Chapter 3 - Diagon alley

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The next morning, Iris headed toward the Big House, walking along the path. She ran into Annabeth, Luke, and the Stoll twins who were chatting up a storm.

"Hey, Iris! What was in that letter you got last night?" Annabeth asked, her curiosity piqued.

Iris grinned, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "It was an acceptance letter from Hogwarts, a wizard boarding school in England. My mom's a witch," she explained, a hint of wonder in her voice.

unfased by the fact his pseudo little sister was a witch, Luke teased, ruffling iris's hair, "Oh, Iris is going to miss us so much when she's away."

The Stoll twins feigned drama. "Who are we gonna prank without Iris? This is a disaster!" Connor exclaimed, Travis adding, "Total catastrophe!"

Iris laughed at their exaggerated reactions. "Don't worry, guys, I'll be back before you know it. And I'll bring back some cool wizarding stuff to show you," she promised with a wink.

As they split off, Iris continued toward the Big House, the echoes of their laughter lingering behind her.

As Iris arrived at the Big House, she spotted Chiron engaged in conversation with Mr. D. Taking a deep breath, she approached them.

"Hey, Chiron," Iris greeted, trying not to interrupt their discussion.

Chiron turned to her with a smile. "Ah, Iris. What brings you here?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I'll be shadow traveling to London," Iris began, glancing between Chiron and Mr. D. "I'm meeting my dad there to go shopping for school."

Mr. D arched an eyebrow in mild interest, while Chiron's expression held curiosity. "Oh?" Chiron prompted.

"Yeah," Iris continued, a mix of excitement and nervousness in her voice. "I got accepted into Hogwarts, and I've decided I'm going."

Chiron's eyes widened slightly, a hint of surprise crossing his features. "Hogwarts, you say? Well, that's quite an opportunity."

"you know about Hogwarts?" Iris asked in surprise.

"of course. they might not know of us but we know of them." Chiron replied nonchalantly.

Mr. D waved a hand dismissively. "Off you go then, Erik. Enjoy your magical shopping spree," he said, sounding unconcerned.

"Thanks, I will," Iris replied with a smile, feeling a mix of anticipation and determination.

With a nod to both Chiron and Mr. D, Iris turned and headed off to prepare for her journey to London, eager for the adventures that lay ahead.


Iris waved goodbye to her friends, shouldered her light pack, and crossed the barrier marking the outskirts of Camp Half-Blood. Focusing on the shadows around her, she concentrated hard, drawing upon her dad's teachings. After a bit, the shadows enveloped her, and she embarked on her journey to London.

The travel through the shadows felt long and tiring, but Iris pressed on, relying on the skills her dad had taught her. Eventually, she emerged in an alley near the Leaky Cauldron, just where her dad had told her to arrive.

Stepping out from the shadows, weariness hit her, making her stumble a bit. Shaking it off, she headed toward the pub entrance.

Spotting her dad waiting outside, Iris couldn't contain her excitement. "Dad!" she called out, picking up her pace as she ran toward him.

"Dad!" Iris hugged him tightly, relieved and happy to see him after being away at camp.

Her dad, surprised but pleased, wrapped his arms around her. "Hey, Iris! Good to see you," he said with a smile, returning her embrace warmly.

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