Chapter 16

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[Filch, on guard, looks up, watches shards of glass spill from the window like jewels, standing transfixed as the fragments lash his face, draw blood.]
[Anna races on, glances out a window and sees Snape and the others racing across a lower courtyard.]
[Rose and Neville push through the other students, who are confused, crying. McGonagall appears, meet Rose's glance, continues on.]
"Safest place! SAFEST FUCKING PLACE!!!" Yelled Sirius.
[Quiet here. A view toward the castle. We hold. Slowly figures appear on the horizon. The Death Eaters. Greyback, Bellatrix, Theo, Cassiopeia and Snape.]
Everyone glares at them(except Theo and Cassie).
[Anna bursts through the entrance doors, wand in hand. Before her, the grounds shimmer eerily in the green glow. She sees the figures fleeing towards Hagrid's Hut.]
[Snape and the others race toward the edge of the grounds. Suddenly, Snape pulls up, looks back. Sees Anna sprinting toward him. Cassie and Theo, looking edgy, is watching Anna too.]
Snape: Go on!
Hagrid: An' wha's this wi' the Dark Mar'? Who's been killed? (stopping) Where's Dumbledore, Anna? Where's Dumbledore!! [Anna doesn't answer. Hagrid goes still.]
"Poor Hagrid." Said Lily.
[Rose and Neville stand with the staff. They turn and watch the throng of students part for Anna and Hagrid. Hagrid stops short, shattered by what he sees. Anna pushes on, kneels. Dumbledore's eyes are closed, his face peaceful. Anna looks at him guiltily.]
"She feels guilty for not stopping Cassie." Said Remus.
"Dumbledore already knew. It would change nothing." Said Lily.
[Then she notices something lying beside Dumbledore's ashen hand: the locket. She takes it, considers it curiously. Rose steps forward and hugs her. McGonagall lifts a trembling wand to the sky and slowly the tip glows to life. One after another, students and staff do the same, lifting their wands in salute. As camera rises, the pinpricks coalesce into one blazing fire. The sky, briefly emerald, turns black once more. The Dark Mark vanishes.]
[The castle sits silent. Black banners fly on the parapets.]
[Silent. Desolate. ]
[Dumbledore's chair -- empty. The House tables -- empty. Just then a giant fireball erupts into the sky. Snape wheels, sees Bellatrix and the others silhouetted against the flames. They've set Hagrid's Hut ablaze. Cassie stands paralyzed. Theo grabs her and they go.]
Lucius nodded at Theo gratefully.
Snape: Go on!
[Running. Anna bolts forth, wand in hand, vengeance in her eyes.]
"Why is she angry at Snape? She agreed killing Dumbledore." Said Regulus.
"First, she didn't, she just cared about her girlfriend more than manipulative headmaster and second, she is angry at Snape for betrayal itself." Defended Barty.
[Up ahead, Snape stands stolidly, tall and black against the raging fire. Anna points her wand, fires a jet of red light. Snape doesn't move, merely lets it streak by his head. Anna stops, chest heaving, and takes aim again.]
Anna: Incacerata! [Snape deflects the spell.]
Anna: Impedimenta! [Another lazy flick of the arm, another curse defeated. Anna drops her arm in frustration.]
"He is playing woth her." Greeted his teeth James.
Anna: Fight! Fight back, you coward!
[With staggering quickness, Snape's wand whips forth and Anna is off her heels and crashing to the earth.]
Snape: Don't ever associate that word and my name again.
"Ooh. Hit the soft spot." Said amused Sirius and James.
[Anna raises herself up on one knee, points her wand when... a jet of red light sends her crashing back into the grass. Snape wheels, sees Bellatrix standing behind.]
Snape: No! She belongs to the Dark Lord!
Lily looks at Snape confused and suspiciously, along with Regulus and Remus.
[Bellatrix eyes Snape levelly, then turns, trots off. Snape glances at Anna, then turns away himself, walking. Anna grimaces, pulls herself to his feet and aims one last time.]
Anna: Sectumsempra! [Bang! Snape wheels and once more sends Anna flying onto her back. Anna stares at the stars as they wheel over her, when Snape comes into view.]
Snape: You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?
"He was the one who invented it?!" Asked surprised James.
"He is smarter than you give him credit for." Said Lily.
[Anna goes still. Her eyes shift, meet Snape's.]
