6b. In the Soop, Friendcation: D2

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July 10th, early morning @Wooga Pension

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July 10th, early morning @Wooga Pension

Getting up early for the morning, the maknae decided that he will keep his promise for making breakfast. American styled pancakes with strawberry topping and maple syrup. Looking at the other bedrooms, both Seo-joon and Sung Hwan were still soundly asleep and snoring. 

I guess I won't take 0.5 photos today.

The primary goal is to make the pancakes fluffy and light. Well, that's all I know anyways. For drinks, simple cup of orange juice should do since the acidity of the juice can balance well with the sweetness of the pancakes. Y/N thought as he begun preparing them materials required in the kitchen.

"But since we have pancakes from the store, I don't know if they're gonna be fluffy enough, let's just try our best." Y/N said as he looked at the camera set up beside the kitchen.

As Y/N was preparing his breakfast, he gradually talked about things in life and how he met the individual members;

"I first met Seo-joon and Hyung-sik when we were filming Hwarang back in 2015 or so. I was the youngest Hwarang and they were the main cast." Y/N explained as he waited for the rectangular pan to heat up.

"I guess we realized that we kind of hit it off and we became friends from there." The producer continued as he put a couple frozen pancakes onto the pan. "Woo-shik and Peakboy were a bit after I think when we went to watch a movie and Seo-joon was a big fan of one of his movies. Peakboy, I guess was already a mutual friend but was later invited to our group."

Soon after, Y/N started flipping the pancakes once the pancakes were heated enough that it started puffing up; "I remember the time we went to Jeju together when I was in university. I went to Korea for the summer and it was such a fun trip. All the hyungs are actually quite chill and calm. That's a vibe I really appreciate and match with."

"I'm honestly really glad that they were some of my first major friends in Korea. I can't ask for a better group of people to be around with." Y/N said as he smiled and continued making his breakfast.


Meanwhile on the other side of the pension

"I think that's the right password, right?" Woo-Shik said as he clicked on some buttons of the entrance gate pad.

A Bzz* sound erupted as the gates opened; "I guess so." Hyung-sik said.

"I wonder what they're doing right now..." 

"Probably sleeping, y'know how they are. Y/N's probably awake though." 

"Yeah. Seems right." Woo-Shik said as they walked to the firepit and saw the steamed bun machine. "Wow, there's hot buns."

"Wanna get one?" 

"Yeah, haven't had a breakfast yet." 

As the actors grabbed the buns and sat down on the lounge chairs, they took their time to admire the scenic landscape before them. The airy and slightly chilly early morning along with the clear sky was something to appreciate of, especially for two busy people.

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