Chapter 10

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[Anna’s face punging into water, breaking the surface...]
"What is she doing there?" Asked Lily.
"Watching Pensive." Said James.
"Dumbledore came back?" Asked Remus.
[We emerge from the crackling embers of a fireplace. A much younger -- and more smartly dressed Slughorn probes
a dish of crystallizede pineapple as he holds court before 16-year-old Tom Riddle and five other boys. The crystal hourgalss sits on a side table.]
Tom Riddle: Sir, is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring? [Slughorn chuckles, wags a sugar-encrusted finger at Riddle.]
Slughorn: Now, Tom, I couldn’t tell you if I knew, could I? I must say, m’boy, I’d like to know where you get your information. More knowledgeable than half the staff, you are. (as the other boys laugh)
"Of course he is." Rolled hies eyes James.
Slughorn: By the way, thank you for the pineapple -- you’re quite right, it is my favorite -- how is it you knew?
Tom Riddle: Intuition. [Riddle smiles but his expression suggests intuition had nothing to do with it. Slughorn chuckles uneasily.]
Slughorn: Good gracious, look at the time. Off you go, boys, or Professor Dippett will have us all in detention. Lestrange, Avery, don’t forget your essays... [As the others file out, Slughorn busies himself with some papers when -- Ping! -- he turns, finds Riddle still there, standing by the crystal hourglass.]
Slughorn: Look sharp, Tom. You don’t want to be caught out of bed after hours...
Tom Riddle: I know a secret shortcut or two.
Slughorn: Yes, I imagine you do. Something on your mind, Tom?
Tom Riddle: Yes, sir. I couldn’t think of anyone else to go to. The other professors, well, they’re not like you. They might... misunderstand.
People look intrigued
Slughorn: Go on. [Riddle slips off the ring on his left hand, begins to roll it between his fingers. It is set with a black stone.]
Tom Riddle: I was in the library the other night, in the Restricted section, and I read something rather odd, about a bit of rare magic, and I thought perhaps you could illuminate me... [Suddenly, a dense fog engulfs the room and Slughorn's voice twists into an angry shriek.]
"Something's wrong." Said Regulus.
"The memory is altered." Agreed Lucius.
Slughorn: I don’t know anything about such things and I wouldn’t tell you if I did! Now get out of here at once and don’t ever let me catch you mentioning it again!
[The fog grows thicker and camera emerges from the swirling Pensieve. Anna blinks, finds Dumbledore studying her from across the room.]
Dumbledore: Confused? I would be surprised if you weren’t.
Anna: I don’t understand -- what happened?
Dumbledore: This is perhaps the most important memory I’ve collected. It’s also a lie. (off Anna’s look) This memory has been tampered with. In this case by the person whose memory it is, our friend Professor Slughorn.
"But why?" Asked Remus.
Anna: But why would he tamper with his own memory?
Dumbledore: I suspect he is ashamed of it. [Dumbledore trails his withered fingers in the Pensieve.]
Dumbledore: I asked you to get to know Professor Slughorn and you’ve done so. Now I want you to persuade him to divulge his true memory. Any way you can.
Anna: I don’t know him that well, sir --
Dumbledore: You’re the Chosen One, Anna. And Horace is, at heart, a decent man. Provide the proper circumstances and he will confess his sins.
"Did she just ask my daughter to manipulate her professor?" Asked Lily.
"He did." Said James.
[Dumbledore lifts his fingers from the Pensieve, studies them. They are, in this moment, iridescent, whole.]
Dumbledore: This memory is everything, Anna. Without it, we are blind. Without it, we leave the fate of our world to chance. You have no choice. You must not fail.
Anna: When did i ever have a choice?
People look at her sadly.
[As the class bell rings, a group of first years rise.]
Slughorn: Now don’t forget to look over the chapter on antidotes. I’ll be poisoning one of you next time we meet. I’m joking! Off you go! Don’t forget your rattails, Miss Alys. [As the tiny ones scurry out, Anna is revealed, waiting just outside the door. She enters. For a moment, Slughorn merely hums over his briefcase, unaware.]
Slughorn: Ah! If it isn’t the Princess of Potions herself! To what do I owe the pleasure?
Anna: Well, sir, I wondered if I might ask you something.
Slughorn: Ask away, my dear girl, ask away.
Anna: Well, you see, the other day I was
in the Restricted Section -- in the library -- and I stumbled upon something rather odd while reading. Something about a bit of rare magic...
"Oh, no." Groaned Barty.
"It will just scare him off." Said Regulus.
Slughorn: Yes? And exactly what was this rare magic.