Snape: You may have gotten your mother's eyes, but you're as dim as your father. Yes. It's me. I'm the Half-Blood Prince.
Anna: Cocky much? [Mocking] Half-Blood prince.
James and Sirius laugh.
"Not the time! She got antagonizing enemies from Gryffindor." Complained Barty.
"You do the same." Said Evan.
"That's different. I antagonize people i can defeat." Said Barty.
[Snape kicks Anna's wand aside and turns away, joining Cassie and the others where they wait beyond the flaming ruins of Hagrid's Hut. They head for the darkness of the treeline. And vanish. Anna pounds her fist into the ground, then stops.]
Anna: Hagrid... HAGRID! [Anna races toward the hut when the door flies off its hinges. Seconds later, Hagrid stumbles out, beard smoking.]
Anna: Hagrid! You alright?
Hagrid: Take more'n tha' ter finish me off. Not sure about me 'ouse, tho'. But if anybody can put it righ', Dumbledore can.
Anna: Hagrid, Dumbledore --
Hagrid: Only thing I can't reckon is wha' Snape was doin' with tha' lot.
[Hagrid turns then, sees the huge throng of students and staff assembled outside the castle.]
[A tapestry tosses lightly in the breeze. The perch in the empty birdcage sways, squeaking gently.]
[Quiet. Still. Empty. Then: The door eases open and Anna enters. For a moment, she simply stands staring. Taking inventory. Spying something, she crosses to the great desk opposite. Looks down. Dumbledore's wand. Reaching out, Anna takes it in hand. Old, oft-used and bearing the impression of its owner's fingers, it is a strangely beautiful object. Anna traces her thumb lightly over the wood, transfixed, when McGonagall enters.]
Professor McGonagall: Potter.
Anna: Yes?
Professor McGonagall: Potter, in light of what's happened... should you feel the need to talk to someone...
Gryffindors smile at their head of house.
[She falters. Anna gently sets the wand back upon the desk, retraces his steps to the door, pauses for one last look.]
Anna: (smiles) Thank you, Minnie.
Professor McGonagall: You should know... Professor Dumbledore... [Anna turns then, studying her drawn face, no words necessary. At a loss, she finishes quietly: ]
Professor McGonagall: You meant a great deal to him. [Anna's eyes rise. High upon the wall, the past Headmasters snooze in their frames.]
"Maybe she did, maybe not. That man is a puzzle." Said Regulus.
[The last looks remarkably peaceful, the trace of a smile on his lips as he sleeps. Dumbledore. Anna nods, lingering one last moment, and exits.]
[Anna goes to the bank of sinks. Anna concentrates etched on the tiny snake, on one of the copper taps, staring so intensely that the snake almost looks alive.]
Anna: (parseltongue) ~~Open~~
[The circular group of sinks open and a large, open pipe is exposed. Anna looks thoughfull.]
"Basilisk's venom! Of course!" Shouted James happily.
"My smart snakeling." Said Barty proudly.
Anna: (parseltongue) ~~Show me stairs~~ [Stairs show up and Anna jumps cheerfully.]
Anna: (smirking) I knew it!
Regulus nods. "Makes sense, i doubt Salazar Slytherin would jump in dirty pipes." Said Regulus. Others agreed.
[Anna goes down the stairs.]
[Rose and Neville sit talking quietly. Neville is smilling.]
[A vast chamber stretches ahead. Along the path are rows of stone serpants. The serpents rest in pools of black water. Ahead is an enormous statue of Salazar Slytheirn. Several feet in front of the statue, dead Basilisk lies. Anna takes off her bag and puts on gloves. Than takes out tools to take out Basilisk's teeth and poison. While she takes out poison, Anna sings her (imagine Dragon's) song "Natural".]
Anna: Will you hold the line
When every one of them has given up and given in, tell me
In this house of mine
Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me
Will the stars align?
Will heaven step in? Will it save us from our sin? Will it?
'Cause this house of mine stands strong.
That's the price you pay
Leave behind your heart and cast away
Just another product of today
Rather be the hunter than the prey.
"Did i mention i love her songs? Because i love them." Said Barty.
Anna: And you're standing on the edge, face up 'cause you're a...
A beating heart of stone
You gotta be so cold
To make it in this world
Yeah, you're a natural
Living your life cutthroat
You gotta be so cold
Yeah, you're a natural.
Lucius starts tapping his foot to rythm. Narcissa notices and chuckles.
