'Guardian, I sincerely apologize for reviving you, but I had no choice!' She lowered her head in guilt, looking at the ground.

The woman was beautiful. Her long auburn hair gleamed with a red sheen, braided into an elaborate crown. Her head was adorned with a delicate crown with a large purple gem in its center. She wore a green gown embroidered with golden flowers. It had a sleek corset framing the waist and ample skirts that puffed around her, reaching the ground. Although the woman's face was flawless and noble, her deep, sky-blue eyes overflowed with tears. The sadness in her eyes suggested that something was troubling her deeply.

'I am ashamed, Guardian. This sacred Temple and your Heart, which protects it, are now exposed to a hidden enemy. I need your assistance.' Looking at him, she pleaded with genuine sorrow.

'Tell me, dear child, how long I slept? Who are you?' The man asked in a hoarse voice that had been unused for a long time.

'Oh, where are my manners?' The lady rose and gracefully curtsied.

'My name is Weira, and I am the current Light of Meridian: 14th-generation Queen of Metamoor. I was appointed to faithfully protect and maintain this Temple after taking over the duties of the previous Queen. I do not know how long you have been sleeping here. It had been quite a while. My mother and grandmother kept this secret before me, as did others in my bloodline. I failed in this sacred task! Now, because of me, everything is in danger!' The woman bit her lips, and the lonely tear traveled down her pale cheek. He reached down and gently brushed the tear away. Weira smiled weakly, grateful for this kindness.

'Sit and speak. I want to know everything.' He commanded, getting more comfortable on the marble altar. With a flick of his hand, the ground parted. Rose roots emerged from the mud, growing, wrapping, twisting, and rolling themselves into the form of a bench.

'I'm uncertain where to begin...' Weira said, squeezing her trembling hands into the folds of her skirt. 'I believe my carelessness started it all. The Metamoor is a peaceful kingdom. The last war was over a century ago, so I had no reason to be concerned about external enemies. By your command, all Queens acting as Lights of Meridian are defenders of this planet. You granted powers to the imperial family long ago, passing your duties to the next generation. After a while, the Meridian Guardian and the Heart of the Planet became legends, and only a few select ones knew the truth. It had become a fairy tale we read to our children before bed. I also did it for my son. A brilliant boy, age six, my sole child...' she sniffed, trying to keep the tears at bay.

'He liked the tale so much, but I knew some legends contain certain truths. In my folly, I once told my son that a Guardian slept beneath the castle. It stayed with him. Children have a vivid imagination.' Weira's voice trembled as another tear streamed down her cheek.

'One day, he became overly curious and followed me. Despite not being the heir to the throne, he is of royal descent. Since he had secretly slipped into the Temple after me, its security had failed. It was an honest error, but my son was ecstatic. He enjoyed playing in this area and combed your hair.' Weira cracked a faint smile.

'He swore by the magic never to reveal this location to outsiders. It was a sacred duty of every royal to keep this secret. Nonetheless, he was tricked and deceived. My boy, my beautiful son...' the Queen wept. 'Early in the morning, my magic alerted me about the danger, but I do not know to whom he revealed this secret because I arrived too late.' Weira knelt on the ground as if in prayer, and her enormous magical power filled the cavern. A silhouette of a person gradually materialized next to her knees. It was a child - a boy with long pale blonde hair and an ashen face, clad in a purple tunic and white pants. The Queen cried, gently cradling the child in a loose embrace. 'He is gone, poisoned... I have all this magic within me, but I cannot save him! My son died in my arms hours ago. The secret has been revealed... Somebody desires your power and your abilities. The Heart of Meridian is in danger! Therefore, I came here and poured my magic and blood into the Seal, hoping it could revive you. Please help me! I have no idea what else to do.' Weira's gaze pierced into him. She gently rocked the lifeless body in her arms. The man saw the pain in her eyes as she mourned the loss of a loved one, yet he could do nothing to comfort her.

'I cannot resurrect the dead.' He said, and the woman crumpled, wailing on the ground. 'The only thing I can do is protect the Heart of Meridian. I am The Guardian - the first to be born and the last to die on this planet.' He leaped from the altar, walked a few steps, and kneeled beside the woman. 'Do not weep, my child. Your son is safe, joined with the others within our planet's Heart. We are its power, and it is ours - the continuous cycle of death and rebirth,' he gently took the child from the Queen's arms and laid him on the ground. Without saying anything, a green crystal flew into his palm, casting brilliant light around them.

'If you so desire, I can give him a proper burial - here in this sacred place. I will give this Heart to you. With the Queen of Meridian as its keeper, it should be safe. Only your death would release it.' The man smiled. Weira trembled, feeling the chill run down her spine, knowing she had to protect the Heart at all costs, even if it meant giving up her own life.

A green aura enveloped her as the crystal was carefully inserted into her chest. It felt welcoming and warm, like a soft blanket on a cold day. Weira gasped as it settled in, next to her heart, and began gently pulsing like a second heartbeat. She could not believe how comforting the crystal felt, gently soothing her pain. Weira savored the peace that washed over her as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Even in the darkness that surrounded her kingdom, there was still hope.

'What about you, Guardian?' The queen inquired, her gaze returning to the magnificent creature she had reawakened.

'Me? I would like to investigate what has become of my world. My purpose is to defend and protect this realm in any way possible, no matter the cost or consequences.' He said, tilting his head and reminding her of a bird of prey.

She had a heavy feeling in her chest - guilt for not being able to protect her son. It was her responsibility to correct the mistakes made. As the queen looked at the lifeless body of her child, she wanted to cry, wail, and mourn and could not help but think of ways to seek revenge. In her anguish, Weira roused the Guardian, a god of her people, because she knew that he alone could punish the one responsible for her son's death. She steeled herself and vowed to do whatever it took to destroy her enemies.

'Take my child.' She choked out the words, feeling a bitter taste in her mouth. 'Become my son and the first prince of the Meridian. I will care for you as though you were my own. Perhaps this is how I will make amends for my sins.' Weira said it with her head bowed in humility.

'As you wish,' the man agreed after some thought. 'You must understand that my memories will merge with those of your child. I'll be your son, but I will remain myself. A combination of two beings - an old soul inside a young body. While his appearance seems to resemble mine, it will change. I will look like him, but some of my features will appear on his body, possibly my long hair or a tattoo on the neck. It is the sign of the Guardian. The sign of the Heart of Meridian. I believe you might explain to anyone who inquires that it was an inked spell for the protection.'

'It is also the royal family crest. Nobody would be surprised if it manifested on your body.' Weira silently whispered, and he nodded in agreement.

The Guardian placed his palm on the child's chest and started pouring his essence, power, and magic into it, sculpting and reshaping it to fit the small container. With every slow inhale and exhale, his mind slipped. Gradually, his body disintegrated into a concentrated ball of light and immersed itself in the empty vessel. After receiving a new soul, the boy glowed from within and started to evolve. His height increased. The baby fat disappeared, and the childlike face developed more prominent cheekbones. His hair grew lighter, almost white, and long enough to reach the ground. The most noticeable difference was a red tattoo on the neck - a symbol made from two vertical triangles and a circle in the center. The child blinked and opened his eyes. It felt odd and quite disorienting to be this small. Memories flooded his mind. The carefree days of playing and the unconditional love of the parents... The final moments of pain and fear... Weira's smiling face, covered in tears... a feeling of peace in death

'What is my name?' a childlike voice inquired, peering into his mother's radiant blue eyes.

'Phobos, your name is Phobos.' She gave him a tender smile and clasped his hand.

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