Chapter 202 - The Truth and the Truth

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Fu Yan believes that the so-called "Madonna" is the monster with a human face and a snake body.

She should have indeed come into contact with the ancestors of Shengxi Village a long time ago and induced the villagers at that time to sacrifice their children to her. According to the "little monster" who resembled Fan Xiangyi, Fu Yan speculated that what she really took was the child's soul. Some of these souls will be kept by her for fun, and the rest will be eaten and absorbed directly, just like the evil ghosts devouring other ghosts to strengthen themselves. After a while, she got tired of the original "sacrifice", so she picked new playthings from the new "sacrifice", and the eliminated ones still couldn't escape being devoured.

The people of Shengxi Village have passed down this terrible worship system from generation to generation. There is no need for the so-called "Holy Mother Queen" to continue to take personal control, and people will become trapped in their own cocoons. The rights brought by religious status have made the status of senior figures in the church such as elders and village chiefs more and more detached. In order to maintain this kind of rule, the senior leaders have modified the teachings to become more complex, extreme, and strict, and are always wary of damage from outsiders.

Similar situations were not uncommon in the era of the Cen siblings, and they were even heard of in Fu Yan's era. When outsiders and normal people are surprised that a group is actually controlled by a ridiculous "leader" or "god incarnate" and must abide by strict, unbelievable and even anti-human doctrines, the members of this group are likely not grateful. Instead of pity and anger from the outside world, they have become more insistent on going their own way.

MLM is only the most rudimentary manifestation of this model.

And it is precisely because the Marist religion is so strictly passed down from generation to generation that "enshrining children" has become a "natural" thing. This is an important part of doctrine and the key to demonstrating religious authority. Believers may be sad, but they rarely resist firmly. Even during famine years, when the water in the caves and pits receded due to drought, the believers' first reaction was "The Holy Mother has appeared. This reminds us to worship her."

But some people "offer" children, and some people go crazy because of hunger and become evil.

They may have thought that this was the Virgin Mother helping them survive the famine - or maybe this was an excuse to comfort themselves - in short, they began to eat human flesh to satisfy their hunger. Fu Yan even suspected that some of them might have eaten the bodies of the children that were "offered" last time. Because this pit and the water in it seem to have the effect of greatly slowing down the decay of corpses, making bodies that have been dead for a long time look as intact as ever. If a villager who had already eaten a human and was starving again saw an intact corpse, would he be concerned that it had been dead for ten or even decades, or would he think it was a "gift from the Virgin Mother" and eat it without restraint?

Regardless, the cannibals survived. Then, in order to cover up this appalling incident, the church packaged the incident as "The Holy Mother gave food to the villagers to survive the famine" and wrote it into the supposedly objective village diary, concluding the nature of the incident. Later believers may not know the truth at all, and only based on these so-called miracle records, they have long praised the universal mercy of the Blessed Mother.

In addition, the transcendent elders and village chiefs should have also taught various methods of "controlling believers" when inheriting the tradition. Hypnosis should be one of the methods. They don't need to systematically learn such high-end-sounding things. Generations of practice have condensed these techniques, and every high-level teacher who can't even read may be familiar with them.

Of course, human nature is selfish, and it is difficult to avoid disputes among these high-level officials. The village chief's family was framed by the elders this time. Specifically speaking, it was to retaliate for a certain fraud committed by the village chief in the past. To put it more highly, it was to compete for power and attack the village chief's authority on the matter of worship. The village chief's son keeps saying this is unfair, but in fact his family has a long history of manipulating unfair outcomes. The village chief's son was only dissatisfied with the result, not with the entire system. He is a true hypocrite and pseudo-awake. In Fu Yan's view, if the village chief's son obtained the power of a high-level official, he would definitely do more excessive and extreme things.

The evil sect in Holy Breath Village will not fall apart because of someone's "awakening" or the "resistance" of several of them. On the contrary, this inner-outward contradiction will make the Marist Church more cohesive within itself.

Therefore, Fu Yan determined that the "Madonna" was a monster with a human face and a snake body that ate the souls of children, and was "packaged" by the people of Shengxi Village to become the "mascot" of the Holy Mother Cult. Therefore, the tall and sacred statue that can bring miracles is just a piece of broken stone. The Holy Breath Village is a place where extreme cults are rampant and the high-level leaders of the church dominate the world. All the miracles they say are man-made; the respect and worship they offer to the Holy Mother are just tricks promoted by the high-level officials to consolidate their rule.

The people in Shengxi Village are the murderers and the culprits in creating extreme religions. "The Holy Mother" is just a spectator picking up snacks for nothing.

"...The mission is completed!"

Almost the moment Fu Yan finished his last words, Xie Anna noticed the change in the mission panel: "You are right, we can go!"

At this moment, the surrounding environment had stopped. The villagers and other reporters were frozen there like still images. The distant scenery begins to distort, and the world is ending.

Fu Yan frowned as he looked at his task panel. There was still no notification that task three had been completed. It seems that there is still an unbreakable part about the "Holy Mother". But there is no more information about her to be collected in this village, and any information that is there is false. What is missing?

Cen Yi and Cen Yi's tasks were naturally completed. Tasks 1 and 2 are equivalent to binding. When completing task 1, four reporter NPCs are still alive. This means that the main line is completely completed and you can leave. But there is still a huge question mark in their minds: "Then who is this child?"

Yes, who is this miniature version of Fan Xiangyi?

Fu Yan couldn't understand, Cen Yi and Cen Yi were even more confused, and Xie Anna didn't know much more than the NPCs in the game world. Just when everyone was confused, the boy suddenly came over and took Fu Yan's hand.


For a moment, Fu Yan was suddenly pulled into a vast whiteness!

This was so sudden. From extremely dark to extremely bright, Fu Yan's eyes narrowed subconsciously and his brows furrowed. He thought it was the boy who had come to pull him away, but now the boy was gone. Standing alone in the empty white space, he almost suffered from snow blindness.

Fu Yan resisted the dizziness caused by the glare and took a few steps forward with squinted eyes.

The white color turned into mist and gradually dispersed, and the surrounding area returned to darkness again.

Fu Yan found himself standing in a tunnel, with children beside him, moving numbly towards the depths.

This tunnel is wider and larger than the cave tunnel in Holy Breath Village, with wet stalactites hanging from the top. The sound of dripping water came from nowhere, one after another, and it sounded so regular and so hypnotic. The water gathered on the ground and formed puddles, large and small, reflecting images that did not exist here.

Blue sky, white clouds, wind and grass.

Seeing this kind of illusion too much will make people inexplicably dull. After Fu Yan discovered it, he immediately stopped studying it. The images in these puddles also slightly illuminated the tunnel. Fu Yan thought about it and followed the children deeper.

Unexpectedly, there is a cave at the end of the tunnel.

There really is a "sky". Fu Yan stood at the entrance of the tunnel, looking at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, guessing that this might be the source of the puddle scene. But the reflection in the puddle is fake. Who can guarantee that it is real?

This place is like the bottom of a sinkhole, surrounded by high cliffs. When you look up, it feels like you are sitting in a well and looking at the sky. The bottom of the pit is very wide, green and full of flowers. Hidden among the trees, a house stood not far away. It has a pointed roof, and some designs can be seen between the prisms of the roof. It is natural but has a faint sense of sanctity, which complements the beautiful surrounding environment. A road led to the house, and the children walked slowly along this road into the house.

Fu Yan originally planned to take a look, but somehow he suddenly arrived in front of the door. Someone pushed him in the back, and he stepped into the house.

The scene here is completely different from outside.

It's like a small front hall, decorated warmly and cutely everywhere. There are flowers and food on the table, colorful pictures painted with childish strokes are hung on the wall, and there are many cute dolls on the sofa and cabinets. The strangest thing is that the child who was numb and empty-eyed outside just now suddenly becomes active. They were full of energy playing, eating, drawing and playing games here. Some children ran out from another door. Fu Yan looked over and found that there should be a garden on the other side of the door.

