My boyfriend is a delinquent

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"Hmm... I remember how you accidentally hit me with the toilet door... right on my lips..."




"Is he seriously trying to get me to have our first kiss like this?" Kage chuckled in his thoughts. "Apparently I blew his brains out with this door, if he had any of course."

"Uh, Kage?"

Kage didn't notice how he started giggling because of his funny jokes in his head, until this brainless person interrupted the flow of his thoughts.

"Huh? What is it?" Kage quickly raised his head and tried to act natural.

"I expect something from you, remember?" Dan smiled slyly.

Kage blinked in surprise as it slowly clicked for him. Of course he remembered. He couldn't believe he had almost completely forgotten about it until now.

"Do you mean... a kiss?"

instead of answering, Dan simply closed his eyes and leaned forward a little.

Kage chuckled nervously as he realized what the subtle movements Dan were making meant. After a couple deep breaths, he closed his eyes as well and pulled closer. His heart was pounding wildly. All it would take was one quick motion to complete this action.

Kage slowly leaned forward and closed the gap, his lips inching closer to Dan's lips and his expression changing from a nervous one to one full of emotion and genuine affection. He was getting closer...

"HEY! BOY WITH BLUE HAIR!" Suddenly a rough male voice thundered behind them.

Out of surprise, Dan and Kage hit their foreheads.

"THIS BOY! IT'S YOU! YOU PAID ME FOR ICE CREAM WITH FAKE MONEY?!" The man continued to shout at Kage.

Kage flinched as the voice of the man continued, and his anger increased even more. It was annoying enough that the man had interrupted that moment, and the fact that he was yelling so loudly made him even angrier.

"So what if we paid you with fake money?! What are you gonna do about it?!"

"LITTLE BASTARD! I'M GONNA CALL THE POLICE!" The anger in his voice became even more pronounced.

Kage couldn't help but scoff at the threat from the man. He wasn't even remotely scared by it.

Dan continued to sit rooted to the spot, trying to grasp the absurdity of the situation. He turned his gaze to Kage, who sat with a smug grin, not caring at all about what he had done.

"Run." Kage answered Dan's questioning look.

Kage immediately grabbed Dan's hand and began running away from the man at blazing speeds. He glanced back over his shoulder and nodded with a cocky smirk.

They made it out of there just fine, and the angry man's yelling slowly faded.

"Kage, are you a complete idiot?" Dan was trying to catch his breath when they finally stopped. "Did you seriously pay that weirdo with counterfeit money?"

"I did, because he was overcharging us for the ice cream." Kage paused and looked at Dan. "You were the one who wanted ice cream, remember?"

"The only thing that was overcharging was my hope that you weren't too much of a stupid idiot."

"Well, you should have kept that hope low, 'cause you were expecting too much from me. You should've expected a stupid idiot from the beginning." Kage grimaced.

Dan Kouzo x Kage [ oneshots ]Where stories live. Discover now