Another job

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I woke up and heard screaming, a man screaming. I got out of bed to see what was going on and the screaming was coming from the room Fritz was in. I banged on the door hard as I walked past.

"Shut up" I shouted before walking into the kitchen.

Georg was in there with Liam and was feeding him.

"How did he sleep?" I asked.

"Not great, up at 12 then 2 then 5, just really tired" Georg replied.

His eyes were red and he looked exhausted.

"I can take him for a few hours so you can rest" I said reaching out for Liam.

"Oh please" Georg chuckled and handed Liam to me.

"He needs a bath and I think his teeth are starting to come through which is why he was up most the night" Georg said.

"Yh he is teething, I got something to help with that, you go to sleep before you pass out" I joked.

Georg smiled at me and patted my shoulder as he walked past me.

"You're a life saver" he said before disappearing into his room.

Liam started crying since his gums were sore but luckily Amber thought ahead and put one of his chew toys in the freezer so it was cold. I grabbed it from the freezer and handed it to Liam, he hadn't figured out how to hold things yet but the second the cold gel toy hit his gums he gripped the thing for dear life. Liam rubbed the toy on his gums and chewed it. It seemed it was just me and Georg in the house since the blinds where down and it was really quiet, everyone would be awake by now. They probably went out for food or something I thought as I took Liam back to my room and laid him on his tummy on the bed to help him learn to keep his head up, I only know what I know about baby's from Liz,!she told me all sorts of things she was going to do with Liam and I made sure that I met all her wishes like.

Tummy time- laying your baby on there tummy to teach them how to hold there head up.

Swaddling- where you wrap your baby up tightly in a blanket to make it feel like there in the womb so they fall asleep and hopefully stay asleep.

Stuff like that, thanks to Liz I was a pro with baby's now. I heard the front door open and laughing, they were back. Tom poked his head into the bedroom and smiled at me.

"We got some breakfast, it's in the kitchen" Tom said.

I followed him to the kitchen and saw a McDonald's bag, yes!

I grabbed my food and headed back to my room and started eating it, Tom came in not long after and picked Liam up. He had a big smile on his face as he held him up.

"Look at my big strong man" Tom said.

I laughed at the sight of Tom actually holding a baby.

"Where is Georg, asleep?" Tom asked.

"Yh, he looked exhausted so I said i would take Liam for a few hours so he could catch some sleep" i replied.

"How nice of you" Tom replied before putting Liam back down.

"LET ME OUT YOU SUN OF A BITCH!" We suddenly heard out of nowhere.

"That fucking guy" Tom muttered before heading towards the room Fritz was in.

I could see the door to that room from my bed and watched as Tom opened the door and Fritz pounced on him. A sudden gun shot was heard which started Liam off. Fritz cried out in pain as bill walked over putting his gun back in his waist band. Tom kicked Fritz back into the room and went inside before shutting the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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