Im tom fucking kaulitz

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"Remi are you ready" I heard Tom shout from down stairs.

"Yh down in a sec" I replied and got off the bed.

Rose and amber winked at me and I rolled my eyes and smiled as I went downstairs. Tom had a big grin on his face as I walked down stairs.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing just get in" Tom said and we both got in the car.

We drove around to city abit and parked opposite I big lake. It was sun set so it was kinda dark and it started raining lightly. Tom pulled something out his pocket and held it up.

"Is that weed?" I asked.

"Yh, my friend had some and he gave me some" Tom replied.

I looked at the spliff and then at Tom.

"If your down I'm down" I said and Tom smiled.

"That's my girl" he replied and pulled out his lighter.

He lit it and took a few drags. He started coughing and passed it to me.

"Dam that shit is way stronger then the stuff I get" Tom said and grabbed his drink.

I puffed on it and my throat started to hurt.

"Shit your right" I replied.

"He puts pure weed in his spliffs instead of half weed and half tobacco" Tom said and took the spliff.

"Dan, your man is brave" I replied and took toms drink.

We finished the spliff and had about half each. By now I could feel it kicking in.

"It's been so long since I've done this" I said as I just looked at the rain hit the water in the lake.

"You've smoked before?" Tom replied surprised.

"Mommy friends man use to sell it and would give her some and she would share it with me" I replied.

"Your not who I thought you where" Tom said turning to me.

"Who did you think I was" I asked as I looked at him.

"Some chick who hadn't lived" Tom replied.

"Wow Tom who do you take me for, ask me things that you don't think I've done" I replied,

"Oh then, how many men have you been with" Tom asked,

"5, next" u replied.

Tom gave me a surprise look.

"Ok umm, what is the dumbest thing you have done drunk" he asked.

"At a collage party I stripped down to my underwear and pole dancing on a mop to impress a guy" I replied.

"Did you impress him?" Tom asked.

"No he blocked me and changed classes" I replied.

Tom chuckled.

"Ok last one, Ever gang banged?" To asked.

"Tom!" I giggled and hit his arm.

"We'll have you?" Tom asked.

"No" I replied.

"Ok" Tom said with a smirk.

"Look at the rain" I said and rolled the window down so I could touch it.

"Want to jump in the lake" Tom asked with a cheeky smile.

"Umm, YES!" I replied and we both ran out the car.

Gang, girls and gunsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora