Chapter 8

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[Later, the sand having run out with the evening. Slughorn says his goodbyes.]
Slughorn: Thank you, one and all, for a most stimulating evening. We’ll have to do it again. [Slughorn closes the door, turns, sends a floor lamp wobbling and, catching it, finds Anna.]
Slughorn: Oh. Potter.
Anna: Sorry, sir, I was just admiring your hourglass.
Slughorn: Ah, yes. A most intriguing
object. The sands run in accordance to the quality of the conversation. When it is stimulating, the sands run slow. When it is not...
Anna: Sir, how was Riddle when he was my age? [Anna can see the vein in Slughorn’s temple pulsating. Fearing she may have overstepped...]
"Wrong move." Said Barty.
Anna: I’m sorry, sir. Forgive me. He
killed my parents, you see... [Anna stops, frowns. Slughorn turns, studies Anna. Nods.]
Slughorn: Of course. It’s only natural that you should want to know more. I’m afraid I must disappoint you, Anna. When I first met young Mr. Riddle, he was simply a quiet, albeit brilliant, boy committed to becoming a first-rate wizard. Not unlike the others I’ve known. In fact, not unlike... you. If the monster existed, it was buried
deep within.
"Or he hide it well." Said Regulus.
[Anna sees Rose sleeping on couch and shakes her awake.]
Anna: Rose? Rose! [Rose wakes up.]
Rose: Wha-what?
Anna: Why are you not in bedroom?
Rose: There is a spider.
"So?" Asked Sirius.
"She is afraid of spiders." Reminded James.
Anna: (confused) Why don't you kill it?
Rose: I have two arms and it has eight. It isn't a fair fight.
"She has got a point there." Said Sirius and laughed with others.
Anna: (amused) Come on. I'll kill it for you.
Rose: Really?
Anna: (chuckling) Yes.
[Blair and Cassie come in great hall and sit next to Theo.]
Blair: I just had Quidditch practice, y'all would not believe how hungry I am [Blair eats hot dog in two bites.]
"Slow down! You will choke like that." Said Narcissa.
Cassie: Whoa, slow down, Blair. I've never seen you swallow anything so quickly.
Theo: (smirking) I have [Blair chokes on her food.]
Barty, Sirius, James and Evan laughs.
Ada: Theo, you just made Blair choke!
Theo: (smirks) Again, not the first time.
"When did he become so confident?" Asked Evan.
"When he became a Malfoy." Aswered Lucius.
Cassie: (sobs) One meal... just, one meal without the two of you being like this. Is this too much to ask for?
"I know how you feel." Said Regulus symathetically and sent a glare toward Barty and Evan.
"Same." Saod James, giving Remus and Sirius a look.
[Rose enters the Hall, eyes lowered, knuckles taped for Quidditch, flexing her fingers anxiously as she makes for the Gryffindor table. Neville kisses her on forhead.]
Neville: Good luck. [Rose nods shortly, then Seamus comes up on her side, whispers conspiratorially. Gryffindor chaser: Diana is staring at Anna, but Anna doesn't seem to notice. Instead, Cassie does and she glares at Diana murderiously.]
"Someone seems jaelous." Sang amused Barty. Lucius glares at him.
Seamus: Counting on you, Rose. I’ve two Galleons on Gryffindor. [As Seamus peels off, Rose cuts her eyes toward the Slytherin table, where the Quidditch team sits together.]
"She needs to relax." Said James.
[One Slytherin juts his chin toward Rose, mutters something. A few turn, snigger.]
Neville: Don't worey about them. You will do great. [Rose sends weak smile toward him. Rose passes next to Cormac, who eyes her with disdain as he passes. Frowning, Rose drops down opposite Anna. Anna eyes her briefly, knowingly, pushes a plate across. Rose takes a fork, pokes at it glumly.]
Dean Thomas: (passing by) Good luck today, Rose! I know you’ll be brilliant!
[Rose smiles feebly, looks back down at her plate.]
"Stop pressuring her!" Said Lily.
Rose: I’m resigning. After today’s match. McLaggen can have my spot.
Anna: Have it your way. Juice? [Rose and Neville blink, surprised by Anna’s callousness -- and mildly put out.]
Everyone look surprised.
Rose: Sure... [As Anna pours, Luna arrives at the table wearing a hat that bears an uncanny resemblance to a real lion.]
Luna: Hello, everyone. You look dreadful, Rose. [Rose nods grimly, lifts her glass. Luna turns to Anna.]
Luna: Is that why you just put something in her cup. Is it a tonic? [The tiny vial of Felix Felicis glints in Anna’s palm. Rose’s frozen in mid-sip, looking at Anna’s palm too. Quickly, she gulps down the rest.]
"She didn't..." said shocked Barty.
"No! She wouldn't cheat!!" Yelled James.
"Doesn't seem like it, does it? Your daughter is just d-" Lucius got interrupted by Narcissa.
"Lucius! We should watch the future quietly, don't you agree?" Said Narcissa with famous Black glare. Lucius nodded. James snickers.
"What are you laughing at?" Narrowed her eyes Lily.
"Nothing." Said James, amusment gone from his face. Lucius sends small smirk toward James.
[Anna pockets the vial, winks at Luna. Rose rises.]
Rose: C’mon, Anna. We’ve got a game to win.
[Slytherin snatches the Quaffle and rushes en masse toward Gryffindor’s end, weaving and passing with wicked skill, culminating in a vicious, slicing shot on goal. Just when it appears it will clear the hoop, Rose streaks out of nowhere and sends the Quaffle screaming in the opposite direction. Just then, Dean streaks by: Diana rolls backward, jets off and races down her fellow Chasers. Flying in spread formation, Dean -- on the far wing -- starts the Quaffle “up the line” until it lands in Diana's hand. Pitching herself into a wide slide to avoid a pair of whistling bludgers, she leans recklessly off her broom and whips the Quaffle through the goal untouched.]
Gryffindors cheer.
[As the crowd screams, Anna eyes the Gryffindor section, where Luna’s Lion hat roars. Diana comes down from broom, runs toward Anna and hugs her.]
Diana: (shouting) We won! We won!
[Anna hugs back and cheers with her. Cassie glares at Diana. Blair looks at Cassie amused.]
"Ooh.. i smell jaelousy." Said Barty.
Blair: (smirking) Are you jaelous?
Cassie: No. [Cassie watches how Diana says something and she and Anna laugh together. Dian touches Anna's arm while laughing. Cassie's grip on her broom tightens so much, her knuckles turn white. Whiter than usual.]
People look at her amused.
Blair: (Sarcastically) Sure.
Cassie: No, I amn't jaelous. [Blair looks at her amused.]
Cassie: Really. If i was jaelous, i would go there and tear out her eyeballs for eye-fucking my girlfriend and than rip off the hands, that bitch is touching my girlfriend with and show it down her throat! [Blair sees mad glint in Cassie's eyes and steps away.]
"Is this notorious Black madness?" Asked Evan.
"No. Not yet. Jt's just a glimpse." Smirked Regulus.
Blair: (under her breath) I am so glad i amn't her. [Cassie doesn't hear what she says. She continues to glare at Diana.]
"She won't kill her, right?" Said Lily. No one answered her.
"Right?" Asked Lily, now more nervous.
"I don't thinks so." Said Narcissa.
[Cassie grabs Anna's hand and drags her into broom closet. Anna looks at her confused.]
Anna: What are you doing?
Cassie: (angry) No. What are you doing?
"Get off." Glared James.
Anna: (confused) What do you mean?
Cassie: You letting that skank flirt with you! [Anna looks like she realised.]
"She got your temper." Said Narcissa to Lucius. Lucius looked at her incredously.
"Mine? You were the one holding knife at my throat, because i lent my book to Carrow." Said Lucius.
"I don't know what you are talking about." Said Narcissa. People look at them amused.
Anna: You are jaelous of Diana. [Cassie clanches her jaw.]
Cassie: I am not jaelous.
Anna: (amused) Mhhm. [Cassie glares at her. Anna changes the positions and now Cassie is the one pinned at wall.]