Anna: Will somebody
Let me see the light within the dark trees shadowing
What's happening?
Looking through the glass find the wrong within the past knowing
Oh, we are the youth
Cut until it bleeds inside a world, without the peace, face it
A bit of the truth, the truth
That's the price you pay
Leave behind your heart and cast away
Just another product of today
Rather be the hunter than the prey
And you're standing on the edge, face up 'cause you're a...
A beating heart of stone
You gotta be so cold
To make it in this world.
"She is just a teen. She shouldn't be excperiencing so much pain and suffering." Sighted Lily.
Anna: Yeah, you're a natural
Living your life cutthroat
You gotta be so cold
Yeah, you're a natural
Deep inside me, I'm fading to black, I'm fading
Took an oath by the blood of my hand, won't break it
I can taste it, the end is upon us, I swear
Gonna make it
I'm gonna make it
A beating heart of stone
You gotta be so cold
To make it in this world
Yeah, you're a natural
Living your life cutthroat
You gotta be so cold
Yeah, you're a natural
Yeah, you're a natural.
[Anna and Rose stand by the ramparts Anna stares into the distance at the ashes of Hagrid's Hut. Anna toys with the locket before them.]
Rose: Do you think she would've done it. Cassiopeia?
"She would." Said Regulus.
Anna: Does it matter? In the end, it was Snape. It was always Snape. [Rose studies Anna and takes the locket from the rampart.]
Rose: Strange. Thinking this is a piece of Voldemort's soul...
Many agreed.
Anna: Yeah, strange. Only... it's not. It's a fake.
"What?!" Asked Sirius.
[As Rose reacts, Anna nods.]
Anna: Go on. Open it. [Rose pries open the locket and removes a piece of parchment folded in a tight square. Reads:]
Rose: 'To the Dark Lord. I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I, who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B.'
"Y- y- y- you- you-- impossible." Stutered Sirius.
"Dramatic, Reg." Joked Barty and nudged him. Regulus chuckled, still in shock, not believing his future self found a way and tried to defeat dark lord.
"It's not funny!" Said Narcissa.
"Future. This time i won't let this moron do that!" Said Barty. Evan nodded.
"What were you thinking going alone there?!" Scolded Evan. Sirius sits stunned, not moving. James shakes him to get him on earth with no success.
Ada: (looking up) R.A.B.?
Anna: Dunno. But whoever they are,
they have the real Horcrux. Which means, it was a waste. All of it. [Rose studies Anna's troubled face. Anna looks at her.]
Anna: I'm not coming back. I have to finish what Dumbledore started. I'm not sure where that will lead me... but I'll let you konw where I am -- when I can.
Rose: I've always admired your courage, Anna, but sometimes... you're really thick.
"She is like my best friend." Said Barty and gave a look at Regulus. Regulus groaned.
"You are never let me that down, are you?" Said Regulus.
"Of course not, lionheart." Smirked Barty. Regulus hits him.
"Call me that again and I'll rip your lungs out and use them for bagpipes." Threatened Regulus with dark glare. Barty's smirk doesn't falter.
"Damn. That's a one good threat." Said Lily.
"Meeh. He can do better." Said Sirius.
[Anna turns, looking at her in surprise.]
Rose: You don't honestly think you can find all those Horcruxes by yourself, do you? (leaning in; a whisper) You need me, Anna. [Anna just stares at her. She cocks her head, smiling, doing her best to coax one out of her. Finally, she does, briefly.]
Anna: Yeah. I do. [Anna looks off again and Rose follows her gaze.]
People smile at their friendship.
[She looks out over the grounds. Slowly losing herself. We can tell. She's taking inventory. Pressing it into a scrapbook.]
Rose: Do you think we'll ever... come back? [She stops. Her eyes glisten briefly. Then she fights it back. Tough. Anna fights back her own emotion, reaches over and gives her hand a brief squeeze. Then releases her.]
Anna: I don't know. [Rose nods.]
Everyone look worried at little warriors.
[Just then a song rises on the air, mournful and haunting, and seconds later a bird soars out from beyond the tallest turret and begins to stitch its way across the sky. Rose, lean against the rampart. They look the horizon, watching the bird grow smaller while its song -- magically -- endures. Neither says a word. FADE OUT.]

*This is the end of sixth book. Thanks for reading, voting and commenting❣️ I hope you enjoy it and i will try to post next book "Anna Potter and The Deathly Hollows" fast. *

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