art by @sunshiningcg on wattpad.

Poppy set down the recipe book, "how did you even- Never mind." She scooped some flour off the counter, "we have to start with that ingredient, anyway . One and a half cups of flour."

"Sounds easy enough," branch, who had flour spread all over him, said. He scooped the cup into the bag and put the right amount of flour into a large bowl. "Done."

"Then a cup of sugar." Poppy read the recipe, branch grabbed the bag and set it in front of him, taking a scoop and beginning to slowly pour it into the bowl.

"Wait what was that bag?" She grabbed the bag that branch has just scooped from and read the label, "wait wait, branch that's salt-"

"Wait wha-" he stopped pouring, only some of the salt had gone into the bowl. 

"Just- stop pouring it. Put the bag back." She rubbed her forehead, "it's okay, they might just be a bit, uh- salty." The pink troll took the correct bag and poured the sugar while branch returned the salt to the pantry.

"Okay, moving on! What step is next?" He asked, putting his hands on the rim of the bowl. Poppy read, "a third cup of cocoa powder, and a pinch of baking powder."

He looked around, "huh?" 

Poppy grabbed the ingredients, "these ones.. now scoop the cocoa powder. It will make it chocolatey." She grinned, and handed him the box of brown cocoa powder. He took a third cup scoop and put it in. Then he pinched the white baking powder and drizzled it into the large bowl. "Done."

"Okay, we're getting there- so," she stopped talking, noticing branch putting away some of the ingredients. "Why are you putting it away?"

"Because, we.. used them already?" He was confused and shrugged, putting the sugar in the cabinet.

"Well, we might need it again.?" 

There was a pause. "What-?"

"Ugh, never mind branch. I can't be mad at you because you're too cute." She walked over to him and put her arms around his shoulders, 

"hehe— okay." He got nervous. Poppy lovingly smooched him. "You taste like sugar."

He turned red, "I d- I do?" He asked. She nodded. branch walked over to the record player that poppy had in her house and began playing a record. 'Until I found you'  by Stephan Sanchez began playing, and the music filled the room. "Dance break?"

Poppy giggled, "okay, fine. But then we have to keep working on our cupcakes!" They walked to the middle of the room, branch put his hands on her waist and they swayed around the room to the music. "You look beautiful today poppy, did I say that?"

"No, you didn't." She titled her head.

"Well, I'm saying it now." He smiled at her and brushed a hair out her face. The song ended and a new one began to play.

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