When Fu Yan walked to the door, a child shouted "Mom!" and rushed out from him. Looking in the direction where the child was running, a figure emerged from behind the small tree in the garden. She was a woman, with a bright and beautiful face, a curvy figure, and gorgeous clothes. She smiled slightly, and the children surrounded her and called her "Mom."

At this moment, Fu Yan was almost instantly sure that this was the Holy Mother.

She looks completely different from the idol. The idol always has a bit of divinity, but she herself looks too gorgeous. And her lower body also has legs and feet - at least I don't see the thick snake tail sticking out of the skirt. And the children around her must be the souls of those children who were enshrined! They were obviously stunned before entering the house, but their appearance changed drastically after entering. Fu Yan had to guess that this had something to do with the "Holy Mother".

Although Fu Yan had previously speculated that the Virgin "eats children" and also knew that "there were children accompanying the Virgin," seeing this image now was still a bit surprising. Such a harmonious and lively atmosphere was quite different from what Fu Yan had imagined before.

——But why was I brought here?

——To watch these boring scenes of getting along?

Fu Yan was doubtful, but stood quietly without moving. The children couldn't see or feel him, and even the "Holy Mother" never laid her eyes on him. Fu Yan looked at it and suddenly understood that he might not be among these "people".

This is probably... just an image from a certain period of time?

After thinking about it, Fu Yan felt that the BOSS of this world might finally meet him and return his soul, so he set the stage for this first. Moreover, Fu Yan's third task has not yet been completed. This BOSS brought him in, maybe to let him "understand" what the real "Mother of the Holy Mother" is about.

Since it's just an image, there's no need to worry about being discovered by the ghosts here. Fu Yan was about to look around and find some clues about the "Holy Mother" when he suddenly heard an exclamation coming from upstairs in the house: "Ahhhh!!!"

This kind of child's scream instantly made Fu Yan's ears wet. It started to hurt. And there was more than one, two, three, as if countless children were shouting. The heartbreaking screams were superimposed, and Fu Yan couldn't help but cover his ears. The originally changed atmosphere in the garden also became solemn, and the happy children became nervous and trembling. They gathered around the Virgin Mother, wanting to seek comfort, but the "mother" who was supposed to be caring and caring showed little response.

"Mom! Mom!" Some children ran downstairs in a panic and ran into the garden. They seemed to be asking for help, their steps were stumbling, but the Holy Mother remained indifferent. She looked at these children with eyes that were so calm and almost cold, and then she watched helplessly as a kid with a strong resentment rushed downstairs and nibbled a child who ran slowly.

The child was eaten away bit by bit by the little devil. Before disappearing, he was still shouting "Mom, help me", but he didn't get any response. After the little devil finished eating one, he went to grab another one, and still swallowed the child's soul alive in front of the Holy Mother.

The people gathered around the Virgin Mother cried and prayed for her salvation, but the Virgin Mother smiled slightly: "She just wants to play with you, how can you be so scared?"

"I don't want to be eaten!" A child cried loudly, " I don't want to die!"

The Virgin Mother smiled and said, "But you are already dead, silly child."

Her coldness and cruelty were completely opposite to the exquisiteness of this tender garden. The children just cried but were not frightened by her strange words and looked very strange. In this weird scene, the little devil seemed to have come to the cafeteria and swallowed children one by one. Her power also skyrocketed with the devouring, which was reflected in the appearance that the black smoke around her became stronger and more violent, and soon turned her into a cocoon made of black smoke. The energy of the black cocoon is still gathering, and the billowing black smoke seems to be about to riot and explode at any time.

The Virgin Mother looked at this scene with a smile, as if she was watching a little joke.

Just when Fu Yan was thinking that the resentment of these evil ghosts couldn't hurt him anyway, so he might as well go inside and have a look, when the smoke from the black cocoon suddenly dissipated!

A small hand pinched the little devil's neck from behind.

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