Anna: I’m not sure... That is, I don’t recall the name... exactly. But it got me wondering... Are there some kinds of magic you’re not allowed to teach?
[Slughorn looks up, eyes Anna carefully.]
Slughorn: I’m a Potions Professor, Anna. Perhaps your question would best be posed to Professor Snape.
Anna: Yes, well, we don’t exactly see eye-to-eye, sir. What I mean to say is, he’s not like you. He might... misunderstand. [Recognition flickers in Slughorn’s eyes. A glint of fear.]
Slughorn: There can be no light without the dark. And so it is with magic. Myself, I have always strived to live within the light. I suggest you do the same.
"Wise words." Said Lily.
[Slughorn gathers his briefcase, starts to exit.]
Anna: Did you say the same to Tom Riddle, sir? When he came asking questions. [Slughorn freezes in the doorway, then slowly turns.]
Slughorn: Dumbledore put you up to this. Didn’t he? Didn’t he!
Anna: Sir --  [Slughorn silences her with an upraised hand. Then, without another word, he is gone.]
Anna: Well, getting him into the corner didn't work. Than again he's a Slytherin, i should have known if i get him into the corner, his self-preservation instincts would kick in.
"You should have." said Barty.
[Lightning flashes. Thunder rumbles. Rain lashes the windows. Through the birdcage’s grid of wires someone
approaches. We rack focus... find Anna. As she passes, we hold on the cage. One bird is missing. Only the black one remains. As thunder booms, the bird ruffles its feathers. Anna glances down the corridor adjacent, sees a figure start up the far stairwell. As the shadow ascends, Anna follows. The figure continues on, passes out of view. Anna follows. Anna is trailing.]
"Why can't she mind her own business?" Groaned Lily.
[The figure turns a corner comes into view. It’s Cassiopeia. She stops halfway down, looks back the way she came. Anna's shadow scales the wall as she approaches. Cassiopeia watches calmly, then turns, closes her eyes. And simply... disappears. Anna turns the corner. Stops. No one.]
"Room of requirement." Said Barty.
[Cassiopeia wends her way through the towering shelves, removes the tapestry and faces the gleaming cabinet. She  reaches into her coat and carefully removes the white bird. Holding it in one hand, she studies it, gently stroking its feathers with the other. For a moment, she seems lost in the activity, lost in the bird’s coal black eyes, its bobbing head. Then, gently, she places it in the cabinet and closes the door. Waits. When she opens the cabinet, the bird is gone. She closes the cabinet once more. A feather, white and gleaming, clings to the cuff of her jacket. She takes it, turns it in the light. It is fragile, translucent. She looks briefly lost again, then blinks, turns back to the cabinet, slowly reaches out and opens it. The bird is there. Dead.]
"It didn't work." Said Regulus.
[Anna slumps into the darkened dormitory. Stops. On the floor, glittering in the moonlight, is a trail of candy foils. A bit further along, Rose sits in her PJ’s upon the window sill, a heart-shaped box by his side.]
Rose: It’s beautiful, isn’t it? The moon.
Anna: Divine. Had ourselves a little late-night snack, did we?
Rose: It was on your bed. The box. Thought I’d try one...
Anna: Or twenty.
James chuckled.
Rose: I can’t stop thinking about him,
Anna. [Anna looks at Rose confused.]
Rose: Do you think he knows I exist?
"Something is wrong with her." Said Lily.
Anna: Bloody well hope so. You have been dating almost three year.
Rose: dating? Who’re you talking about?
Anna: Who’re you talking about?
Rose: Cormac, of course. Cormac McLaggen.
"Whaaat?!" Yelled Sirius and James.
[Anna stares at Rose... then grins.]
Anna: Okay. Very funny. [She turns to her bed, throws back the covers when... the heart-shaped box caroms off her head.]
Anna: What the hell was that for?
Rose: It’s no joke! I’m in love with him!
[Anna stops rubbing her head, eyes Rose oddly, then glances at the candy box at her feet. There is an envelope. Taking it, she slides out a card: “Happy Valentine’s Day, Dear Anna. Cormac.” she suppresses a smile.]
"That bastard tried to use bloody love potion on my daughter!!" Yelled furious James. Barty, Sirius, Remus and Evan fumed, too. Lily and Narcissa look disgusted.
Anna: Rose, these chocolates, they’re --
C’mon. I’m going to take you to Cormac McLaggen.
[Anna leads Rose, still in his PJs, toward a door.]
Rose: How do I look?
Anna: Devastatingly beautiful. [Anna raps on the door. Footsteps -- followed by a loud crash.]
