"Jesus." I mumbled. "Did it look like that before?" El shook her head. She went and slowly put my shirt back down.

"We should watch it. To make sure it doesn't get worse." I nodded. I went and turned back to the mirror, the first thing my eyes landed on was El, her eyes on me.

     She knew a lot now, I heard what she said to Billy last night before I fell out. She knew that he was doing something to me, I'm sure she didn't know what but she knew it was something bad. In a way, it made me feel better, but the problem is that she'll try to get involved, she'll try to do something about it, but she could get hurt, powers or not. I mean, it's already happened.

"Does it still hurt." I asked turning to her. She's done so much for me already, I should probably do the bare minimum and check in on her. She lifted her chin and looked at the purple bruise on her neck. I felt nothing but guilt because of it, I'm not sure why though, I mean, it's not like it's my fault he got possessed, but then again, it's my fault we're here in the first place.

"Only when I talk." She said.

"Well it's a good thing you're not Mike." I joked trying to lighten the mood. "Blah, blah, blah. You'd be in constant pain." El giggled but soon went back to serious.  I mentally punched myself, that was a horrible joke to make, I probably upset her.

"We're just taking a break!" Mike said from outside the door.

"Saying 'I dump your ass' isn't saying she wants a break dummy." Bailey said to him. "The fact that you didn't even listen to that is probably why your relationship was shitty." Good god. I mean it's true, but jeez, I think my assholery towards Mike really reflects off Bailey.

"What do you know about relationships?! You're like four!"

"I'm six you asshole!"


"She's right Mike. She dumped you man." Lucas said.

"Only because Max told her to." I took a deep breath, my fists began to ball. "She's conspiring her against me. She's an absolute psychopath."

"How about you say that to my face Mike, then I'll show you a psychopath!" I called back to him. There was complete silence in response.

     I placed my hands on the counter and looked down. He was right though, I really was a psychopath. I mean look at me, look at how I act. I can't control myself, I'm always blacking out, breaking things, punching things. I'm absolutely out of my mind.

     I looked down and spotted Els hand over mine. I wanted to pull away, but it was like a weight, it kept me from moving it. Least expected she went and grabbed my other hand, holding them both in hers. I looked down at them as she caressed the back of my bandaged hands with her thumbs. It made a warm feeling shoot up my body. It scared me causing my eyes to widen. El happened to notice.

"Are you okay?" She asked, she looked into my eyes, she was so sincere, but I didn't know how to answer, I couldn't answer.

"U-Um, I..." I stammered. I happened to notice just how close her face was to mine, it felt like she was getting closer, making my face heat up.

     I started to feel my stomach turn, my heart beating like crazy. I was confused by this feeling, but it turned to fear. I quickly snatched my hands from El's and stepped back, staring at her as I started to shake. I scanned her face, she looked just as confused as I had before, or was she scared? I wouldn't be surprised, she probably thought I was going to hurt her.

"I...I'm sorry." I pushed out, I was starting to get choked up, but what for? Because I was scared? Because I was confused? Or was it the feeling of loss?

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