Anna: I prefer to be on top. [Anna winked.]
Barty chuckled.
"I don't want to know!" Shouted James, covering his ears.
Anna: You don't have to be worried. (Cups Cassie's face) I have my eyes only for you, love. [Pats Cassie's cheek. Cassie blushes.]
Anna: (softly) i love you. I'm your girlfriend, not hers. Okay?
Lily and Narcissa smile at them.
[Cassie grabbed Anna's tie and brought her closer.]
Cassie: You are mine.
Anna: (smilling) I'm yours. [They kiss.]
"Aww." Squeled Barty. Evan looked at his boyfried amused.
[The room teems with students celebrating Gryffindor’s victory. It feels like Mardi Gras. Or a mosh pit. Or a riot. And Rose is right smack in the middle of it.]
Crowd: Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!
[Anna takes her backslaps on the periphery, smiling as she sips a Butterbeer and enjoys Rose's turn in the spotlight.]
Sirius and James join cheering.
[Whistles and catcalls rise. She turn to see what the commotion is about and find, smack dab in the center of the room... Rose and Neville. In a clinch. Kissing.]
Anna: (yelling) Woooohooo! I made this couple happen!
"She is never gonna let them let it down, will she?" Said Lily.
"Nope." Answered James.
[Anna leaves the roar of the party for the quiet of the corridor. Ahead, a door stands ajar. Chirping can be heard.]
[In the Common Room, the party rages on, while three windows down, Neville pulls Rose into a kiss. Figures pass by windows, including one tall, pale girl standing at a window on the seventh floor: Cassie. As she turns away, the castle slides from view and the camera tilts up to the sky, drifting with snow.]
"What's Cassie doing there?" Asked Evan. Barty shrugged.
[Luna Lovegood, decked out in a set of spangled silver robes, and Anna, in basic black, make their way toward the strains of christmas music, Red lanterns lighting their way.]
Luna: I’ve never been to this part of the castle. At least not while awake. I sleepwalk, you see. It’s why I wear shoes to bed.
"She got it from Pans." Said Evan. Barty holded Evan's hand in support.
[As Anna and Luna pass out of sight, we pick up Cassie, standing in the shadows of an alcove. She watches them go, then moves off.]
[In the f.g., the birdcage glimmers dully in the gray moonlight streaming through a window. Within, the two birds huddle quietly. We rack focus and see, through the grid of wire, a figure approaching. Cassie moves down the corridor, eyes fixed oddly ahead. She looks pale in the moonlight. In her fist she grips an apple. As she passes the cage, we hold on the birds.]
[Cassie approaches. Stops. Turns to the wall. Closes her eyes.]
[Camera glides past dozens of towering shelves, duststrewn and listing like dominoes, cluttered with all matter of strange objects. Cassie appears, her legs
pushing her on, wending her way through the narrow passages.]
[We rise above it, watch Cassiophea walks directly toward us and stops. She stares at the solid mass before her.]
"What is she up to? Asked Sirius.
[Reaches out and takes the fringe of the tapestry covering it. Tugs. The tapestry shivers like water to the floor, revealing... A cabinet, identical to the one in Borgin & Burkes. Cassie runs a hand over the glossy finish, comes away with dust upon her fingertips. Glancing around, she spies a bust of a woman wearing a tiara, removes the silk scarf hanging from her porcelain neck and gently wipes the dust away from the cabinet. Bringing the apple up, she opens the cabinet and places it within. Shuts it. Closing her eyes, she mutters a low incantation, barely discernible. She reaches out. Opens it. The apple is gone. She closes the cabinet again. Waits. Longer this time. Finally, She opens it. Removes the apple. Rotates it. Someone has taken a bite out of it.]
"No way!" Gasped Regulus.
"What is it?" Asked Lucius.
"She fixed it." Said Narcissa. People look at them confused.
"Now people can come in Hogwarts." Said Barty. Everyone pales.
"You think it's her task?" Asked Lucius. Narcissa nodded.

Anna Potter and the Half-blood princeWhere stories live. Discover now