Chapter 4 ~ A New Home

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Trigger Warnings
Implied SA
Physical harm
Physical As**lt
Intense breakdown

What happens if you feel happiness for the first time, after a lifetime of never knowing what it feels like?

It's terrifying.

"Is our new house going to have a pool?" Justin asked as we pack up our pictures.

"Oh, I think so. I didn't ask." Cali says as she has Summer put down the Legos. "No honey we're going to have Legos at our new house already, all we need to pack is the stuff we can't replace, like the stuff you guys already built and the pictures we colored and the ones we took ourselves." Cali tickles Summer to get her to laugh. Summer runs to her room laughing.

"Summer honey we've got to hurry, Lily and the rest of the Hellp Desk are going to be here soon." I call after her. Justin sets aside the second and last box just as Cali comes out to the living room with Summer in her arms. I notice Summer holding a picture.

"What picture is that honey?" I ask her and she holds it tighter.

"You can't see it yet!" She yells.

"Ok honey. I won't force you." I step back and make a silly face trying to get her to smile.

"I don't want you guys to see it until we get to the new house.." Summer jumps down and runs into the dining room.

"Ok honey. We won't look until you put it up at the new house." Cali says. She gives me a sad smile and I go over to help Justin tape down the box with the Lego builds they made. Joe helps Elizabeth keep Will away from Joe's bag where they'd put the game system with all their Minecraft progress. The game system doubles as a handheld and they don't want him getting distracted or lost along the way. We hear a knock at the door and I get up to answer it while Cali goes to get Summer. Right as I get the door open and invite them inside, Amber charges out of her room dressed for what I can only describe as a summer party. Her top is revealing and her entire outfit is white. The booty shorts alone would've given my mother a heart attack. I laugh as she nods causing her sunglasses to fall down onto her nose.

"What's up my bitches?" Amber says and gives everyone hugs.

"You look amazing!" Penny gushes and I give Lily and Bel hugs. Sharkie grabs a box and immediately leaves. Joe, Will and Elizabeth freeze and watch her leave.

"Sharkie are you ok?" I ask as she heads down the hall. They turn back with a huge smile on their face.

"I literally could not be more excited for you guys I want you guys to get moved in as SOON as possible." She laughs and charges down the hallway with the box above her head.

We all file out and Bel has the other box under his arm.

"So we're close to your paradise?" I ask Lily.

"Oh yeah, and Sharkie and Penny will never be far." Lily smiles and throws her arm over my shoulders.

"Does our new house have a pool?" Justin asks.

"I'm sure it will. This place is made specifically for you guys. If you guys want a pool you'll have a pool." Lily shrugs.

We all file out and wave at the ones running the Front Deathk as we pass.

Sharkie is halfway down the universal hallway jumping up and down with the box above her head yelling for us to hurry and I turn and give everyone a challenging glance.

"Race you?" Amber asks falling a little behind to stretch. Everyone shares glances and nods before taking off down the hallway. Justin is on top of Bel's shoulders and Summer is riding on Cali's. Joe is holding Will sideways and they're both laughing as Will bounces around in Joe's hold as he runs.

I Don't Deserve This (Unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora