Sick fuckers

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"no, NO!" I shouted before it all went black.

I woke up in a small room, about the size of a bathroom stall with a big metal door. I remembered what happened before it blacked out and started to cry. My head was throbbing from someone hitting me with a gun or something. A sudden wave of anger suddenly hit me and I stud up and started to bang on the door.

"LET ME OUT YOU SICK FUCKS!" I shouted as I banged and kicked the door.

The door suddenly swung open and Meza grabbed me hair tightly and dragged me back to the circle of chairs and I got tied to a chair again. Everyone looked horrified as I saw a pool of blood on the floor.

That man.

He shot...


I looked over at the chair where Liz sat but she wasn't there.

"All done boss" a man said as he walked into the room looking like he just did surgery.

"Good" Meza said.

"What did you do to her you basterd" Georg said full of rage.

Meza ignored Georg.

"Bring me the baby" Meza said to the man.

The man nodded and left the room. Everyone looked at Meza confused. The baby? Liz's baby?

The man returned with a sleeping baby wrapped in a towel.

"Congratulations Georg, it's a boy" Meza said as he held the baby in his arms.

"This had gone to far Meza" Tom said.

"Maybe it has but, this should teach you not to fuck with my family" Meza said.

"Fuck your family!" Georg snapped.

Meza gave Georg a surprised look.

"You killed my fucking girl, that was to far, and now your holding my fucking son!" Georg replied.

Meza handed Georgs baby back to the man.

"Go get him cleaned up" Meza said before the man left with the baby.

"I will let you all walk free under one condition, I have the baby" Meza said.

"Are you fucking crazy!" Tom replied.

"No, I need a son to take over my position in this business one day" Meza replied.

Tom laughed.

"What's so funny kaulitz" Meza said as he walked over to Tom.

"How fucking stupid you are" Tom replied and jumped from his chair and stabbed Meza in the neck with a flip knife Tom had hidden in his sleeve.

Meza fell onto the floor trying to call for his men but no sound came out. Tom put his foot on meza's neck.

"That's what you get for fucking with family" Tom said and kicked Meza in the face before taking his gun.

Tom cut us all free from our chairs before him and Georg went to track down the man with Georgs baby. Amber fell to the floor I'm tears. I ran to her.

"That fucking ass hole, he took Liz!" She said as she looked as Meza.

I saw that Meza wasn't dead yet.

"Come" I said and helped amber off the floor.

We went over to Meza as he struggled to get air. He looked at us as we stud over him. Amber ripped the knife from his neck and started stabbing him over and over as she shouted at him.

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