14. Roman Candle of the Wild

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Year: 121 AC

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Year: 121 AC


Daenys stood there, her heart pounding in her chest, waiting for the inevitable wave of fire that never came. Instead, the dragon did something unexpected. It blew out a breath, and the air whooshed past her with a force that sent her hair and clothing billowing. The cavern filled with the overwhelming smell of smoke, thick and acrid, and Daenys struggled to hold back a cough. She realized that the dragon had merely exhaled, and the sheer force of its breath had been enough to create this sensory whirlwind. Fearful of startling the great beast further, she swallowed her discomfort and remained as still as a statue, her wide eyes never leaving the dragon's brilliant, molten gaze.


She breathed out the High Valyrian word softly, raising her arm in front of her as she had seen her brothers do with their dragons. She held her breath, unsure of how the creature would react, but to her astonishment and delight, the dragon responded in kind.

The massive beast lowered its head, its long neck gracefully arcing toward her outstretched hand. As Daenys's fingers inched closer, she could feel the heat emanating from the dragon's colossal form. With a deliberate movement, the dragon nudged its snout against her hand, allowing her to make contact with its scales that felt cool and smooth under her fingertips. 

"Lykiri," she repeated. "Calm down."

A sudden, loud shout from nearby shattered the tranquillity of the cavern. The dragon, startled by the unexpected noise, let out a resounding bellow and swiftly pulled away from Daenys.

Daenys, caught off guard by the sudden commotion, took a quick step backward, her heart racing. She watched as the great silver beast unfurled its colossal wings and stood to its full, towering height. With a powerful and graceful movement, the dragon ascended into the air, its massive form soaring toward the opening at the top of the cavern.

It was then that Daenys realized the purpose of that small opening in the ceiling. It was the dragon's escape route, a passage to the world beyond. As the dragon disappeared into the distant twilight, Daenys stood there, her heart still pounding from the encounter, her mind filled with wonder and questions about the mysterious creature she had encountered.

It was Daemon's voice that had caused the commotion, and soon, he located her within the depths of the cavern, his expression a mix of relief and worry. Despite the lingering awkwardness that had characterized their relationship, Daemon offered her a kind smile, a gesture that held a glimmer of warmth. 


"It's getting late. You weren't home at your usual hour so I came looking."

Daenys frowned, "How did you know where I was?"

Before the Sky Falls | Aemond Targaryen¹  ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora