"We could lure them with sounds, but it'll make things worse for later. Try this direction," (Y/N) points up the hill. "There's this cabin I stayed before I got in Jackson. We could stay there for the night and get to it tomorrow."


"Yeah, cabin. Any problem?"



Arriving at the place that's familiar for both them.

But for Ellie, it's more personal. She and Joel had a history in the place, or more specifically, the room that they're in right now.

"You're not my daughter. And I sure as hell ain't your dad."

Ellie just standing there, looking around the room. (Y/N) noticed that she's definitely on to something. She's never good at hiding emotions anyway.

"Okay. You definitely got a problem here."

His speech snapped her out of her moody mind.

"Nothing, it's just some stupid memories."

(Y/N) raised his eyebrow, not sure about her statement.

"Bad?" He asks just to make sure.


She dropped her bag by the side, and a sudden force pulled her, startling her.

(Y/N) swiped his arms around her waist, pulling her face to face.

"I can make you forget about it." He smirked. And Ellie chuckled at his rizzling attempt.

"Try to save some energy for tomorrow." She leaned in, kissing his lips. A moment before (Y/N) pulled away.

"You're the one that pushed me over the limit."

"Shut up and take your clothes off."


The two kind of went overboard. At least Ellie did. Currently staying within each other's embrace on the bed. Some thoughts come up in (Y/N)'s mind.

"Just to be clear, we are dating right?" (Y/N) asks, which kind of surprised Ellie.

"What makes you think we're not?" She lifted her head from his chest, looking up to him.

"I don't know... I mean we fucked but, no one said anything about boyfriend girlfriend, or dating..." He sighed. "Forget what I ask. It was stupid."

Ellie chuckled at his reaction. Even all this time and he's still thinking that this is a dream or something not serious.

Ellie closed the distance between their faces, kissing him on the lips again.

"How about now? Still think we're not dating?"

"I still need a few more convincing."

They both laugh for bit, then continued the lips war with each other.


They stopped, eyes went wide hearing that.

Not a good sign as the footsteps suddenly became louder and visible within their hearings.

Apparently Joel had guess it right. He knew they would need to stop somewhere. And when they arrived at the cabin, Shimmer was already inside, getting comfortable.

He rushed up the stairs to the same room that the couple are in.



The Best Of Us. (Ellie X Male Reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora