24. Jarring of Judgement

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Year: 129 AC

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Year: 129 AC


The sound of clashing swords echoed in the air as the three oldest Velaryon siblings toured the Red Keep's training yard. There was that harmonious symphony of metal meeting metal, bringing back memories and creating a nostalgic atmosphere. Knights and members of the Kingsguard moved with practiced precision, engaged in mock battles that stirred the air with the spirit of competition. 

"It is smaller than I remember," Lucerys remarked. 

"It looks exactly the same, Luke," Jace countered. 

"It does not!"

"It does!"

The older brunette rolled his eyes and turned toward their sister who was watching them with an amused smirk. 

"You tell us then, Daenys? You were here only a few moons ago? Is it or is it not the same? It's absurd, how can the size of the grounds change?"

Daenys gave Luke an apologetic smile, "I'm afraid Jace is right. It is indeed the same, although I suppose there are more people around today so perhaps that is why it feels smaller and more crowded."

"Come on then," Jace sauntered ahead, eager to explore. 

Luke was more hesitant, his gait slow as he stuck to his sister's side, steps almost in sync with hers as they walked. Daenys was right. More people were crowding the grounds today, and she was sure it was because of the bid for succession that would soon take place. She could feel the crowd's eyes on them, observing their every move, whispering. They were always whispering. 

Daenys was sick of it. 

Didn't they have better things to do than speculate about the lives of her family members? Jacaerys was handling it relatively well, walking around with his head held high, occasionally regaling them with stories of their youth. Daenys smiled fondly at him. A truly courageous prince he was. 

An old noble couple seemed to be staring at them more intensely than the rest, and while Luke ducked his head immediately, Jace lifted his head even higher and looked them straight in the eye, mirroring their intensity until they looked away. 

"Chin up Luke," Daenys ruffled her brother's hair with affection, in hopes that he would stop looking so worried.

"I can't. Everyone is staring at us," Lucerys whispered urgently.

Daenys reached out and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, "Who cares? You are Prince Lucerys. You could have their eyes gouged for staring. Pay them no mind, they are insignificant."

Luke looked at her aghast, "I could not do that? I am nobody!"

"Then I'll do it for you. I'll gouge out all their eyes and present them to you on a silver platter. Will that please you, my prince?"

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