Chapter 15 - Detention

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The next night, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Iris, and Malfoy made their way out of the castle, trailing behind Filch. Iris felt a tinge of concern at how Filch reminisced about the old days and the harsh punishments inflicted on children. She seethed internally but remained silent, unwilling to stir further trouble after their previous punishment.

Upon reaching Hagrid's hut, Filch announced, "You'll be spending detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do in the Forbidden Forest." Iris felt relieved to spend detention with Hagrid, given her fondness for the man. Her training and encounters with various monsters around her camp made her less anxious about the forest. Yet, she sensed her friends' unease, despite their attempts to appear brave, especially around Malfoy. She silently vowed to protect them if need be, even if it meant revealing her secret.

Filch disrupted her thoughts, exclaiming, "Oh, good God, man, you're not still on about that dragon, are you?" Iris looked up to see small tears running down Hagrid's face as he sniffled, clearly saddened by the thought of Norbert. "Norbert's gone," Hagrid uttered, his voice quivering. Iris empathised deeply with Hagrid, understanding the loss he felt, despite it being a scaly, fire-breathing creature. "Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony," Hagrid continued.

"Well, that's good, isn't it? He'll be with his own kind," Hermione offered in reassurance. Hagrid's concern lingered, "Yeah, but what if he don't like it?" Iris stepped forward, trying to lift his spirits, "Don't worry, Hagrid. That's what my dad was concerned about when he sent me to camp, but I made a ton of amazing friends my age, and I love it there. I'm sure Norbert will make a bunch of friends and fit right in," she said optimistically.

Hagrid seemed to consider her words before nodding, "I suppose you're right." As Hagrid led them into the forest, Harry and Ron approached Iris, curious. "What did you mean about camp?" Harry asked, to which Hermione intervened, "That's none of your business, Harry," anticipating that Iris might not want to disclose to the boys, despite sharing with Hermione. Iris then interjected, "It's okay, Mione. I'll explain later, okay?" She reassured Hermione before addressing to Harry and Ron.

The group continued deeper into the forest, Hagrid leading the way with his lantern. Eventually, Hagrid halted and leaned down, dipping his fingers into a small silvery substance pooled on the forest floor, reflecting the limited moonlight.

"What is that, Hagrid?" Harry asked, peering at the unusual substance.

Hagrid lifted his fingers, coated in the silvery liquid, and explained, "That's what we're here for. Unicorn blood, that is." Iris's eyes widened, having read about unicorns. Hermione, too, gasped and grabbed onto Iris's hand. Initially surprised, Iris held onto Hermione's hand, offering her support. Hagrid continued, "This one's been hurt bad by something."

As Iris turned her head to the side, she sensed movement and saw a cloaked figure winding through the trees. Though Harry and Hagrid looked in the same direction, Iris suspected they hadn't seen anything but rather sensed it. Her heightened senses from her demigod heritage allowed her to notice the figure. She was about to mention it but was interrupted by Hagrid. Opting not to alarm the group, she let it pass, assuming she might have misinterpreted it as an animal.

"It's our job to go and find the poor beast," Hagrid said. "Ron, Hermione, you'll come with me. Harry, Iris, you'll go with Malfoy." Harry and Iris weren't thrilled with the arrangement, but they didn't argue. Malfoy piped up, "Okay, but I get Fang," referring to Hagrid's dog.

Hagrid sighed, "Fine, just so you know, he's a bloody coward." Iris noticed the disappointment on Draco's face, realising the large dog wouldn't offer much protection and chuckled slightly.

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