Chapter 8 ~ First Crowd

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Trigger Warning
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Slight Smut

I practice a couple of songs in a backroom that Thomas cleared out for me. He asked me to play a full set for him. I'd be on stage for an hour maybe two.

10 - 15 songs.

I was anxious and excited. I wasn't expecting to be so excited.

I had narrowed down some of the songs.

The ones I liked to play the most.

(I was going to list the songs here but instead I made a playlist you guys can listen to while you read if you want. You can find it on YouTube it's called Jace's set list. Let me know if you can't find it and I'll link it in the comments.)

I practice my songs as I wait for 7 o-clock to roll around.

"Hey Jace?" Thomas peeks his head in. I look up at him anxiety clear on my face.

"It it time?" I ask. He smiles widely.

"You have some fans here to see you before your set." He leaves and I set my guitar down. I walk out to see most of my favorite people all waiting by the stage. They grabbed the tables closest so they could have good seats. I smile brightly and step forward.

"JACE!" Amber cheers and rushes to me. She hugs me tightly and I find myself pulled into a crowd of my loved ones. Friends and family hug me and wish me luck.

"I'm so excited!" Sharkie, Penny, and Judy bounce with excitement while Greg chuckles.

"I can't wait to see you perform. You've got this." I smile up at him and he gives me a fist bump.

"How have I gone this long without hearing you sing pipsqueak?" Bel laughs as he and Lily hug me tightly.

"I hope I don't disappoint." I laugh back and waves his hand to say I won't. Cali hugs me tightly again tears of pride flow freely down her cheeks and Bel and Lily have to pry her off me.

Lithuania and Braxton almost make my heart stop.

Lithuania is wearing a low cut dress that hugs her curves in a way that should be illegal, her hair is done up in a half bun what hangs in curled and lands on her shoulders making my mouth water. Her skin seems to glitter in the low light. Her makeup makes her look more like a goddess than anyone I'd seen so far. She put Aphrodite to shame like this.

Braxton is wearing tight slacks that make me want to stare until my eyes dry up and pop out. His shirt seems to be missing but the vest he's wearing draws my eyes and I know that if I get up there any time soon I'll have to walk up with a pillow to hide how much they're affecting me.

"It worked." Lithuania chuckles.

"Huh?" Is all I can say. I wanted to say something cheeky but my tongue doesn't seem to work. They step forward and hug me tightly. They smell amazing.

"We got sick of waiting for you to make the first move so we wanted to speed up the process a little bit." Braxton's deep voice flows through me and I feel a certain part of my anatomy twitch. Lithuania chuckles.

"Is it working?" Her breath tickles my ear and I gulp.

"Yeah." I nod and my voice comes out high pitched.

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