19. In Awe of Something So Flawed and Free

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Year: 125 AC

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Year: 125 AC


"Are you feeling any better?"


"You don't look it."

Daenys attempted a faint smile, but it was a futile effort. With a trembling hand, she held Aemond's handkerchief to her nose, and he watched as it swiftly darkened with fresh blood. He winced at the sight, disbelief etched across his features. The room's soft candlelight revealed the shadows under her eyes, making them seem deeper and more pronounced than ever before. Her breathing was shallow, and she clutched her chest, trying to maintain her composure. The front of her dress was stained with blood and his tunic had a stain to match. Her eyes fell upon him and dimmed.

"I'm sorry. You told me not to get blood on your clothes," she mumbled. "You must be upset."

Aemond let out a strained laugh, "You think that's what I'm upset about?"

"Well...yes? Are you not?"

"No, Daenys."


"Don't oh me! What's wrong?" Aemond threw his hands up in frustration. "Why won't you let me call your mother? Or the maesters?"

"You need not bother them, Aemond. I'll be perfectly alright in a moment and there's no sense in ruining the event for everyone else."

She gave him her best grin to signal that she was alright, but he only shook his head. 

"The feast can wait. Your health is far more important."

"You're too kind, Aemond, but there's no need for both of us to suffer. Go and enjoy the feast. I'll be fine."


Daenys winked at him, "And besides, you're missing out on your chance to meet the many wonderful young ladies out there. All of them would be more than thrilled to share a dance with the prince."

Aemond's face crinkled with a mixture of amusement and exasperation at her playful banter. He shook his head, "Those ladies will be just fine without me. They'll be kept more than occupied with Aegon there."

"Oh, but I'd hate to be the reason those ladies are denied the pleasure of a dance with you specifically."

"I can't leave you like this, Daenys," Aemond insisted stubbornly. 

"What if I requested it?" the young princess's eyes twinkled mischievously. 


"Well, I know I said I wouldn't ask you anything for my name day, but I've decided now. I want you to return to the feast and enjoy yourself. I want you to dance with at least three new ladies before the night is over."

Before the Sky Falls | Aemond Targaryen¹  ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang