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"They pull the axe out your face
and say, was it the boogie man?"

"This is an airport?" Scorpio looked around in amazement. "There's so many people!"

Aries booked them seven plane tickets the day prior so they could immediately get started on the mission. She bought herself one in first class and the rest of the group business.

"You've never seen an airport before?" Cancer asked.

"Clearly not." Aquarius said, shoving Cancer roughly as he walked past him.

Cancer didn't say anything, he only glanced at the much taller man before looking down at his feet.


"Oh no she didn't.." Leo said quietly.

"Oh yes she did!" Gemini squealed before laughing. The two were sitting next to eachother on the plane while Scorpio sat on Gemini's right, staring out the window as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Well, it is in his world.

"That little slut.." Gemini whispered. They were 'Shameless' on Gemini's iPad mini. She made sure to download the first three seasons before they left.

Behind them sat Libra, Aquarius, and Cancer. Aries made sure Libra was sitting in the middle before making her leave back up to first class. Aquarius gets plane sick so he sat next to the window — it was closed — with a neck pillow and headphones. Cancer sat on the aisle side, blankly staring forward.

"Gemini I'm hungry." Scorpio poked the brunette, taking her away from the show.

She slowly looked at him, a creepy grin on her face that looked like the cover of the movie 'Smile'.


"I have some snacks!" Leo said, taking Gemini's left AirPod out of her ear before reaching into her mini-backpack that was squished between her two feet.

"Thank you!" Scorpio squealed. Leo fished a bar of Hershey's out of her bag before quickly handing it to him. "Why can't you be more like the pretty lady?" Scorpio teased Gemini.

She merely rolled her eyes and put her AirPod back into her right ear, focusing on the show again. Leo on the other hand was having a spaz attack.


"Another glass of champagne please!" Aries requested as she kicked her feet up onto the recliner. "Thank you so much." She smiled before taking a sip.

Aries let out a content sigh, a smile present on her face.

'I wish life was like this all the time.' Aries placed her champagne on the tray next to her. 'If it weren't for those fucking human-chihuahua's.'


"I'm not gonna sit down for another century." Scorpio flopped onto the hotel bed, making sure he landed on his stomach.

After the plan landed they headed to the hotel immediately. Leo, Scorpio, and Gemini share a room together. Nobody decided it, it just seemed mandatory at this point. Aries, Libra, and Aquarius share their own room while Cancer got his own.

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