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  At first sight, Lyta Lennix was nothing but a simple, well behaved young woman. With hazel eyes and soft bright chestnut hair, plump pink lips and bronze skin. The description might sound good, it might sound as she's a girl that whoever sees her- falls in love. But that's false. Nobody was ever looking at her. But the truth is- she never really looked at anyone also.
  Yes, she liked books. She liked movies and watching TV shows also. She enjoyed painting, creating her thoughts, making them come to life on canvas. She loved spending time amongst nature and also with her little brother- Quillim. But nothing of those interests of her I just told you about- didn't make her any more important or interesting or even special than every other girl in  the University of Cambridge. But there is one thing she's special with. One thing she's always been and going to be different from all the girls in the world. Magic.

  The family Lennix was a powerful coven with a lot of history behind their backs. History that they have to deal with to this day. History that still haunts them, not letting Lyta to have her magic in peace and silence. Her legacy is what makes her college years as harder as they can be.
  The hazel eyed witch did not choose her family, neither her faith but was definitely not someone who backs down easily. She would never turn her back on the Lennixs because of enemies, dragging her down.
  She still didn't have much power. She didn't know a lot of spells, she couldn't even control her magic. That was something holding her back a lot more than anything in the situation her family was in.

"Lyta, what do you want me to make you for today? Toast, yogurt with sliced bananas?" Marnee asked her.

"I'll grab something with Karrie and Sara, mom. Don't worry." Lyta responded with a smile on her face, ready to take on her first day of college.

"You sure? I have some time before work to pack at least your lunch for the day."

"It's okay. I finish earlier today so it's not a problem. I'll eat something at home after I finish with my lectures." Lyta told her mother, went over the kitchen table where Marnee was and kissed her goodbye. "Bye, mom!"

"Wait, Lyta. Aren't you dropping off your brother to school today?" Marnee asked, locking her eyebrows.

"No. He told me he's sick." Lyta responded and headed to the front door.

"Sick?" Marnee whispered to herself. "Quillim!" She screamed after realising the boy used "the sick" spell again to avoid going to school.

  She rushed upstairs to his room, mad for the trick he uses every year. After she went furiously into the room, she said:
"Quillim! It's the first day of school! I know you use that trick of yours every year to buy some time out of school but it hasn't even started yet!"

"I'm not using "the sick" spell, mom! I really don't feel good." Quillim said, through his running red nose and tired eyes.

"Okay. Here's what we're going to do. I'll use the "truth in the heart, truth out the dark" spell. If it says you're really sick, you're off school for a week. If it says you're lying- you're grounded for a week." Marnee said, sitting down on his bed, beside the sick boy.

"Fine. Just let's get it over with. I want to sleep!"

  Marnee looked right into his eyes, she whispered the spell three times.
"Truth in the heart, truth out the dark. Truth in the heart, truth out the dark..."

A light blue, sparkly air came out of her mouth, as she whispered the words, going right into his. Quillim closed his eyes for a second, as he was about to fall asleep. That means the spell began to work on him. A few seconds later he woke up, taking a deep breath and wide opened his eyes.

"I'm really sick. I drank something in your gold box of potions. I wanted to try grow wings so I can fly to grandma." Quillim said everything in one single breath and fell right back asleep.

  That falling asleep was a side effect from the spell his mother used on him. It tends to tire the people on whom it is applied. Sometimes stronger wizards and witches don't even flinch on that spell but applied to not that powerful wizards- it can cause them to sleep for days.
  As you might have guessed, Quillim wasn't that powerful. In fact, he was just ten years old. The only spell he could cast were easy and innocent. Spells such as "the sick" spell, spells for cheating on a test maybe and other similar to these. This means he might sleep for one to three days.

"What?" Marnee stood up. "You opened the gold box of potions?!" She asked, screaming at the sleeping boy.

  She rushed outside his room, heading towards her bedroom to check out her box. As she reached the box under her bed, she opened it. She saw one white sparkly potion, half empty.

"Oh, no..." Marnee said to herself.
Worried, the mother reached her phone fast, calling her husband.

"What's up, Marnee?" a strong man's voice was heard on the other side of the phone.

"I think Quillim poisoned himself and I don't know what to do." She kept looking down at the potion, worrying herself to death.

July A. A.

More Than Ordinary: The wings of the ravenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu