Chapter 16 - The Philosopher's stone

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The four were leaving their last exam of the year when Hermione commented, "I'd always heard the end of year exams were frightful, but I found them rather enjoyable."

"Yeah, me too. I thought they would be harder," Iris agreed.

Ron turned to address Harry, who seemed to be in pain, holding his forehead. "Speak for yourselves. You alright there, Harry?" Ron asked.

"It's my scar, it's burning. It happened before but not like this," Harry replied, clearly distressed.

Worry filled Iris's expression as Hermione suggested, "Maybe you should see the nurse."

Harry shook his head. "I think it's a warning. Danger's coming."

The four exchanged concerned glances. With everything they'd faced that year, they couldn't dismiss Harry's feeling. As they stepped out of the castle, they spotted Hagrid at his hut. Iris halted in her tracks, an epiphany hitting her.

"Of course!" Iris exclaimed, causing the others to turn towards her. "Don't you think it's odd? The one thing Hagrid has always wanted was a dragon. You said it yourself, Harry. And then he just wins one from a stranger who was just happening to carry one in his pocket."

Harry stared at Iris in realization, and the group quickly made their way to Hagrid's hut, understanding the gravity of her words. "Yeah, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. I mean, who just wanders around with a dragon egg?" Harry pondered aloud.

Once they reached Hagrid, Harry immediately began questioning him, concern etched on his face. "Hagrid. Who gave you the dragon egg? What did he look like?" Harry asked urgently.

Hagrid seemed perplexed at Harry's sudden barrage of questions but replied, "I don't know. I never saw his face; he kept his hood up."

"Did you talk to him at least?" Harry persisted.

"Yeah, he wanted to know what creatures I looked after. I said after Fluffy, a dragon's not gonna be a problem," Hagrid replied casually.

Iris interjected, "Did he seem interested in Fluffy?"

"Well, of course, he was interested in Fluffy. How often do you come across a three-headed dog?" Hagrid responded. Iris realised that for others, encountering such a creature was rare.

Hagrid continued without a hint of concern in his voice, "I told him the trick with any beast is to know how to calm him, like Fluffy, just play him a bit of music and he'll go right to sleep."

As Hagrid continued speaking, he seemed to become increasingly concerned with what he had shared, muttering to himself, "Shouldn't have told you that."

The four immediately bolted back toward the castle and made a beeline for Professor McGonagall's classroom.

They sprinted up to Professor McGonagall's desk, urgency evident in their expressions. Harry, breathless from the rush, immediately blurted out, "We have to see Professor Dumbledore immediately!"

Professor McGonagall glanced up from her work, her demeanor composed. "I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here," she responded calmly.

Iris sensed the gravity of Dumbledore's absence, knowing it meant Voldemort might seize the opportunity. McGonagall continued, "He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London."

Harry's frustration was palpable. "He's gone? But this is important! It's about the Philosopher's Stone."

McGonagall's shock was evident. No student was supposed to be privy to information about the Philosopher's Stone. Concern etched her features as she asked, "How do you know?"

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