17. If Secrets Were Like Seeds

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Year: 125 AC

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Year: 125 AC


With the arrival of Rhaenyra and the rest of Daenys's family, her focus shifted from the complicated situation with Aemond to the impending birth of Helaena's child. The Red Keep was filled with a nervous energy as they waited for the momentous event to unfold.

Daenys found solace in the presence of her siblings, and she eagerly occupied her time by with her brothers. It brought her immense joy to introduce little Viserys and Aegon to Helaena's twins and watch them play together with an innocent enthusiasm, their laughter filling the palace corridors. She also finally managed to discover Daeron's secret affection for the head cook's youngest daughter. She had a knack for prying information from her siblings, and Daeron was no exception. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she wheedled the details out of him and learned about the budding friendship that had been blossoming between him and the girl he had met in the gardens. Once she had the information, Daenys made it her mission to help him in his romantic endeavours, although she teased himself relentlessly for her matchmaking efforts. 

Then the day of Helaena's delivery arrived and it was a tense and terrifying affair. Daenys had been by her side, massaging her shoulders and making playful jokes, when suddenly Helaena groaned in pain. Daenys's initial worry that she had accidentally caused harm was quickly replaced by the realization that the baby was on its way.

From that moment on, everything became a blur of activity. Maesters and midwives rushed in and out of the room as Helaena writhed in pain, her agonized cries filling the air. Amid the chaos, Helaena made a request that took everyone by surprise—she asked Daenys to stay in the room with her, forbidding anyone else, including her own mother Alicent, from entering.

Alicent, though clearly harbouring resentment and frustration, had no choice but to abide by Helaena's wishes. Helaena's will was final, and in the midst of her suffering, she had chosen Daenys as her sole source of comfort and support.

Daenys was overwhelmed by fear as she watched Helaena endure the excruciating pain of childbirth. The room seemed to close in on her, and every scream that tore from Helaena's lips sent a shiver down her spine. The sight of so much blood and the anxious expressions of the maesters and midwives only intensified her anxiety.

Despite her own overwhelming distress, Daenys knew she had to hold herself together for Helaena's sake. She couldn't allow her own emotions to crumble when someone she loved needed her the most. With a determined resolve, she remained at Helaena's side, her hand gripped tightly by her aunt's in a deathlike clutch. 

Helaena was bleeding. She was bleeding and there was nothing the maesters could do to stop it. She clung to Daenys's arm as if she was a lifeline.

"It hurts," she sobbed. "It hurts so much. Make it stop. Please, please make it stop."

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