Author's Note

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Hello hello!

We are finally finished with this beast (well not rlly lol, the main story awaits but at least this prequel is complete and I am happy with the way it turned out). We are currently sitting at 163,385 words which is my longest fic yet. Forgive all the numerous typos, I'll probably go in and fix them some time later but for now, we are done here. 

I just wanna take this opportunity to thank every lovely person who took the time out to read this story. I feel so incredibly lucky to have my lovely readers who have shown my writing so much love and support. Yall keep me motivated and your comments encourage me to continue when I feel like I shouldn't. So thank you all for that, for any sort of interaction, be it votes, comments, etc. Thank you for sticking with my story and being patient with me and putting up with my ridiculously nonexistent update schedule and my even worse outline/planning skills (I will def spend more time outlining things better in the future). 

Fun fact: those last three chapters were written in like 2 different airports and across 3 states so like yeah I was rlly gunning to finish them in 2023 but since its only Jan 2, its close enough. 

Feel free to add the sequel "An Eye for an Eye" to your reading lists, I shall start working on it ASAP. I already have like 32 chapters of that written up (about a 100k words) but it is going thru some major editing/rewriting. The goal is to finish before season 2 of the show comes out (insanely delusional ik lol)

Thank you all again!

Much love. 

- Ace <3

Before the Sky Falls | Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now