Chapter 2

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((/: A.N: Whew! So last chapter was a long one! Hope you all enjoyed it though! :D And now moving on to the next chapter...


I didn't wanted to argue with 'Bramblestar' since I didn't know who he really was. But after the voice at the moonpool, and my dream, I was sure 'Bramblestar' wasn't really himself.

But he was walking and talking, wasn't he?

Or had some dark force possessed him when he'd died? It would explain why he'd woken up so late and his strange behavior.

I checked on each of my kits before sitting up, sighing.

Couldn't StarClan have come and said, 'hey your leader Bramblestar is being controlled by this cat'? Why did they have to be so cryptic and make me do the work of figuring everything out?

I knew the gathering was today, but I was sure without a question I wouldn't be able to go. A nursing queen would never be able to come. Besides, my kits needed me.

I wonder if Shadowpaw has gotten another vision yet. 

Maybe I could tell him about my vision.

Except I couldn't go to the Gathering anyways.

I sighed and padded slowly, softly, out of the nursery. Maybe I could ask Squirrelflight if I could come. I doubted she would agree, but it was worth a try.

Wasn't it?

I found Squirrelflight sitting beneath the highrock with the fake fox dung. I mean, the fake Bramblestar.

'Bramblestar' brightened up when he saw me, unfortunately. "Icepool! You spend too much time in the nursery."

I thought of snapping a reply, but realized I could use that to my advantage. "Maybe I should go to the Gathering, tonight." I suggested hopefully.

"Absolutely not. You've just given birth to kits recently! What would Flowerkit, Shadekit, and Moonkit do without you?" Squirrelflight objected.

"Dandelion could watch them," Bramblestar replied.

"You mean Daisy," I corrected him. "Daisy could watch them."

"Yes, yes, Daisy." Bramblestar mewed dismissively. "Icepaw should come."

I stamped down my irritation. "Icepool. My name is Icepool."

Squirrelflight looked from me to Bramblestar then shrugged. "Okay..."

I barely stopped my purr in time. "Great," I mewed, trying not to reveal too much happiness.

"It'll be great to see you there." Bramblestar meowed.

I hardly stopped myself from mewing, 'Excuse me?' and gave a tiny nod as a polite gesture. "Sure, yes..." I genuinely wanted to escape this conversation with the fake Bramblestar now.

"Make sure Daisy doesn't mind watching the kits," Squirrelflight added as I backed away.

I nodded my head then slipped back into the nursery where Daisy was sleeping. My kits were still in our nest, and Bristlefrost was still with Mistkit, her and Rootpaw's kit.

"Daisy," I whispered, trying not to wake up the kits. Unsuccessfully, of course.



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