Run In | Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

"Here is ten thousand." He says easily. The man's jaw drops and so do some of the others.

"I- have to make sure this is not a scam-." The man stutters slightly still in shock. The tall man nods with understanding.

"Sure, count it yourself." The tall man says, tossing the pouch to the other guy. The other man catches it.

He opens it.

His mouth drops.

He looks up at the tall man in front of him. 'That brat is worth more then ten thousand, I was just saying a random number but-.' He studies the tall man. 'Who is he?'.

"Five thousand more than he's yours-." The man says holding the bag. 'He surely doesn't have anymore-' he thinks as the man reaches into his coat again.

The man pulled out another pouch but this one was a bit smaller than the other one.

"I'm guessing you want to check?" He says, raising an eyebrow slightly tossing the bag. The other man catches it. He opens it hesitantly.

His eyes widened he looked at the pouch then to the man then back to the pouch. He sighs in defeat.

He looks behind him and waves a hand at one of the guys accompanying him. "Go get the key to this one." He nods and hurries off. 'I should have made the price higher.. he's worth so much more but-..'.

We wait in silence for the person to return. A few people who saw the whole or some of the interaction eye at the tall man, and me.

The man was holding my arm/wrist again but gently. I was tense to the contact. He seemed to notice this so he made sure he wasn't 'really' touching me but touching just enough to make sure I stay here.

The person who was sent away to get the key returns. He hands it to the person in charge. He takes the key turning to the tall man with the strange hat and accent.

"Here." He plainly says tossing the key over to him glaring.

"Good doing business with you." The tall man simply replies, catching the key. The other man replies only with a grunt.

"Come on." The man says, waving a hang so his thugs know it's time to go and follow. 'This isn't over....'


When they leave the tall man looks down at me.

"Not hurt are you?" The man asks me.

I don't respond.

I finally was able to get a good look at the man.

He actually looked pretty young when you get a good look at him. He looked around my 'age' but I don't really know my age at the same time but ANYWAY. He had yellow eyes. He also wore a strange hat, and under the hat you can see some of his white hair. He seemed to be an albino, I think that's what they called anyway-... His hair also seemed short but not too short, it had an elegant feel to it. He wore a long coat but it wasn't too long, it just went down to a little bit lower than his waist. He also wore a nice pair of dark blue pants and some boats.

My attention was pulled away when someone to the side of us spoke.

"Wow, I have many questions but I'll leave you alone for now. But what are you going to do with a slave?" A woman behind a stand asks.

"I don't know." He responds.

"What?! You don't know? Why did you buy them then?" She asks, puzzled. He just shrugs in response.

"Young people these days-..." She sighs, rubbing her forehead.

For a moment I think I see realization dawn on the tall man's face.

"I should probably get going now-." He says.

"It was nice meeting you."

"Same to you-."

"Also thank you again for the brochette. It was delicious."

"Happy you liked it. Come back again sometime!" She says waving as we leave.

My brain was still whirling, everything happened so fast but so slow at the same time.

The man gently pulled me along. A few people eyed at me and the man as we walked by. I didn't like it.

We slowly made it to the edge of the market, I could see a staircase going up a bit ahead of us. We headed up the staircase. I thought about running but the man had a firm but gentle grip on my wrist.

We got to the top of the staircase and we seemed to be in an alleyway. The man didn't talk neither did I.

We finally made it out of the alleyway and I looked up at the sky. It was really bright, so I tried to cover my eyes with my other hand.

'It's been awhile since the last time I saw the sky...'

We walked for a bit on the edge of the street. People that noticed us stared at me in awe, wonder, disgust, etc. It made me uncomfortable. I tried to stay behind the tall man hoping the people didn't see me.

The man suddenly stops, I almost fall over but he keeps me steady making sure I don't fall, his grip loosens a bit.

I see someone running towards us. I hid a bit behind the man.

When he nears he slows down and stands in front of the man.

"My lord!! I've been looking everywhere for you!!" He says gasping a little out of breath.

"I am sorry if I worried you." The man calmly says.

"I told you not to leave my side!" The man exclaims. "I almost had a heart attack-" He stops mid sentence as he sees something move behind the man.

"What's that-?" He asks, pointing at me. His eyes widen as he gets a better look at me. He jumps back, he goes to his belt for something.

"Stay back my lord!! Get away from that thing!!"

"Calm down North Korea. It's fine." The tall man calmly says to the other man who seemed to be named North Korea.

"But, my lord-" I couldn't see the look the tall man gave the other but it made him go quiet.

"Let's go back to the inn now." The man states. The one named North Korea nods his head.

As we walk, the other man keeps his eyes locked on me the whole way there. It sends a shiver up my spine.

Authors Note:

This chapter took FOREVER to write T-T. But I hope y'all liked it-

I am going to MURDER the wattpad writing system, the sizing does NOT want to work for me T0T.

I wonder who ??? is... Also why does everyone look at them weird....? Guess you'll have to find out-

WOW this is the longest chapter I've written so far!!

Have a good rest of your day/afternoon/night!!!

Word Count: 2266

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