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"I hate wasted potential.
That shit crushes your spirit,"

"So this is Virginia Beach?" Libra watched the people that passed by in awe. The only other places she's ever been were her hometown in Brazil and, of course, New York City. She didn't like to travel out of state because one, she was a horrible driver, two, neither her, Aries, or Aquarius picked any that were out of state anyway.

"This place is beautiful!" Aries exclaimed.

"Legitimately." Gemini agreed. "Can we go straight to the hotel please? We've been in here for like six hours, I can't deal."

"You talk like one of those white bitches in that mean girls movie."

Leo snickered at Libra's comment.

"She's like, so right." Leo nodded. Aries told her that she missed her turn so she took an illegal U-turn. Thankfully, it was successful and didn't end up in a horrifying crash.

"You do too." Libra corrected. "What were their names? Uhhh.... Oh right! Karen and Grace!"

"It's Karen and Gretchen." Aries answered.

"Oh my god, that is such a compliment. Thank you so much!" Gemini smiled largely. Leo rolled her eyes.

"You're totally Karen."

"Bitch shut up, am not." Gemini thought for a moment before taking back what she said. "Actually maybe if she wasn't stupid. You're totally Gretchen, chismosa."

"Can you two shut up? I'm trying to sleep." Aquarius interrupted.

"Whatever." Gemini said, adding sass to her tone to mock the ginger.

The two started to bicker with eachother, Libra adding herself into the conversation out of boredom while Leo and Aries remained silent.

The group has become rather close with each other over the past three days. Aries and Libra have already grown comfortable with the fact that they spend most of the hours in their day with a half demon half bitch. Aquarius is obviously still infuriated with the fact that she's still breathing but he can tolerate the girl enough to not strangle her every chance he gets.

Leo clearly gives no shits that she spends every waking moment with a demon inhabited girl. Seeing as they'd do everything and anything for eachother, it's basically mandatory at this point.

The five of them have been stuck in that car for six hours. Four of them were extremely thankful that Aquarius was asleep for majority of the ride.

After about twenty-six minutes they finally arrived to the hotel they'd be staying at. It was quite nice. Aries, who had booked everything the minute she laid eyes on the bounty, made sure to get one of the best hotels Virgina Beach had to offer as she could obviously afford it. The bounty's at their guild paid ridiculously well.

"This place is amazing!" Leo's eyes shines as she looked up at the hotel in amazement. "Thanks a lot Aries!"

"No problem."

"You guys can go ahead and hop out. I'll go find a parking spot."

Popping the trunk for them to grab their stuff, Aries and Gemini took the bags out while Libra woke Aquarius as she's the last person he'd kill when cranky.

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