Chapter 2 - The letter

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It had been four years since Iris first stepped foot into Camp Half-Blood. During this time, she'd been learning how to fight using swords, daggers, and hand-to-hand combat. Although she tried her hand at archery, she wasn't as good as the Apollo kids, so she stuck to her blades.

Every December, Iris made a trip back to the Underworld to visit her parents, Hades and Persephone. Those visits meant a lot to her, bringing a sense of comfort and connection to her roots. Though she always felt uncomfortable at the lie she told her friends; that she was going to England to visit her mother. Chiron telling her she couldn't speak of her upbringing once he found out himself.

Around camp, Iris had become a well-known figure. Initially, some folks were wary of her being Hades' daughter, but soon they realised she was a kind and caring person. Her warmth and compassion won over the campers, making her one of their own.

Annabeth Chase had become Iris's best friend. They'd spend a lot of time together, chatting or practising combat. Iris also had a close bond with Luke, whom she saw as an older brother. Luke, along with the Stoll twins, Connor and Travis, and her and Annabeth, formed a group of friends who brought colour and laughter to Iris's life at camp.


Iris wandered around the camp, feeling restless. The day seemed never-ending, and she was desperate for something to break the boredom. As she ambled, she spotted Connor and Travis huddled near cabin 6, the Athena cabin. She knew they were up to no good, whispering and snickering to each other, planning some prank.

Sneaking up on them, Iris interrupted, "Sup, watcha doing?"

Startled by her sudden appearance, the twins jumped. But before anyone could say a word, a piercing scream, sounding a lot like Annabeth, erupted from inside the cabin.

Iris dashed into the cabin, the laughter of the mischievous twins breaking out behind her. The commotion had led her to Annabeth, who was huddled in a corner, surrounded by a few of her siblings, their expressions a mix of fear and concern.

"Anna, what's wrong?" Iris asked, worry etched across her face as she approached the terrified girl.

Annabeth tried to speak, but her voice caught in her throat, rendering her speechless. Instead, she pointed shakily toward the floor in front of her. Following her trembling finger, Iris saw a tiny spider, no larger than her nine-year-old fist, crawling innocently across the ground.

Without hesitation, Iris took slow, deliberate steps toward the spider. She could feel the tension in the air, the fear radiating from Annabeth and the other demigods in the room. Carefully, she scooped up the minuscule creature, cradling it gently in her hand.

"Don't worry, Anna, I got this," Iris assured, determination flickering in her eyes as she marched out of the cabin. The laughter of the brothers echoed ahead her, but she didn't hesitate.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Iris swiftly placed the small spider she had rescued into Connor's shirt. As expected, chaos erupted immediately. Connor let out a high-pitched scream, flailing and spinning around in a frantic attempt to get the spider out. Travis, in a panic, joined the chaotic dance, trying to assist his brother in removing the unwelcome visitor.

Amidst the commotion, Iris felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she met Luke's amused and proud expression.

"Iris, you can't go around putting spiders down people's shirts," Luke chided playfully, struggling to contain his laughter.

Iris couldn't help but grin mischievously in response. Without a word, she grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him away from the uproar.

"Come on, you promised to teach me archery," she insisted, excitement dancing in her eyes as Luke rolled his in mock exasperation.

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