Chapter 13 - Back to school

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The day arrived for Iris to return to school, a mix of sadness at leaving her friends and excitement to reunite with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Packing up her belongings and making sure Skia was comfortably settled in her cage, Iris made her way toward the barrier where her friends were waiting. This time, goodbyes were less tearful, a promise of seeing each other again in the summer alleviating some of the sorrow. Then, with a heavy heart, Iris left her friends behind, shadow travelling to Kings Cross Station.

Upon boarding the train, Iris made a beeline toward the back compartments, seeking Hermione. Finding her engrossed in the book Iris had given her, a grin instantly spread across Iris's face as she knocked on the door.

"Hey, Mione," Iris greeted cheerfully.

Hermione's eyes lit up, setting the book aside before rushing to embrace her. "Riri!" she exclaimed, squeezing Iris tightly.

As they settled in opposite each other, Iris beamed, expressing her gratitude, "Thank you so much for the gifts, I absolutely love them!"

Hermione smiled warmly, "You're welcome, and thank you for the gift you got me, it's fascinating."

Seated across from one another, they delved into tales of their holidays. Iris shared vivid stories of her time with her family, detailing her celebration of Yule on December 21st. She saw no reason to conceal the truth and felt comfortable sharing the distinct traditions observed in her home. The tales transitioned to her adventures at camp, regaling Hermione with the hilarious tales of learning archery under Luke's guidance, explaining that it was a standard camp activity.

Fascinated, Hermione listened intently, absorbing every detail. She then shared her own holiday experience, recounting her first-time skiing trip with her parents to Spain. Although challenging to learn at first, she described how eventually, it became an immensely enjoyable experience.


It had been a while since the Christmas holidays, and with exams looming, Hermione and Iris found themselves investing more time in joint study sessions, swapping notes made easier by the translation glasses Iris now wore regularly in and out of classes. Their free time was consumed by endless visits to the library, scouring for any clues on Nicholas Flamel— after the boys found nothing in the restricted section. Between studies, Iris dedicated her spare moments to rigorous training with Harry and the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

In the Great Hall, Hermione and Iris were engrossed in their studies, Harry attempting to focus on his own books, while Ron occupied himself with a game of cards. Hermione, ever the studious one, called out Ron's distraction, expressing her concern for their upcoming final exams. Ron, in his typical bravado, claimed readiness.

"We've got final exams coming up soon," Hermione reminded Ron, her tone a mix of concern and urgency.

Ron, brimming with confidence, retorted, "I'm ready. Ask me any question."

Hermione decided to quiz him, "Alright, what are the three most crucial ingredients in a forgetfulness potion?"

Ron, ironically, responded, "I forgot."

Iris chimed in, seizing the moment, "Lethe River water, mistletoe berries, and valerian sprigs."

A pleased smile adorned Hermione's face, acknowledging Iris's accurate response, "Exactly."

Hermione then turned back to Ron, pressing on, "What do you plan to do if this comes up in the final exams?"

Ron, defiantly, confessed, "Copy you."

But Hermione swiftly debunked his plan, "No, you won't. Professor McGonagall mentioned we're to be given anti-cheating quills."

Seeing Ron's crestfallen expression, Iris offered her support, "Don't worry, Ron, I'll help you study if you'd like."

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