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"How are you?"

I asked Aarya

"I am good. But you tell me, how are you? Never thought you guys would get married huh!"

"Areee you didn't come at our wedding"

"She wasn't invited. I didn't invite her."

Ved poped up in between our convo.

"Anyways shall I get us drinks, DARLING."

I mentally fumbled. Wtf is Darling!

"Yeah..I'll have--"

"Beer..I know your drink."

He interrupted. He is acting all husband-y infront of Aarya just to make her jealous. He left for getting me a drink.

"Ahh! He is so not in love with you!"

Aarya said with a bitchy face.

"He doesn't even like you! You know that right. Love is the way he used to look at me."

"Love? It was just casual."

I protested.

"Nopppeeee! He wanted to get serious that's why i dumped him! I bet he still likes me!"

The best friend in me left!

"Excuse me Aarya! This is my husband you are talking about!"

"Well whom you kidding? He hasn't looked at you from the bar in 5 mins. HE DOESN'T  LOVE YOU VIVIDHA"

I knew it. It still hit hard. Fuck I'll cry now!

"Mind your tongue Aarya!"

"If I want him, I'll have him. Just see how I get your husband in my pants"

I was just recovering from the shock when Ved came. He gave me beer. All I wanted to do was throw that on her face.
And I did.

"What the fuck!"

She almost yelled as my beer landed on her face and saree.


Ved said in shock.

"I said mind your tongue Aarya! This my husband you are talking about!"

"Oh did I touch a nerve? But ur anger won't change the fact that you can never have Ved! THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOU!"

Ved stood in confusion. Her words hit me hard.

"Fuck Off."

Ved said in my support.
I stormed to somewhere...I don't know where.
After 10 mins I tried to calm myself down. Ved called me twice and then stopped bothering me. I tried searching and calling Ved but he didn't pick up. I sat at the bar for 20 mins...drank some beers...not much to give me hangover.


I heard Ved behind me. I turned. His hair were little messed up. But I didn't pay much attention.

"Ghar chale?"

I asked. He nodded. We didn't speak till we got to the car. It was already raining. We sat in the car he drove silently. As we passed a streetlight, I saw lipstick marks on Ved's neck. I couldn't belive my eyes.

"Stop the car Ved."


He said and stopped.
I touched the mark and questioned him

"Yeh marks kaha se aaye? Kisi lipstick hai?"

"I'll explain when we get home."

He said shifting away from my hand.

"Kaha the tum 30 min?"

"Not important. Lets get home first. Its raining."

"Where you with....where you  with Aarya?"

I could hardly utter those words out.

"Vividha...lets just get home"

The anger in me came back.

"Look at me Ved."

He hesitantly looked at me.

"Where you with--"


My mouth opened with shock.
I opened the door of the car and stepped out. He stepped out in hurry and called my name few times and he followed me...I kept walking.

"Vividha! Its raining! Get in the car! "

"Go to hell Ved!"

"Let me explain"

The words that every man says after a really yuck mistake.
I turned to him. I stood there for 30 secs in silence as he walked towards me and stood infront of me ready to explain.

The weight of my lehenga felt heavier because of the rain.


I spat out. He seemed horrified.


Hehehehehehe....I like it when they fight!
Am I wicked?

Theher JaaWhere stories live. Discover now