Would that i || chapter I

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"True that I saw her hair,
like a branch in the tree"

Summer had only ended a mere 2 weeks ago and avonlea could already feel the chill breeze of autumn creeping along. In a quaint little house lived the Baynards, a very lively family indeed, mr. And mrs. Baynard along with their eight children occupied the house. Dinner with baynards was anything but quiet, which is all that Margaret wished for, just quiet. She jumped at every chance she got to leave the house to go run errands or water plants. It was the last day of august when Margaret brought up school during a large family dinner.

Lanterns around the table lit, bickering between the two youngest children heard the most, the parents talking of town news, and the boys talking about hunting. Before Margaret ate her stew she started to speak up "mère et père, i have something to ask" she decides to say over the loud bickering "oui ma chérie?" Her father said looking at her deeply, her mother raised her eyebrows as to ask what? "I've been thinking this year I want to go to school" she spits out quickly lowering her gaze and playing with her silverware. "You know we don't have the funds for school now Margaret" she sighed and looked up "please mother?" She begs and her brother Jerry pinched her side "she'll be in a bad mood" he whispers in her ear she looks  at him and bites her cheek in frustration "fine" she says and scoffs

"thank you for dinner, goodnight" Margaret stands up and washes her empty plate. "Margaret tomorrow you will go fetch us more flour in town" she nods her head and walks into the joint bedroom with her siblings. "Is it okay if I leave my lantern on?" She asks and her siblings groan "more stories?" Her older brother Alexandre asks "yes, I keep the littles entertained" she smiles and waits for the answer "not tonight mar" jerry says.


It's September 1st, Margaret's birthday, and she's running errands in town instead of celebrating. "Flour, cloth diaper, new kettle" Margaret reads off the list her mother gave her. She grabs everything and is on her way home, once she walks up the little hill to her house with her basket in hand she notices nobody's out. She walks to the door and notices her little sister at the window peeking, Margaret smiles and waves. "It's getting colder each day!" Margaret exclaims as she opens the door. She stands in the door frame with a concerned expression on her face " why is everyone inside?" She says "her mother grabs her hand and leads her to the lounge seat, "sit honey" Margaret looks at everybody still concerned about what is going on. "So we have a surprise!for your birthday" her mother speaks up, "what is it? A new journal?" She says excitedly "I think you'll like this more" her father says. "We got you into school!" Her mother says, Margaret is shocked "mar?" Jerry says laughing "hmm?" She looks at him "are you going to say anything?" Her brother max questions "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" She exclaims.


Margaret had went into town with her mother to buy a new dress for school, it was light yellow with floral embellishments and she bought a matching cape and ribbon. School for Margaret started in a day and she was restless and excited about how things would go.


The morning sun had arisen and Margaret was up and ready. "I like my hair like this thank you mother" she says referring to her long brown hair tied into a braid with a ribbon the the end. She grabs her school basket and hat before turning and saying goodbye to all of her siblings

The walk to school wasn't as bad as she expected, a little muddy from the earlier nights rain shower. She walked up the steps of the school house and walked through the doors. She set her things in a cubby and her cape and hat hanging on a hook.

She Grabbed her chalkboard and looked in the school house to see a group of girls whispering and staring at her. She approached these girls and introduced herself "hello, my name is Margaret Baynard!" She extends her hand and they reject "I'm Josie pye," a pretty blonde says and smirks "that's Ruby Gillis," she says pointing to a puppy eyed blonde who whispers a soft hello "that's Jane and prissy andrews," she points to a pair of girls one with brunette hair and the other with blonde "and finally tillie!" She says pointing to a black haired girl "nice to meet you all!"margaret smiles and looks over to see another girl sitting by a ginger, she decides to walk over "my name is Margaret Baynard!" She speaks and the redhead turns around "oh what magnificent beauty! I'm Anne shirley!" She says and shakes her hand "this is diana!" She points to the brunette sitting beside her "you said Baynard? Are you anyway related to Jerry?" Margaret chuckles "yeah that's my brother!" Margaret takes a seat near Anne and Diana. What Margaret didn't notice was the strong pair of eyes staring at her from the beginning she walked in.


It was now lunch time and Margaret sits outside eating an apple. "Hello," a voice burdens her and she turns around to see who spoke "hello?" She says "I'm Gilbert, Gilbert Blythe" he smiles at her. "I'm Margaret."

She will give this to him, he was very attractive but he didn't seem to compelling to strike a long conversation with until he starts talking about his wishes to travel. "I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO ITALY" Margaret says loudly after Gilbert says where he wants to travel. Margaret heard crying and looked at the window to see Ruby Gillis weeping pointing at her and Gilbert. "I have to see what this is about" she says and runs inside.

"What happened?" She frowns and Josie pye speaks up "You can't just go talk to Gilbert! Ruby took dibs!" Margaret chuckles "he talked to me I didn't want to be rude" Ruby continues sobbing into tillies arm. "Look im sorry, i didn't know that you liked him" she says and the school bell rings


After a long day of school she finally gets home to dinner already cooked. She's exhausted and says she'll skip for tonight.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 12 ⏰

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