room door.

The boy grabbed the door handle and turned it, opening the door to the room.

Fu Yan originally thought that he could infer the boy's condition from the inside of the room. After all, the living environment can well represent a "person's" experience and personality. However, when the door was opened, it was empty inside, with nothing on the walls.

Fu Yan thought for a moment and understood. Perhaps there were originally furnishings in this room, but they were all superfluous to the boy, so he absorbed everything he could.

Maybe one day in the future, it wouldn't be surprising if he absorbed the whole house.

The boy had no idea what Fu Yan was thinking, and he couldn't even see what the prey he caught looked like. He just threw the prey roughly into the corner of the room, then bullied him and held him down, his eyes sharp.

Fu Yan knew that he was still thinking about how to eat him.

But before he could think of it, there was a knocking sound outside the window.

Then, without waiting for the boy to open the window, the window opened automatically. The Virgin Mother leaned against the window, looked in, licked her upper lip with her tongue, and spoke cold words with a smile.

"I knew it was just an illusion that you came into the room honestly... Let me guess, what delicious food did you catch again?"

[MTL, BL] Horror Game Live BUG is Actually Me (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang