Chapter Forty One

Start from the beginning

Ares looks livid. "He is a Titan!"

"I am well aware of the kind of immortal he is." Percy informs him.

"Then stand aside!" Ares pushes back.

"Give me a moment to explain." Percy shoves Ares back.

Ares huffs, but stays away, keeping his sword drawn just in case. "What is the meaning of this, Perseus?" Zeus asks in a stern voice.

"My Guardian called on me to help him seal a breach into either the Underworld or Tartarus. But when I arrived, there was a spell over the mountain in which it lay. To break the spell would have wearied him greatly and left him nearly defenseless in the face of Hyperion. I broke the barrier and as Nico killed Hyperion, I made a decision. I have control over the Titan's soul. To keep him from Corruption, I bound him to my power and swore to take him in. He will now fight for our cause and he will not raise a hand to any of you. I ask that you do not harm him in return. He cannot and will not fight back should you attack him. He would be a great asset and benefit to the war. He can provide information as well. Though I may not approve of his past deeds and in your eyes there may be no atoning for his sins, I would like you all to give him one last and final chance. He is good, purified. He can help us and he is willing to set things right if you let him." Percy tells them all.

Zeus grumbles under his breath. "Is this true, Hyperion?"

"Yes, Lord Zeus." Hyperion answers without hesitation, surprising the gods.

"Who believes Perseus's words and agrees to what he has said?" Zeus asks.

Everyone, even Ares and Athena, raise their hand.

"Then it is settled." Zeus looks at Percy with a proud light in his eyes and a kind smile on his face. "The Titan is deemed safe and will be considered an ally. In time, should he prove what you said is true, may he one day be considered a close friend."

"Thank you, Lord Zeus." Percy bows his head. He turns to Hyperion. "Under my protection, you may entire the Realm of the Moon and your light will not bother it. I warn you to not go around anyone, lest they be Selene and Ezekeiel, or you will be entering hostile territory. Your safe haven until I may help you find your place, will be at the combined symbols of mine and my predecessor's." Percy tells him.

Hyperion bows. "Yes, Lord."

Percy places his palm on Hyperion's forehead and it glows with light. Hyperion doesn't even flinch at the searing fire of moonlight and starlight together branding him. When Percy's hand moves away, the skin is red around a mark. The Airia blesses Hyperion's forehead. "So you may better walk among the Realm. Do be careful, young Hyperion."

Hyperion grins and walks out after expressing his gratitude to Percy and bowing to him.

Percy turns to Nico. "Let us take care of the opening, my Guardian."

"Return here once finished." Zeus says.

"Yes, father." Percy replies before flashing out with Nico.

It takes a matter of an hour to seal and contain the magic, then another half an hour to shield it with their own magic. After they are done, Percy flashes them back to the throne room. "Return to the search. Begin again and take another route. They do not pop up idly by each other. Some even move. Once found, call upon me again." Nico nods before flashing out on his own.

Percy takes to his throne.

"What risks have you taken by making Hyperion a part of your power?" Athena asks the question Artemis wanted to.

"All it means is that he is under my care and my protection, but he will protect me and anything I love with his life. By part of my power, he is only under my purification and anything that would try to twit it back, would have to fight of my purity before it gets to his. You may look at him as a servant, but really he is a guard, a warrior. He will fight to the death if ordered to. But he will only listen to Artemis or I." Percy explains.

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