Slughorn: (O.S.) Damn it all! [The door opens. Slughorn stands in a green velvet dressing gown and matching nightcap, looking bleary-eyed and annoyed. Something smokes on the floor behind him -- the floor lamp he’d sent wobbling the night of the dinner party.]
Slughorn: Yes???!!!! (warily) Oh. Potter. It’s you. I’m afraid I’m busy at the moment -- [He starts to close the door. Anna sticks her foot in.]
"Rude." Said Barty.
Anna: Sir. I’m sorry, but i need your help.
Rose: Where’s Cormac? [Slughorn squints over Anna’s shoulder at Rose who is doing precisely the same from the other side.]
Slughorn: What’s the matter with Weasley? [Anna leans forward, whispers into Slughorn’s ear. He frowns.]
Slughorn: Ah. Very well. Bring her in.
[Slughorn, with practiced ease, mixes a concoction of powders and potions into a goblet while Rse peers into a mirror. As she paces, Anna passes “the shelf” and finds, front and center, a photograph of herself and Slughorn -- the one taken at the Christmas party. In deep b.g. is photograph of Snape, as a young student, clutching his potions textbook.]
Slughorn: I’d have thought you could whip up a remedy for this in no time, Anna -- an expert potioneer like you.
"Where would she get ingredients?" Said James.
Anna: I figured this called for a more
practiced hand, sir.
Rose: Hello, darling. Fancy a drink? [Slughorn and Anna turn, watch Rose wink into the mirror.]
Slughorn: Hm. Perhaps you’re right. [As Slughorn goes back to mixing, Anna eyes him furtively.]
Anna: I’m sorry, sir. About the other day. Our... misunderstanding. [Slughorn eyes Anna briefly, looks away.]
Slughorn: Yes, well, water under the bridge as they say, correct?
Anna: I mean, I’m sure you’re tired of it, after all these years. The questions. About... Voldemort. [Slughorn’s mixing hand falters instantly.]
Slughorn: I’ll ask you not to use that name. [Slughorn’s stare is fierce. Anna nods. Finally, he turns, goblet in hand, and puts a smile on his face, his voice cheery.]
Slughorn: Alright, m’girl! Bottoms up!
Rose: What’s this?
Slughorn: A tonic for the nerves. [Rose drinks. Beams briefly. Then her grin sags.]
Rose: What happened to me?
"Love potion." Growled Sirius.
Anna: Love potion.
Slughorn: And a bloody strong one at that.
Rose: I feel really... bad.
Slughorn: Pick-me-up’s what you need, m’girl. (eying Anna again) Do us all good, I think. I’ve got butterbeer, wine -- ah -- and a dazzling oak-matured mead. I had other intentions for this but given the circumstances...
[Slughorn takes a stout bottle and fills a glass for Rose. As Rose sips, Slughorn fills a pair for he and Anna.]
Lily smiles at Slughorn.
Slughorn: There we are, Potter. To life!
[CRASH! -- Rose’s glass hits the floor and she crumples to her knees, then tumbles full out on the rug, spasming horribly, foam oozing over her lips. Anna rushes to her.]
"Wha- what's--?" Stuttered james.
Anna: Rose! Rose!!! Professor, help her!
Slughorn: I d-don’t understand --
Anna: Professor! Do something!!
[Slughorn shuffles helplessly through his bag, mumbling, at a loss. Anna turns back to Rose -- her skin is turning blue.]
Anna: She’s choking!!
Everyone is on edge.
[Anna glances about, then leaps up, and frantically begins to strip the walls of its potion stores, looking for something, anything. A box tumbles, something spills: a scattering of stones, no bigger than a robin’s egg, shriveled and dry. Snatching one, she wrenches open Rose's jaw and thrusts it deep into her throat. Instantly Rose stops moving, paralyzed. The room is suddenly silent. She's not breathing. Anna places both hands behind Rose's head and gives it a shake. Another.]
"Bezoar. Should work!" Said Regulus.
Anna: Breathe! C’mon, Rose, don’t be a prat. Breathe! You can't leave me, too! Do you hear me?! You can't! [Anna shakes her again and again... then stops. Rose’s head rolls limply from her fingers. Slughorn looks on, mouth agape. Useless. Then... A cough, a great hiccupping cough -- like a swimmer almost drowned -- and Rose is back. Breathing.]
Everyone sights out in relief.
Rose: These boys are gonna kill me, Anna. [Anna grins and hugs her. Then Rose’s eyes flutter. Out. But breathing.]

Anna Potter and the Half-blood princeWhere stories live. Discover now