"Who is Summer, Madison,and Lola?" She asked I helped Summer on to the wheel chair and followed her and a nurse to the room she will be on into she ready to give birth.

"Summer is my girlfriend soon to be my wife. Madison is our daughter and Lola is friends daughter I am watching as he went on buisness trip."
 I half lied about Lola. 

"Oh Okay I will be there soon please dont let me regret this son. I love you bye." She said hangong up. I placed my still sleeping daughter on the chair and Lola carseat next to her. Going to Summer damn she lookes beautifull for some strange reason. Well she is beautiful when she is not pregnant maybe I just need to mark her. Yes I love Dani I can mark her to it will be just fine.

"Breathe babe I will be here the whole time." I tell her. There was a soft knock on the door and a doctor walked in.

"Hello Summer, How are you. I just want to see how far your cervix is dilated." She told  Sum as she sat and Instructed Sum what to do. 

The doctor left five mintues later saying she will be back soon when Sum is ready to give birth. There was another soft knock. Telling the person to come in I gave Sum a kiss on the forhead and tturned to the door to see my mom.

"Hey Mom." I said wlaking over to her kissing her forehead. She gave me an awkward hug and looked at Summer.

"Hello Summer I am Liz, Damon mother its nice to meet you sweetie." Mom told Sum as she hugged her.

"Hi Liz nice to meet you." Sum said.

They went on for couple hours and talked about random things.  Intill Summer was five mintues thats when they ushered my mom out with the kids. I stood next to Sum as she was getting reaady to push.

"Okay Summer just one more big push please." The doctor said. I smiled an squeezed Summer hand. She took a deep breath a pushed till her face turned bright red. Small little cry filled the room. I smiled bi and watch the doctor smile.

"You got adorable Little boy Here Summer." The doctor said. With complete happiness I peck Summer lips and watch the doctor clean our son up a little. "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" She asked I nodded eagerly and went to cut the cord.

Summer look so beautiful with my son in her hands. I smiled and stood next to her smiling down at them.

"What are you going to name him?" The nurse asked.

"Shawn Anthony Matthews" Summer said looking at me to make sure.

"Its perfect" I said kissing Shawn little nose.

"Congrats guys I will get  your guys visitors." The nurse said leaving. I sat on he chair and watched Sum feed Shawn. Maddy came running in and sat on my lap.

"Daddy he is so tiny." Maddy said putting her hands small to show his size and talked soothingly.

"Yeah cause he is a baby. Your baby brother Shawn." I told her.

"Hi Shawn Im your big sister Madison." She said kissing his small hands. Mom came over and held Shawn,

Madison went home with mom to my house with Lola.  SUmmer is sleeping and I  have Shawn on my hands. Feeding him his milk. His small little finger held tight to my hand. This is all that matters now my little family. Summer and my kids. I dont care anymore. Sure Dani is special but not no more I just want to be good to my family. Be the best dad I can be. I will call Cody tommorw to get his little sister. Then I will start all over and go to Dani and Luke to apologize to them. I will end it all my apologizing to my old pack and try to be alpha of that pack again,  The only thing I need is my family. My beautiful family. That will only grow in size now. I will be the best dad and boyfriend ever.

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