20. Like The Holding Of Hands, Like The Breaking Of Glass

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Year: 125 AC

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Year: 125 AC


As fate would have it, Daenys could have entirely spared herself the need to conceal her ailing condition from her mother after all. It had happened shortly after Aemond had departed her chambers, his departure laced with reluctance, but propriety demanded that he not overstay his welcome, lest rumours of impropriety tarnish her reputation.

The night's reverie had drawn to a close, and it was then that her mother had decided to visit her chambers. She had been told that Daenys retired earlier in the evening and wanted to check up on her but she was promptly horrified to see the bloodstains that marred the front of her dress. Her concern only heightened when despite her best efforts to awaken her, she would not open her eyes. She was still. She was much too still, and maybe it was just Rhaenyra's panicked state that addled her senses or Daenys's chest indeed did not rise and fall with breaths as one normally does while slumbering. Her skin burned with feverish heat so she must have been alive at least. The maester was called again, this time with much more urgency and the whole household was thrown into a state of panic.

After seeing her worsened state, the maester was able to conclude that she had indeed been poisoned and that sent fresh waves of panic through Rhaenyra. Her daughter, her heir had been targeted. It was an attack against the family. Truly, it was unfortunate she did not realize that it was the weight of those titles that had led her to such a condition, but as is sometimes the case with parents, they are filled with concern yet blind to the true matter of things.


Daenys woke up 3 days later, greeted by a heartwarming sight. Her brothers Luke and Joffrey lay curled up on either side of her, their eyes closed and their faces still wrapped in the tranquillity of sleep. Her curtains had been drawn and soft sunlight streamed in, casting a glow over the interior of her chambers. Daenys sat up slowly, careful not to disturb her brothers, and stretched, her muscles silently protesting. She could still feel the dull throb in her stomach but it was not difficult to bear.

"You're awake!"

Lucerys blinked slowly and then scrambled up to grip Daenys by the shoulders. Daenys couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips when he shook her, eyes wide with worry.

"You're awake!" Lucerys repeated. "Are you alright now? Are you in pain? Should I call the maester? Should I call Mother? Are you going to be okay? Please say you're going to be okay!"

He spoke a mile a minute, not letting his sister get a word in otherwise and Daenys only giggled harder.

"I'm fine, Luke, wonderful," she said when he finally paused for a breath. "Where are the others? How long was I out for"

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