Chapter Three: The darkness of the raven wings

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  As Lyta was sitting there on the old but very nice dark oak dining table, she wondered how to explain what happened earlier that day. She was even wondering if it was worth sharing. She might have been just imagining things or putting too much into something insignificant.

"What is it, honey?" Her father asked with a very concerned look on his face.

"Okay, so... today at the library of the university there was a category full of witchcraft books and stuff..." Lyta took a pause.

"So? What is it, sweetheart? Every witch sees that bookshelf there. You don't have to worry about it." Lyta's mom responded.

"Well, there was a book named "Witches: The dark side of potions, spells and the Lennix coven", then there was a boy who knew my name without me even telling him who I am and right after that when I rushed out of there I saw a black figure. It was wearing a black cloak with a big hood so I didn't see its face." Lyta's expression was filled with worry and confusion.

"What if it was her?" Her mother turned to her husband.

"It can't be. You said she's far away in the woods, not wanting to have any interaction with anyone except when she wants something." David took a pause to think for a moment. "What if she knows we need her and she has something she wants from us in return?"

"How would she even know we're alive? Nobody from the coven knows we're here after the big Ravenholt incident. I know for a fact we're still reported missing. It can't be! We're still mourned by the whole Ravenholt." Marnee took a breath and rubbed her forehead in disbelief of what her daughter has seen today.

"What?! What incident? What's Ravenholt? Who's that lady you're talking about? Why are you two so worried about everything I just told you? I thought I was just imagining things, just going crazy!" Lyta said in confusion.

"We're going to explain to you everything, sweetheart! I promise! But there's no time for that now!" David said in shortness of breath."Marnee, go check on Quinnim, I'll prepare us for a trip..." he gave his orders and they both, Marnee and David, rushed doing what he said, while Lyta was just standing there, staring at the family photos hanged on the wall.

  As Marnee stood right up, she rushed to her son's room. Step after step, stair after stair, it was like she ran a mile. It was like the time almost has stopped. Her heart was beating like it was faster than the speed of light. Just the thought of facing again the dark witch made her anxious. But something inside her made her feel more powerful than ever. Maybe this time the thought of her children being in danger was scarier than the evil power that witch was possessing.
Marnee entered the bedroom and saw her son sleeping calmly but she was able to feel his energy. That was her special power as a mother. Every witch from Ravenholt was able to feel everybody's energy and emotions once they become mothers. Quinnim was feeling anxious, helpless, he was struggling. This broke Marnee's heart. She was feeling everything her son felt. She felt it in her core and that was a pain she never wanted to feel again. Not facing the pain from the evil, not facing the pain from hiding and leaving her whole life behind to cover herself and her family for the sake of their safety, but the pain of her children being in agony.
Quinnim was covered in his own sweat, under his eyes and around his nose he had red circles. He was laying faced down on his bed because his back was hurting. For the time Marnee and her husband were downstairs she didn't fully realise what was happening to Quinnim. Between his shoulder blades there were small vertical wounds covered in blood. They were opened and didn't look like they were going to heal soon. At this moment Marnee realised what her son has done to himself because of his childish naivety.
He was about to grow wings. Not any type of wings but the wings that were about to curse him forever. He was growing the wings of the raven.

  Marnee rushed downstairs in fear. She never felt this type of fright. Her face expression looked like she just saw a ghost.
"Quinnim..." she couldn't catch her breath. "He..." she took a breath and looked at her loved ones with the most miserable expression she ever had on her face. "He's growing raven wing!"
"He's what?!" Lyta asked in confusion.
"Oh my God..." David said as he felt like his heart is about to stop any second. He had to take a seat and grabbed his head in disbelief.
"What's going on? What does that mean?" Lyta stared asking questions. She couldn't realise what was happening to her brother and nobody could blame her for it. Her parents never stopped her from learning magic and discovering her powers but it was a fact they were hoping she would never want to. Or at least they were quietly hoping this part of her life was going to come in a time when they would be able to stop hiding. 
"Honey, I'm sorry but we really don't have time to explain now. Everything will make sense soon, I promise." David said as he stood up and started putting everything they're going to need as fast as he could in a big black bag.
"No!" Lyta stood up and locked her eyebrows in anger of her parents leaving her in the dark. "You're telling me now!"
  David turned to her, looked at Marnee for a second as she nodded at him and then he looked back at Lyta. He sat down at the dining table and looked at his daughter.
"Okay, here's what you should know. It's really long story but there's a town. Yours and ours with your mother birth town. Ravenholt. There happened something unbelievable right before you were born. In Ravenholt there's a witch. A very powerful, very evil woman that wanted to destroy our family and make us extinct. So years before even your grandfather was born, she tried to curse his father with the wings of the raven. She did not succeed and that's how Ravenholt was founded. Your great grandfather managed to overcome the curse because he was very powerful wizard. In the name of his success he named a town after his curse." He cleared his throat and continued. "But the dark witch, she didn't give up. So after your mother got pregnant she tried to curse her so she could lose you. Luckily she did not succeed again and that's why we ran away, covered ourselves here and start a new, better life for you, for your brother, for our family." David stood up again, continued to pack the bags. "The worst part is..." He took a pause, looking down. "Now that your brother is cursed..." He took a breath. "The only person that knows how to break it, is the same evil, dark, likeness of a woman..." He said in anger as almost he was about to cry. He took a breath again, looked at Lyta and finished: "And that's where we're going. We're going on a trip to Ravenholt."
  Lyta couldn't find any words. She was left in silence and disbelief of what family history her parents were hiding from her.

July A.A.

More Than Ordinary: The wings of the ravenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant