Chapter 14

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((/: A.N: Hey guys! The next chapter is out now! Hope you all enjoy it!


Alderheart nudged a dark green leaf towards Moonpaw.

"And this?"

"Umm..." Moonpaw blinked blankly at Alderheart.

"Come on!" Jayfeather snapped. "Even I knew what dock leaves were on my first day as an apprentice!"

"She learned poppy seeds quickly," Alderheart mewed defensively.

"And I learned about deathberries and juniper berries." Moonpaw piped up.

Jayfeather snorted.

"Am I really doing bad?" Moonpaw whispered.

"No," Alderheart murmured back. "You just need practice."

"I may be blind, but my ears work just fine, thanks!" Jayfeather hissed.

"Jayfeather, I'm going to go out to collect some catmint. Moonpaw, just watch Jayfeather carefully and learn from what he does." Alderheart flicked his tail in goodbye then padded out of the medicine den.

After a few awkward minutes of silence, Moonpaw decided to speak. "What does catmint look like?"

"Can't say. I've never seen any before." 

Moonpaw felt her ears burn with embarrassment. "Sorry."

This was going to be a long afternoon.



"This is the ShadowClan border, and over on that side," Rootpsring tilted his chin in one direction, "Is the RiverClan border."

"And the WindClan and SkyClan border?" Shadepaw pressed, padding after Rootspring.

"They're over there, past the oak trees. The Great Oak is over there." Rootspring flicked his fluffy ears in one angle. "We're almost at the lake."

"And which clan does the lake belong to?" Shadepae asked as he hurried along at Rootspring's side.

"RiverClan fishes in the lake, but as long as we stay on our side and they stay on their side,  then there isn't a problem." Rootspring  answered.

Shadepaw slipped between two oak trees and gasped at th huge expanse of shimmering water stretching out beyond his paws.

"This is the lake." Rootspring announced, and Shadepaw gasped.

"I almost drowned in it once," Rootspring admitted. "Bristlefrost had to save me."

"Why did you jump in in the first place?" Shadepaw couldn't resist questioning the fluffy tom curiously.

Rootspring flicked his furry tail. "Let's keep going."


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